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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Maybe they are used to play with water guns only! "Holli"

Even if it's Pakistan, they don't have the guts to fight man to man, head to head, front to the front! They will always look for loopholes from your back to attack you on your back!

That'd because they fight for their wives and cant wait to get back home after a 9-5 card punching job. This doesnt make one a fighter.

For this reason india has to borrow soldiers from Nepal called Gurkha's.
20 Indians were killed by stones and 34 were missingo_O. It is very hard to believe that a large number of Indian army people were killed with stones and sticks without using a single bullet. Typical army training is pretty tough in order to allow one to survive in such a situation. I am banging my head trying to crunch this mystery, how is it even possible that it is reported in Indian media that all their soldiers were killed by stones. :hitwall: But we all know why Indian armies are too aggressive and attempted to attack China's might. This is the food dumping season for Siachen, but China is on its way and will not allow them to store food before the season ends. We will see how Siachen glacier survives without food and our bullets.

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We can give 70 excuses. He is not Bakht like some others.

No one in this day and age is ignorant with so much information at your finger tips. This guy is a bloody moderator on PDF. He reads and participates in Pakistan related discussions. I am not buying it. He knows about the Kashmir conflict like most members on this forum. His government supports India because trade is more important than human lives. He is simply following their line. That is all fine by me. What I won't tolerate is this guy flip flopping in every other topic to his liking. That is all.
It isn't really a surprise.
This military assertiveness has been planned by the Chinese for a long time.
I think it must have been about 20- 25 years ago that I came across an article about something the Chinese were calling Project 2020. The essence of project 2020 was for China to build up it's economy and military strength but to resist any military adventure, whatever the provocation, until the year 2020 when the Chinese envisaged they would be a world class power.
I'm sure I didn't imagine this but I never came across mention of this ever again.
However, if that was the plan, it certainly turned out as the planners envisaged.
I would ask a more knowledgeable contributor to elaborate on this if they have any knowledge of it.

Long-term planning at its finest.

The Chinese always knew what they wanted to do and worked endlessly to get to where they are today. Here in the states we have many people who still think that China's military clout is some sort of facade or just simple smoke and mirrors, a paper-tiger if you will. But anybody who is a student of history and who pays close attention to crucial developments that have been going on for literal decades would easily discern for themselves how and why China is as powerful as it is today.

All we need to do is take a look at the following; Economics, trade-deals, expansion of commerce, trade-routes, global monopoly on rare-earth metals, huge ship-building industry, gigantic industrial capacity, billions if not trillions of dollars spent on building up crucial infrastructure, focus on education (higher education specifically), large investments into their own military industrial complex etc, etc...all of these aforementioned ventures have payed off for China in spades, hard not to respect or at least acknowledge what they've accomplished.
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Maybe they are used to play with water guns only! "Holli"

Even if it's Pakistan, they don't have the guts to fight man to man, head to head, front to the front! They will always look for loopholes from your back to attack you on your back!

Alhamdulilah, we have succeeded in Afghanistsn. The only border we have to watch from behind is Iran. If Pakistan goes on the attack against India, Iran better not interfere, otherwise our vengeance will be extreme. This time it would mean war.
Actually no, LOC is where artillery duels and snipping takes place, here even if 8 soldiers died they died in hand to hand combat.

Guys Guys Guys!

I doubt, people like him in India might start using the famous proverb ( "Silence is the best reply to a fool" ) in order to defend Modi and his failed policies and to get away from the shame they're having these days!

But please somebody tell them even a wise person will never give up on something which he forcefully owns to a fool so easily!

Official Numbers:

20 Indian Soldiers dead

0 Chinese Soldiers dead.

Good bro! At-least have guts to accept the official news and didn't start diverting attention by blame game or fake chine casualties news!

Chinese are cutting DBO road which supplies it.

"not cutting" ... they have already neutralized the DBO Airbase by cutting the supply route because China has already acquired DBT road few days back!

At least have the guts to come forward and not pretend like you are a good friend of Pakistan. Every single post you have made in the past regarding India or Pakistan clearly shows your tilt towards India and Modi.

Hypocrites, double-faced, backstabbers are some of the good terms suiting "a fool and obsessed" Indians.
I am signing off now. I have not been able to keep up with this thread, it is moving so damn fast. I wonder what it will be like tomorrow morning.

Before i turn in, my advice to Modi and his clan. Accept this situation, you lost this round and you are in a bad position now, and you made it worse with your surgical strike attempt.

Maybe next time you can win, but for now.. You lost, accept that and move on. Nothing good will come from continuing to prod this chinese right now. Nothing.
OMG.. I never watched this Arnab Goswami before, but after watching this bloke for about 2mins, i can see why India is so f---ked, what a retard? How can someone like this become a presenter?
In India, it's the only way to become a presenter.
Being a shouty retard is a job requirement.
What's interesting that happened regarding a meeting at the ISI HQ in Islamabad with all 3 Pakistani Services Chiefs, ISI of-course know more, have all the ground news, intelligence and have told the China-India exact confrontation at Laddakh. India is hurt just it was hurt on 27th-Feb-2019.

India is more likely to disturb Pakistan border anywhere, and a war/battle with Pakistan in coming times is eminent. A fast evolving situation in the region.
We cannot ignore this golden opportunity to save our Kashmiri siblings.

Further, you think India will back down, they never do. Only foolish will turn his back to an open foe.

Shame on all Muslim countries with ties to India.

I also think OIC must do some pressure to India regarding Kashmiri (at least scrapped the new law and let Kashmiri live freely there, I heard there is lock down going on there that make people life get difficulty) but I dont like Pakistan use military means to free Kashmiri. It will be devastating. It is why I dont recommend war to solve the dispute.

PS: My cousins has visited Kashmir as well just before the lock down happen.

India must learn about religious tolerance from Indonesia, VP says
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Vice President Ma’ruf Amin has expressed his hope for India to follow in Indonesia’s footsteps in maintaining tolerance amid rising sectarian conflict in the South Asian country.

As a fellow multicultural nation, he said Indonesia could be an example in maintaining religious moderation.

“We want India to act like us, Indonesia, in building tolerance and moderation within [our] religious life,” Ma’ruf said on Wednesday as quoted by kompas.com.


We also summon Indian ambassador when Delhi riot happen, similar like how our foreign minister summon Chinese ambassador about Uigyur issue.

Kashmir issue is not a big story here since media dont report about it much.
Think about it: If you lost 20+ soldiers and a Colonel in hand to hand fight then imagine yourself fighting with Pakistan army with sniper and rifles and other artillery guns.

btw baat tou GD Bakshi ki theak hai yeh bandooken diwali per chalanay kay liye rakhi hain? kiyu nahi lartay bhai ap log? dartay ho? ya china kay kanray ho? nahi matlab itni khamoshi ki koi wajah honi chahiye na?:

PLA troops dictated their terms of combat to IA troops, so both sides fought with stick and stones. It's like PLA troops were the players and the referee too, while IA troops were merely copying PLA actions in physical combat - use stick if they use stick, throw stone if they throw stone.

Some Indian news reports say that causalities would have increased if bullets were fired, i wonder which side's causalities would have increased really?

In 2019, Pakistani civilians thrashed IAF pilot, come 2020 and now the PLA troops have caused fatalities of IA troops using sticks, stones, bamboos. Chinese military has outplayed Indian military very very smartly and made it a laughing stock of the world. Poor planning, poor strategy, poor execution of mission by Indian Military.

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