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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

This is written by Indian favorite expert:

The third significant hotspot in Ladakh is the Pangong Tso, an alpine lake over 100 kilometres long that is bisected by the India–China border. This area is the site of the most significant divergence between New Delhi and Beijing on the precise location of the border, differing by up to 30 kilometres. A number of peninsulas (known as fingers) mark the named features of the lake, with China claiming territory up to finger 2, and India claiming territory up to finger 8 (map 7).

Map 7: Pangong Tso, showing Indian and Chinese positions and claims relative to Actual Line of Control


Now wait for Indians to update wikipedia pages about the recent conflict.. After 10 years, wiki will be showing 20 Indians and 200 Chinese KIAs.

Show me the money.
I don't think is real. The car honking and the outfit don't match in the terrain in Galwan valley
By the looks it seems they brought them down to get help. The terrain seems all fit to me also guy is saying ambulance is coming and they are coming for backing. Horn must be from one of those coming indian army vehicles. Fail to understand what's not real Beating you mean?
Man, 2 years later in Bollywood film version, 20 jawans killed 4300 PLAs before jumping into the river becoming martyrs

Even though reality version is modi was put into his place without wasting one single bullet

here we go, number changed again to 18 this time in this version of Bollywood script,

indian troops unleashed a reign of terror, unheard of in modern multistory history

that's why PLA captured 10 of them

As I said check the main thread where the screen shot of the tweet by the global times guy was posted.poor must have been kicked for posting such a tweet that he has to delete his post

You are still in the are where you were before all this started .yeah you killed our men when we are outnumbered and pre-planned .atleast have the guys to declare your casualties.

Global times the mouth piece of ccp and it's chief editos post is not reliable .

Show me one instance in last 30 years when Chinese have fought when the opposition stood it's ground.
Of course, we had always stood by our policy, inside our claim line. In 1962,we conquered even more land and advanced even deeper into Kashmir, but out of respect of our borders, retreated back to current line. India the sneaky bastrd not us, you took our leniency for granted, and now we gave you one nice spank n whole country is panicking like clowns. Lolol

There are only 3 confirmed facts:
1) 23 dead Indians(dead commander)
2) 10 captured Indian(officers too)
3) Modi making a pussy statement

So what are you gonna do? Lolol. I see all the numbskulls at BR talking about brave Jawans here and there, we knew they fled by jumping into the river like cowards and died of hypothermia, the 10 who survived surrendered and were given food and tea, fantastic tea btw. Lololol

A month ago, Indians were saying Chinese can't fight war, single kid bla bla bla. Now the whole world is seeing frontpage news 23 dead Indians and 10 captured. That's the biggest embarrassment since 1962 mate. Its gonna scar you emotionally for generations to come. Now, you can choose to create fictional Indians killing 43 Chinese with no confirmation or you can accept the fact and grow a pair of balls. Brave Jawan my ***
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93k stories you always carry in your pocket . This is 2020 world is seeing your poker face . Rather answering here better to calm down your own war mongreing nation
Find out when China wanted to have an agreement with India and what triggered the need for an agreement.

93000 pows returned and nothing gained in return apart from few roads built by them .loss to India and victory to Pakistan.
It's easy to tell who's lying. Indians initiate another incursion into the Chinese side of LAC, and got their arses handed to them. Now they are claiming that China set up a trap for them, on the Chinese side, and somehow, while majority of their high ranking officers were killed or captured, the brave Indians still managed inflict more damage to the Chinese.

To be honest, Chinese side didn't expect the 17 injured Indians to die so to defuse the situation, the Chinese side has being keeping our casualties quiet and letting the Indians save their face. But, it seems that Indians didn't take the hint and instead interpret it as a showing of weakness. In Chinese there is a saying: "求锤得锤”. It basically means "if you ask for it, you will get it." So my Indian friends, you can keep pushing your unconfirmed, self-congratulating narratives, you might just get the truth out of the Chinese government, just may not be the truth you want.
May you please recheck point #2: "LAC would pass through finger 2 according to the Chinese perception."

Did you actually mean Finger 2 OR Finger 4 ??

On my reading, I think you meant Finger 4 in order to be in line with remaining points. The Finger 2 just does not concur with the rest. Thanks.

Finger 2 was reached by PLA in 1962, lies on so called "1962 Line".

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