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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

The pic is real. How can I say that?

1. Ambience (terrian is pahari & weather is confirmed via clothing/sweaters of jawans)
2. Mly truck transported bodies
3. All seems to have died of the same cause/treatment. Frost bitten hands etc
4. Counts around 17 bodies.

Exposes the lie of indian govt that 17 other than 3 died during medical treatment - cause hospitals dont place bodies on ground if they wanna treat them or even if they have died.

Now where are the real injured soldiers?

And where are the missing in action soldiers ?

As much as 200 soldiers are maimed. india hiding facts.

These question indian junta should ask from their mantri.
Use your fake picture to ask our Mantri? enough man..don't get this desperate.
People can cheerlead here as much as they want to. Concoct whatever they want, fit and cherry pick whatever they want.

I give them cold hard facts back on the matter regarding them, they will ban or perma-ban me.

For example you have little to no idea what so many of their Turk "bros" think of this utter shameless cheerleading mob....the desperate all-in to this extent....for uighurs-are-bros-too land.

What is generally understood, esp outside this echo chamber (and others like this), is you have to first lose half your country in recent memory (esp so soon after purported stronk ideological creation)...to even begin to understand what these people root-psychologies are. 1000 year war stronk but 2 week folding after it...with all the media blab of great spectacular victories leading up to the actual final result. No one really can know the ego crush unless you actually go through it....and grow up with people that experienced and instilled it in you to continue on.

If you are dont experience losing half your country like that...in that particular way...ultimately by your own hand doing it too ...you simply will never understand it....you wont develop the particular psychology from it.

No actual other country is really thus in the position for someone to "get" where these people are coming from. Hence the bemused/confused reactions from others outside of here when they come across this dissonant repetitive cheerlead frenzy....emboldened even more by its own echo chambering.

So its pointless to even be in such threads tbh if intent (in my case) is other kind of interaction all together with other worthies here entirely.

Riffraff can vent here all they want to...just let them....they only turn-off their own supposed friends (real or imaginary) on it. Don't let any title or rating count fool you either...riffraff come in all forms and types here....and normally more professional people can also let loose on it too....emotional needs affect everyone and how they go about filling it.

Great lecture. I hope you found your toilet in Canada.
People can cheerlead here as much as they want to. Concoct whatever they want, fit and cherry pick whatever they want.

I give them cold hard facts back on the matter regarding them, they will ban or perma-ban me....so why should I be interested in it then for here? There are better things to do with finite time, interest and appetite...that need extreme self-filtering of topics and members to do well.

For example you have little to no idea what so many of their Turk "bros" think of this utter shameless cheerleading mob....the desperate all-in to this extent....for uighurs-are-bros-too land.

What is generally understood, esp outside this echo chamber (and others like this), is you have to first lose half your country in recent memory (esp so soon after purported stronk ideological creation)...to even begin to understand what these people root-psychologies are. 1000 year war stronk but 2 week folding after it...with all the media blab of great spectacular victories leading up to the actual final result. No one really can know the ego crush unless you actually go through it....and grow up with people that experienced and instilled it in you to continue on.

If you dont experience losing half your country like that...in that particular way...ultimately by your own hand doing it too ...you simply will never understand it....you wont develop the particular psychology from it.

No actual other country is really thus in the position for someone to "get" where these people are coming from. Hence the bemused/confused reactions from others outside of here when they come across this dissonant repetitive cheerlead frenzy....emboldened even more by its own echo chambering.

So its pointless to even be in such threads tbh if intent (in my case) is other kind of interaction all together with other worthies here entirely.

Riffraff can vent here all they want to...just let them....they only turn-off their own supposed friends (real or imaginary) on it. Don't let any title or rating count fool you either...riffraff come in all forms and types here....and normally more professional people can also let loose on it too....emotional needs affect everyone and how they go about filling it.

na ro pagla; main samjhaun ga Chinese ko. Nahi marta agli bar itna.
Fists, stones and clubs: China and India's brutal high altitude, low-tech battle

AFPJune 17, 2020
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India and China have an understanding that their troops in the disputed and inhospitable border region will not use firearms. — AFP
India and China's militaries have some of the world's most sophisticated modern weaponry, but their deadliest scrap in over 50 years was fought using fists, rocks wrapped in barbed wire and clubs studded with nails.

There is an understanding between the nuclear-armed neighbours that despite their decades-old failure to demarcate their huge border, their troops in the disputed and inhospitable region will not use firearms.

The several hours of scuffles on Monday, reportedly involving hundreds of soldiers around 4,500 metres up in the Himalayas, left at least 20 Indians dead, according to the Indian army.

Indian [clutch: Fake News] media claim that 43 Chinese were also killed or seriously hurt — Beijing is yet to give casualty numbers — making it the deadliest encounter since 1967 and the first deaths in fighting since 1975.

But unlike then, this time no shot was fired, with the victims bludgeoned with crude hand-made weapons, hit by stones or punched and shoved off a ridge onto rocks and an icy river below, reports and sources indicate.

Post-mortems so far showed that the "primary reason for death is drowning and it looks like they fell from a height into the water because of head injuries," one Indian official told AFP.

The NDTV and Network 18 television channels reported that 16 of the Indian soldiers were killed with blunt objects and four fell into the river.

'Rocks in barbed wire'
According to broadcaster India Today, last week Chinese forces returned and camped in an area that they had previously withdrawn from.

Indian troops "dismantled" the camp and a scuffle left several soldiers injured.

The Chinese returned in larger numbers over the weekend and on Sunday stones were thrown.

The next evening, on a high ridge with a big drop towards the fast-flowing Galwan river, clashes erupted.

Matters escalated rapidly and several Indian soldiers tumbled into the icy water, while an unarmed Indian patrol team led by Colonel Santosh Babu set out to parley with the Chinese.

But the Chinese refused to budge and attacked the Indians with boulders, rocks wrapped with barbed wire and clubs studded with nails, Indian reports said.

Colonel Babu was seriously injured. He would later die.

Forty minutes later, the same unit led by a Major returned and further fighting broke out, this time reportedly involving hundreds of soldiers and the Chinese outnumbering the Indians, raging until after midnight.

"When they [the Indian soldiers] were encountered by the Chinese soldiers they were overwhelmed and many were pushed down a harsh rocky slope," one security source told AFP.

"They came hurtling down like free-falling objects.”

'A cold desert'
Colonel S Dinny, who until 2017 commanded an Indian battalion in the region, said that the terrain is "extremely treacherous", with troops having to climb as high as 5,200 metres.

"It's a cold desert," he told AFP. "It takes a toll on the body and mind. The oxygen level is only 60 per cent of what is available in cities like Delhi, Mumbai."

And it's also confusing.

The area "is not demarcated on the map, there is no boundary. The maps have not even been exchanged so that the other person knows what someone is claiming. There are no boundary markers," Dinny said.

But retired lieutenant general DS Hooda, who headed the Indian army's Northern Command, said that there are detailed protocols that have ensured misunderstandings usually do not escalate — starting with the no-guns policy.

"If patrols come face to face, they will stand at a distance and unfurl banners. India's banner will show the Chinese are in their territory with a 'Go Back' and vice versa for China," Hooda told AFP.

"These are the sort of protocols that have been laid down by both countries and largely these protocols have been followed in the past and things have remained peaceful," he said.

"What we are seeing right now is a complete breakdown of the protocol," he said.

"In our time we revisited our protocol and our rules of engagement so that any disagreements can be handled in a more military fashion — rather than fighting it out like goons on the street."

Indian Colonel Babu is dead :(:(:(...

Baboooo nooo.... Babooooo!

The Sikhs should have been fighting for Khalistan not Hindustan. They failed their own faith.

this should leave no doubt as to what happened in those mountains, multiple news sources are reporting the same thing, the Indians were severly outnumbered, underarmed and overwhelmed, also we know for a fact that the Chinese were able to capture dozens of Indians while the Indians didn't take any of the Chinese, only the winners get to have enemy hostages, thus there is no way the Chinese were the ones on the recieving end of the beating as the Indians claim, after all how could you be the one being beaten to death while taking dozens of enemy captives ! what a weird logic!
the fact that the Chinese took so many Indian captives is proof that all Indians who faced off against the Chinese were either killed, retreated, or severly injured to the point they couldn't fight so they surrendered to the Chinese.

the figures given by the Indians about Chinese casualties should be treated the same way as the news of India killing 300 militants in a surgical strike on Balakot.
On the international front its imperative that Trump wins reelection again he may be losing popularity domestically but we need Trump and Modi to stay so they can further stagnate

Since people are throwing pennies into the wishing well, i'll make two wishes. First, being the nice fella I am not, I wish that your wish comes true and as an added bonus I also wish the confused PM leading a certain country to bankruptcy also clings on to his seat.
'At least' 20 clobbered to death ... real number will be much higher!
People can cheerlead here as much as they want to. Concoct whatever they want, fit and cherry pick whatever they want.

I give them cold hard facts back on the matter regarding them, they will ban or perma-ban me....so why should I be interested in it then for here? There are better things to do with finite time, interest and appetite...that need extreme self-filtering of topics and members to do well.

For example you have little to no idea what so many of their Turk "bros" think of this utter shameless cheerleading mob....the desperate all-in to this extent....for uighurs-are-bros-too land.

What is generally understood, esp outside this echo chamber (and others like this), is you have to first lose half your country in recent memory (esp so soon after purported stronk ideological creation)...to even begin to understand what these people root-psychologies are. 1000 year war stronk but 2 week folding after it...with all the media blab of great spectacular victories leading up to the actual final result. No one really can know the ego crush unless you actually go through it....and grow up with people that experienced and instilled it in you to continue on.

If you dont experience losing half your country like that...in that particular way...ultimately by your own hand doing it too ...you simply will never understand it....you wont develop the particular psychology from it.

No actual other country is really thus in the position for someone to "get" where these people are coming from. Hence the bemused/confused reactions from others outside of here when they come across this dissonant repetitive cheerlead frenzy....emboldened even more by its own echo chambering.

So its pointless to even be in such threads tbh if intent (in my case) is other kind of interaction all together with other worthies here entirely.

Riffraff can vent here all they want to...just let them....they only turn-off their own supposed friends (real or imaginary) on it. Don't let any title or rating count fool you either...riffraff come in all forms and types here....and normally more professional people can also let loose on it too....emotional needs affect everyone and how they go about filling it.
bhut mara bhai bhaga bhaga ker mara :lol: kutty ki trah mara apun ko chinese log .

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