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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Why do you think I was on a ban and disgusted to read Pakistanis cheering for chinis killing their own blood?

Its rare to find a Pakistani accepting that hes an Indian on a 70 year familial domestic huff.

Pia crash happened, Rss Indians were happy.

Well Indian army bowing down to Beijing by not retaliating is interesting. I for one am amused by New Delhi's reaction.
Yeah, indians... always act gangster when in a pack of 15-20 and the adversary is just 2-3 guys. Like Hyenas.

Same mentally as the lynch mobs that roam india in large number and only take on small numbers.
This is indian news quoting sources

Their prime source is their own delusions
To be fair this Vishnu Som guy seems like he is trying to avoid unsubstantiated internet rumors. He is not like Arnab Goswami.

The point is, if true, Indians should not celebrate the death of the Chinese commander who was attacked during negotiation. It will only make China seek revenge.
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So, your interpretation of "casualties on both sides" is Indians died and Chinese got scratches?

That's why I keep saying that CCP are a bunch of cowards,
Not even releasing all facts to your own people.

Lol, these cowards are lying to their own people in their face &
you lot are happy in your ignorance...

Right now I pity Chinese people, they can't even properly celebrate their braves like we did.
I utterly pity you buddy.

We pity you even more for all the points I've already mentioned.

Have you no shame? You realize the list of names you Indians published is names of PLA generals from past? Did you admit that? How do you explain that lie? Yet another to the list of 6 lies. CCP has not said one word because it embarrassed you so badly any more words would be 1. a waste of time for you lot and 2. only going to make your already shit lives worse.
Very little brother - Indians being Indian and dreaming of being tall giants and conquering the world and Bagheera wearing a pink sari and having a well deserved break. Just a normal day on the forum
Yeah he lost his manners and thought he was on BRF.

So it's about strong, tall and white Indians killing 100s of soldiers again??

Indians think they can walk into Tibet and make it "Hot". I am not exactly sure what they mean by "hot". Do they mean light it on fire. Do they mean make it really hot attractive. I am not exactly sure.
It's a good question.
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Listen to Indian soldiers words,
absolute gold,

Most of the Chinese there were a foot shorter than us.

Again you are deluded.

men and women average national and average wealthy urban:


More Indian lies as usual. Our northerners are very tall I think you are used to seeing Hong Kongers who are much shorter and other south east asians and confusing with Chinese. Here you see the truth in some research collected averages. More butthurt for dothead.
Members, just a reminder.. Don't use bad language. We are here to debate. Even if you think the other person is being delusional, there are ways to counter the delusions.

The reports and news coming from Indian media are a treat. These reports keep us entertained in covid 19 period. Don't make too much fun that we get deprived of such entertainment in future.
Now Indian media one sided using secret sources have made cheap claim that 1 PLA commanding officer killed. Really Indians are shameless. China's side have not said one single thing about Indians but because we killed so many of them AND we took their claimed lands, they have to constantly make up lies.

You LIED about soldier's weapons
You LIED about whether fighting happened
You LIED about PLA retreating and positions
You LIED about PLA killed with a fake list of names of old PLA generals
You LIED about all your IA soldiers accounted for
You CONTINUE to change number of PLA killed claims (all from Indian sources using magic counting skills) and commanding officer status.

How can anyone believe Indians? Shameless people. Just like the video on youtube where the girl talks about Indian hotel staff trying to rape her and telling her LIES like they need to access her room to fix airconditioner. LIES Indians. Whole of India should be under Pakistan's control. We should fix you so this land becomes similar to what it was under Mughal.
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What are you talking about? Which incident?


See how happy these people were that Indians got killed. Young and not so young members alike. A shared communal catharsis for them.

Iranians kill their guys on their border.

I've not once been happy or made a single post about their troubles with Iran.

I consider Pakistanis closer, not by blood but culturally as people.

But these people are really special. I think we make the mistake of measuring them by the standard yardsticks we are used to in our own society and people. Something has happened there in the past 70 years that we know nothing about. It is a mistake to think of them as Indians any longer.

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