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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

It would be foolish for India to escalate this... It will run to other forums such as the UN to get China to come to the talking table...

Per Chinese media, it was India which escalated it,
And you don't see us going to anyone, let alone UN.

Putting it bluntly, we are more than happy to die and kill,
Now it's up to the Chinese leadership to take a call on whether they want a repeat of this.
Even if the Chinese agrees 43 ,we dont have to consider it .
Because we knows how things are manipulated behind the iron curtain
Let's see what are manipulated behind the iron curtain... lol... You people were waiting for the news of indian triumph, and then:enjoy:
were Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans any less Moslem than Pakistanis? Turks will go against any one America tell them to

I don't believe that, otherwise they have no reason to support us in Kashmir and to help us in Afghanistan.

Anyway let's stay on topic.
I will go on record and say that if conflict escalates any more, China is going to force India to reverse Article 370 by force. If China decides they want to reverse Article 370, India has no choice but to accept it or PLA will turn up the pressure even more.

Feel free to screenshot this and tell me I'm right in the future

I disagree. India cannot politically or strategically backtrack in Kashmir. That will be political and strategic surrender and establishment or Indian Government cannot afford its political cost and internationally you will admit these territories to be disputed instead of an integral part of India. Against China, all India need is to ensure it doesn't lose further territory and that is a "victory" for them against China.

But to earn respect back, India is likely to start a conflict with Pakistan. They don't even need to gain anything on the ground, but by starting a conflict, they will falsely claim "60 Kilometers square territory captured from Pakistan" kind of bullcrap to make brain-dead Indians go gaga.
from our experience diplomatic way not works when opponent is economically and militarily more bigger like in case of palestine and kashmir issues

But in Indias case it will work because the gap is not that much .
Only in economic side we are little bit backwards which can catchup easily ,eventually .

And both are civilized successful nations that represents thousand years old culture
Are you serious or joking?

This is an open discussion. Everyone is frank about their thoughts and analysis except for trolls and personal attacks.

It is strange that someone begins to slander and threaten to denounce others for disagreements in opinion

I let it go for now but don't further fake news. You have been doing it the whole thread.
Let's see what are manipulated behind the iron curtain... lol... You people were waiting for the news of indian triumph, and then:enjoy:

Friend ,you dont know what is media democracy and freedom.
So better let it that way .
And from Chinese we have learned that PLA dont want to stoke public mood by releasing numbers
india has very much gap interms of weapons and military capabilities as china has drones,cyber,electric warfare,multiwarhead icbms with mega tonnes of yield as well as hypersonic weapons and stealth jets which india not possess
But in Indias case it will work because the gap is not that much .
Only in economic side we are little bit backwards which can catchup easily ,eventually .

And both are civilized successful nations that represents thousand years old culture

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