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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

No country is obligated to report its casualty count after an encounter. Some militaries do like the US and NATO ... others like Israel and Russia do not. Just because the Chinese side hasn't released a count doesn't mean they didnt suffer any casualties ... but at the same time this doesn't mean the Chinese suffered more casualties than the Indian side, which is what many Indian posters somehow believe.

Agreed, India has reported numbers. I doubt China will report causalities and they have right not to do so.

I'm still puzzled if number are as stated in this thread (20+43). Those are too many to die in hand to hand combat. There is something fishy going on. We'll have to wait for few more days to get truth. Too much disinformation is floating.
Agreed, India has reported numbers. I doubt China will report causalities and they have right not to do so.

I'm still puzzled if number are as stated in this thread (20+43). Those are too many to die in hand to hand combat. There is something fishy going on. We'll have to wait for few more days to get truth. Too much disinformation is floating.
It is very surprising that there is not a video evidence of this ... there was video evidence from both sides in the May encounters which were much smaller. But clearly this one was very severe and there is no footage from neither side?
Chinese companies like Bytedance and Xiaomi have made huge inroads into India in recent years. They employee many Indian workers in places from factories to R&D centers ... surely the Indian government would not want to lose all of this through a border incident whose origins are very disputed? But yes obviously a war would be in no one's interests. Both China and India are huge nuclear powers with massive professional militaries and should act as such ...
They are in India to make products to sell Indians. They are not in it for charity. India was graceful enough to allow it and appreciated their products. But that all will change from now on. India is a market with it's own sensibilities. National security is key to us. We were apprehensive about China for supporting Pakistan but people didn't have aversion to China. None saw it as an enemy. Today, it changed.
chinese dont want to confirm or reject the 43 number for a reason,
it simply put the ccp credibility back home in line of fire. as soon as the body bags starts going back home in interior china the ccp will loose its support base which has already eroded ever since xi took over.

Indian sources have the intercepts with them, china can always confirm or flat out reject Indian claim what stops the mighty global times or ccp wolf warriors?

if this war continues for few more days the death count will increase and ccp wont have face to show to the families who lost their only son for no apparent reason.

you see the blood is boiling under the surface in china and it will take a small trigger to bring it on surface.

xi has failed chinese on multiple front, and wuhan virus is now spreading in beijing which is very significant development.... second wave is always more dangerous than the first one.
than how come how chine casualties be higher if cliff gave away under weight of IA soliders
I was listening to Ndt
Agreed, India has reported numbers. I doubt China will report causalities and they have right not to do so.

I'm still puzzled if number are as stated in this thread (20+43). Those are too many to die in hand to hand combat. There is something fishy going on. We'll have to wait for few more days to get truth. Too much disinformation is floating.
I agree. There must be recording of the fist fight if it ever happened
all I ever done was clarify the misused words and explained their linguistic meaning. bharati was claiming shahadat/martyrdom for his dead rapist pajeets and Indus Pakistan objected and the injun went on an insulting spree
count me in, I also don't wanna get banned. :D
it is comical as always to see Pakistanis jumping up and down in their sad state when India and China are in conflict. Don't worry, these are big countries and know how to deal with issues.

"The clash in the Galwan Valley this time has led to casualties on both sides, indicating China-India border tensions, amid constant frictions, may spiral out of control. We notice that the leadership of the two militaries has exercised restraint after the incident, indicating that both sides would like to handle the conflict peacefully and not let the conflict escalate. It is noteworthy that the Chinese side did not disclose the number of casualties of the Chinese military, a move that aims to avoid comparing and preventing confrontational sentiments from escalating."

Yea big countries panic and shoot down their own helicopter killing 6 and lose their jet to a country 8x smaller then back down. Lay off the bollywood dilusions bhakth. Never seen such a dilusional country which thinks they are a superpower especially after losing an air battle to a country 8x smaller.
It is very surprising that there is not a video evidence of this ... there was video evidence from both sides in the May encounters which were much smaller. But clearly this one was very severe and there is no footage from neither side?

That's good point, let's wait.
I'll not take claim from both side, media, cheer leaders on all three sides with ton of salt till we get full story.
We have seen many conflicts/ riots and it impossible comprehend that so many soldiers died fighting with fist and clubs.
india is falsely claiming about chineses causalities as evident from fact that they are unable to liberate one inch from chinese invaded land but on the other chinese have refused to handover captured area back to india during talks
Surely individuals other than those of Chinese or Indian nationalities can comment on the state of the Chinese Indian border dispute right?

look it not personal against you, but the thing is anyone else does not matter right now. whatever they feel and whatever they like to happen....
this incident will be detailed out and avenged at the right time and that will be very soon....
What makes you think China is hiding the casualty number? Do you really believe they sustained higher casualty rates than the Indians when at least 20 Indians are confirmed dead and over 40 were captured and released back by the Chinese (per Indian statistics)?

no, I don't believe the count will over 40..

but Chinese media only quoted "Casulities, means it will be between 2 to around 20.....

I don't want to assume anything on count!
You are talking as if you conquered Kashmir on Feb 27th.
No we just inflicted serious losses on the Indian military after which it almost took a week for your brass to come back to their senses

We got Kashmir into our fold after that. Imran keeps begging the world to take a look at Kashmir.
IOK was already in your fold. All you did was unleash hindutva terror on the local innocent Kashmiri people for just being Muslim.

BTW how much of sq km of 'conquered' Kasmir have you lost to PLA?
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