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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Protest started in India against the killing of after 20 Indian soldiers

Got to draw on the picture of Xi, this looks like a protest in support of Xi. lol
Why this is happening. Inda has to understand one thing. Siding with the US is not as easy. The United States will never ever help you in any military conflict with China, Pakistan, or any country. At maximum, Americans provide partial diplomatic support. But from the past two years (especially after 27 Feb), that was quite evident U.S. stays or trying to stay neutral.

No one engages or supports such kind of a country who has conflicts, disputes, and problems with all of its neighbors and the top of it hostile leadership like Modi. India becomes a puppet/baby of the United States and thought that regional powers will stay quiet and tolerate all of Indian BS. India continuously poking nose in Nepal, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Pakistan's internal matters. India has to understand that Pakistan is a nuclear-power state. You can't bully Pakistan. It has vast resources and capability to hit hard. Indians should understand that CPEC is not just a project. It's a STRATEGIC project of China for its next 50 years of global projection.

Pakistani Establishment "SUCCESSFULLY" convinced Chinese establishment that India is DIRECTLY involved in Baluchistan and destabilizing your strategic project. Chinese are GREEDY and NEVER TOLERATE anyone if someone messing with their project(s). They don't care about India's so-called 13 Lac Army or what so ever weapon India has or what diplomatic standing India own. They will f*** Indians if they realized Indians are busy in damaging their strategic projects. The day Chinese establishment realized the shits of Indian, they gearing-up for something BIG for India which India has no capacity to sustain. They are openly challenging like Pakistan challenged India on 27 Feb for the conflict but India retreat and sitting duck.

You can't bully your neighbors India MUST understand this. No one accepts your hegemony in the region - Period!

For India - you reap what you sow...

Wait and watch, Afghan leadership slowly pushing themself away from you in upcoming months.... there is a reason... You are NOT what you guys think "Supa Shit Powa" No one gives a **** about you. Stay in your limits else ready to feel the heat. Your papa United States wont save you!

My views exactly posted in some other thread:

It isn't really a surprise.
This military assertiveness has been planned by the Chinese for a long time.
I think it must have been about 20- 25 years ago that I came across an article about something the Chinese were calling Project 2020. The essence of project 2020 was for China to build up it's economy and military strength but to resist any military adventure, whatever the provocation, until the year 2020 when the Chinese envisaged they would be a world class power.
I'm sure I didn't imagine this but I never came across mention of this ever again.
However, if that was the plan, it certainly turned out as the planners envisaged.
I would ask a more knowledgeable contributor to elaborate on this if they have any knowledge of it.
dunno nothing about project 2020. however Chinese were willing to let the status quo be as is for at-least another 6 years. but the provocations became too much to bear and the threats too dangerous to ignore. thus a demonstration had to be made.
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What's interesting that happened regarding a meeting at the ISI HQ in Islamabad with all 3 Pakistani Services Chiefs, ISI of-course know more, have all the ground news, intelligence and have told the China-India exact confrontation at Laddakh. India is hurt just it was hurt on 27th-Feb-2019.

India is more likely to disturb Pakistan border anywhere, and a war/battle with Pakistan in coming times is eminent. A fast evolving situation in the region.
Let them try a stunt like that again. This time they aren't gonna get away with it with just a single downed jet. Pakistani response will have them scurrying to UN again.
Let the little Indian have his 1 millisecond moment. After so much spanking you got to make up some shitty excuse.

India will get schooled this time, and to make sure they just leave the CPEC alone next time.

Also, China will further enhance the road infrastructure in Tibet and those vital supply lines that connected to Pakistan.
India will get schooled this time, and to make sure they just leave the CPEC alone next time.

Also, China will further enhance the road infrastructure in Tibet and those vital supply lines that connected to Pakistan.

Absolutely beautiful. You beauty, China.

This time the Chinese mean business, they are aggressive,determined and have come in big numbers for a long haul.

The message is loud and clear. Fvck with us and you will feel the wrath. China and Pakistan stand united against the bully who even stole Nepali land. Can you believe that crap?
Absolutely beautiful. You beauty, China.

The message is loud and clear. Fvck with us and you will feel the wrath. China and Pakistan stand united against the bully who even stole Nepali land.

Hopefully a valuable lesson for India will ensure the peace in South Asia for the next 50 years.

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