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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Considering the Chinese lost 43 of their own men in hand to hand combat

So much for Chinese martial provess

They can’t win even when they outnumbered us 6 to 1 and are now too much of a chicken to acknowledge their dead

Even US says Chinese dead number more than 35

Just two people of PLA were seriously wounded at the clash, and no one was killed.
Chinese with their improvised weapons were able to kill 20 will Indians with bare hand or weapons taken by them 43. And soldiers jumps in the frozen river. And Indian soldiers still surrender. Wth is happening am I missing something?
Just two people of PLA were seriously wounded, and no one was killed.

PLA is too cowardly to acknowledge their dead
Just like CCP is too cowardly to acknowledge their real COVID-19 numbers
Most independent sources put PLA DEAD between 35-40
And soldiers jumps in the frozen river.

The Bihari goons who died were so frightened by the Chinese soldier's big scary sticks, they didn't just jump into a river, they jumped off cliffs. This is what happens when you send weak, malnourished soldiers who think they'll get reincarnated after death like in a video game.
source: Indian Media ?

That explained :lol:

they are swarming out in force.
This is one area China really needs to ramp up: International propaganda. but then again the BLAH-BLAH-BLAH-in English has always been Indian specialty.

Now, mark my words - there will be incidents of the Chinese-looking north-east people of India getting attacked/lynched by the infantile, idiotic (hindooo) mobs.
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