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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

This is senseless, soliders of both sides didn't have to die. neither side has anything to gain from those soliders death.


Both sides will not get anything at the end. the tension will be de-escalated later or sooner..

No one should lose their army man during the short tense situation...
I think it is safe to say, no Indian expected this outcome. Everyone thought the Chinese would just pack up and leave.
Spare my person, and get your quota of attention from somewhere else as long as China-India standoff reaches its conclusive end which according to you Mr Experienced Pants is/was insignificant issue, and meant nothing for India at large.

I get attention without asking for it. Apparently it is not the same for you. I am sorry about that but you have to do something to earn attention.

As far as the issue is concerned, if even at this stage there is not a shot fired, that speaks for itself. It will disappoint fanboys, but that's too bad.
So far the Indian Army is yet to release a statement of their own. This shows the situation on the ground is far worse than being reported. They may be getting pushback from political leadership on releasing the true figures.

What an embarrassing episode. Don't know if this is embarrassing as last feb but def a huge blow.
China has 14 neighbors, only 2 outstanding dispute, India and India controlled Bhutan. (SCS is maritime, not land border dispute)
India has 6 neighbors, border dispute with almost everyone except Burma and Bhutan which is under India controlled.

Made no mistake, India is the aggressor. After half a century, your govt still dare not release Henderson-Bhagat report.
Funny comment, the dispute in SCS ( east VN sea) is much more important than any lands dispute for CN.

For examples : CN agree to cede land to Myanmar, accept to let Soviet/Russia split Mongol ( which belong to CN) to half, but CN cant accept to lose a single reef in CSC( east VN sea) even when CN only control abt 12% there ( cos PLA suck, cant fight in real war without daddy Soviets/US support) while VN control up to 65%.

CN even have water dispute wt Indonesia which is one of the most idiot dispute in the world just bcs ID water is inside CN U-shape claim :lol:
Maritime dispute is still a dispute and y'all have disputes with every country associated with SCS

Also, India has border disputes with pak, china and most recently Nepal...none with SL, BD, Myanmar or Bhutan. There were some enclaves under BD which were eventually resolved by land swap

You said neighbor, maritime isn't land border.

Everyone has dispute with everyone in SCS, not just China. The claims are overlapping to a great extent.

Do the ratio, India is the aggressor, land grabber in South Asia.
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