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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

What does this topic or thread have to do with rape?
his post goes to explain/illustrate your collective national character.

@WebMaster @Foxtrot Alpha here is a post of mine that you can use for the third strike, will save you time and effrt to look for one

eagerly awaiting
Warning: Insulted Other Member/Nationality
Hey doorstar,

We follow 3 strike procedure to ban users. This is 3rd of the strikes.
And thennnn.. June 15th happened. 20 Indian army idiots got their faces disfigured.
You people never considered Pakistanis closer, never means never. And we are not sad about it, because we are not destined to be closer to you. You guys don't deserve us.

Troubles with Iran, lol, at least you shall not bring this up as once again you Indians are the reason behind everything that's happening at our borders with Iran.

And once again, you lied, as you said & I quote "I think we make the mistake of measuring them by the standard yardsticks we are used to in our own society and people" you have no standard yardstick, no morals, no ethical values even in your own society, the caste system, the minorities and what not.

Stop getting sentimental and stop trying to be emotional and tryna grab some sympathies over here on the forum.

P.S. I am yet to start with Kashmir. But bhains k agey been bajaney sey koi faida nahi.

As for Liars they say.....they never admit guilt, they deny, deny and deny, blame-shift & again cover up with more lies. Shame that your nation is living by this quote!!

I'm just offering my side.

You will find such voices increasingly rare.
There was a famous photo of a fat chini climbing on top of the bonnet of a Pakistani police car once.

Most of us felt really sorry for you guys.

Definite racial undertones to that.

As I said, you guys are a special lot.
Chini climbs on top of a car, and Chini beats the life out of "X" Indian Army Soldiers, sure sounds like you desperately trying to poorly deflect.

Then again, you and your ilk, have hardly ever contributed anything substantial, besides poor deflection and whataboutism.
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Yes but to be honest we know about their kind and ways for ages and I've known how Pakistanis have been treated. Just these bhakts are getting more ridiculous with their ways. Instead of eating humble pie immediately and shutting their mouths, they open their assholes instead and come out with some crazy lies. I've been sharing with white coworkers and they are just shaking their heads about how much Indians can be so shameless. But they also know what Indians are like too since they work with many. Overpromise, underdeliver. Then walk away like King while everyone is shocked how awful they are. They think anyone in the world will really invest much into them? They feel like they deserve things and no hard work required, just sit there and sleep and it all comes to them. No wonder they are rapists. Same attitude lead to such characteristics. Losers of the world lol
Yes, they intentionally picked the taller ones, and they out number too...

Actually most of Chinese do not know how shitty india is in everything.... Our media shows a much better image of india than vise versa...
Can you imagine a nation's capital is as shitty as this??
Majority of indians live like animals....
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his post goes to explain/illustrate your collective national character.

@WebMaster @Foxtrot Alpha here is a post of mine that you can use for the third strike, will save you time and effrt to look for one

eagerly awaiting
Warning: Insulted Other Member/Nationality
Hey doorstar,

We follow 3 strike procedure to ban users. This is 3rd of the strikes.

I've not reported your post.

I feel sorry for you. And I do not want you banned.

It stinks to get banned on your own national forum.

Getting banned on an enemy forum is like a gold medal in comparison.
There was a famous photo of a fat chini climbing on top of the bonnet of a Pakistani police car once.

Most of us felt really sorry for you guys.

Definite racial undertones to that.

As I said, you guys are a special lot.
That guy got deported.. China respected our laws.

What about your own Kashmiris (who we call Pakistanis) when your Army ties them to the bonnets of your vehicles?
wonder when or if we will see both sides arming at the LAC. This unarmed fights are even more dangerous. It makes logical sense for both sides to arm up.
@waz @AgNoStiC MuSliM

What does this topic or thread have to do with rape?

Is it ok to brand a nation of 1.3 billion people in this manner?

If so I have some really nice juicy racist ones for the chini halitotic midgets.

Thanks in advance for your go-ahead.
That's what the report post feature is for, and no, no such go-ahead is being given.
We don't get your channels.

You get ours.

That should tell you something.
It tells us how much of a rabidly intolerant & brain washed society and country India has become, with hate-mongering, propaganda and lies swirling around in the echo chamber you guys call 'media'.

Like @PakSword pointed out, take a look at Pakistani media (there is plenty available on Youtube even if you don't get broadcasts directly in India) to understand how little Pakistan obsesses over India, in comparison to the ridiculous obsession with Pakistan, perhaps driven out of some long standing insecurities, inferiority complexes and pettiness, you see on the Indian media.
I feel sorry for Pakistani kids who get raped too.

Like the 8 year old maid recently.
Pakistanis too feel sorry for such incidents.. unlike many Indians who celebrate lynching on many social media platforms..

Sane Indians are very few.. and those too get trolled by bhakts.
That guy got deported.. China respected our laws.

What about your own Kashmiris (who we call Pakistanis) when your Army ties them to the bonnets of your vehicles?

You are all over the place man.

You can call them Pakistanis when they come to you and accept your green passport.

Guess how many of them will.

That's what the report post feature is for, and no, no such go-ahead is being given.

It tells us how much of a rabidly intolerant & brain washed society and country India has become, with hate-mongering, propaganda and lies swirling around in the echo chamber you guys call 'media'.

Like @PakSword pointed out, take a look at Pakistani media (there is plenty available on Youtube even if you don't get broadcasts directly in India) to understand how little Pakistan obsesses over India, in comparison to the ridiculous obsession with Pakistan, perhaps driven out of some long standing insecurities, inferiority complexes and pettiness, you see on the Indian media.

But we do not have the autoejaculatory group fest that I saw on PDF for two weeks when the Afghans or Iranians kill your troops.

Or the Americans for that matter.
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There was a famous photo of a fat chini climbing on top of the bonnet of a Pakistani police car once.

Most of us felt really sorry for you guys.

Definite racial undertones to that.

As I said, you guys are a special lot.
One image of a fat 'Chini' climbing on top of the bonnet of a Pakistani police car is enough for you to make broad derogatory generalizations about two nations and peoples.

If that isn't an example of Indians with a Pakistani obsession clutching at straws then I don't know what is.
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