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10 Countries with Largest Number of Muslims as per Pew

Islam is monotheistic religion while Shia is polytheistic one.

You got the difference Mr.Ahmadi.:)

Shia are Muslims. End of debate. If you think you are somehow superior then i would suggest you to read the last sermon of Prophet Mohammad(saw). You can disagree with Shia or Ahmadis theologically but you are not God to decide who is Muslim or not.
We want all Muslim to make home in Arabia, Pakistan and elsewhere in Muslim world and get out of that minority status in many countries. They do not wish to be minority, hence go to places where they would be a majority. That would immediately solve the problem of discrimination, atrocities against them and economically under developed status. I think it is a good suggestion.
Yes, Iran is a Muslim Country too just like yours. Take that Sectarian crap and shove it down your king's throat.:chilli:

Sorry But i refuse to believe that Shia's are Muslims. The Only Exceptions are the Zaidi Shia.
That is not My opinion. that is what the mainstream Muslims Think.

Shiah, Sunni, Ahmadi, Christian, Budhist, Hindu, and the others as long as their paying tax and follow the rule of their respective Government they are what we call people no differences between us
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