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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

I am sure every right thinking person on this forum feels aggrieved by the painful loss of the families of dead Indian soldiers. But the sad truth is that they all died trying to protect the image of Narendra Modi, Rajnath Singh, and other incompetent BJP leaders elected by your types.

Had they died with honour for their country taking bullets in their chest in a fair fight, I would hold them in much higher esteem. Instead they died like chickens thrown over a valley trying to protect the reputation of Modi and company.

This isn't like the Kargil shaheeds. The escalation could have been entirely prevented if India didn't have such low IQ vermin comprising BJP leaders such as Rajnath Singh. They have zero common sense and have their foot in their mouths. They unnecessarily provoked the Chinese and the cowards were not men enough to motivate their troops in the front line.

Taking wrong decisions in life always has painful consequences. Indian soldiers had to sadly learn it the hard way.

look another one with same colour ,
with great military plan to how to fight with chinese .
go ahead .
Nobody saw what happened.
So calling dead young men who died defending their country is pathetic especially as You are sitting st home getti g fat and ugly on pizza and chips.

These guys died for their country both Indian and Chinese and sikh and Hindus.
I'm proud of the Indian army standing their ground.

This nonsense about feeling sorry for Sikhs is wrong Hindus died in the pitch black.at 16000 feet probably outnumbeted
Already done a figure of 100 + dead Chinese soldiers is being peddled by Modi Bhakts on social media since yesterday. The trick is to keep number of dead chinese soldiers as double of what they have suffered.
This includes 4 officers. Modi has been caught with his pants down.
In hand to hand combat, I don't believe Chinese have much of an edge. In a group fight it becomes even more confusing. If you r from Punjab than you surely must have seen fighting over jameen da kabja.lol
Ofcourse if 20 Indians died in hand combat than Chinese died as well.
If it was a gun fight than I can agree that no Chinese died cause they can ambush and fire from far away.
You are mistaken and misled by lying Indian media. Almost no Chinese soldiers died so far in the Galwan conflict. The figure of 43 Chinese dead is an imaginary number pulled out from Amit Shah's rear end. You Indians have been fooled big time by BJP.

Not only Chinese but no international media outlet has verified Indian claims of 43 Chinese casualties. Not BBC, CNN, Guardian, Reuters,, Associated Press,

We respect all soldiers but those are not soldiers who occupy, kill and rape.

9 lakh Bharti occupier terrorists are occupying IOK, staging encounters and raping women. I have no tears to shed on those who are following illegal orders on illegally occupied territory.

Ask the families of Kashmiris who your 9 lakh Bharti occupier terrorists have killed or raped.
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