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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

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You killed a COMMANDING OFFICER?! A Colonel killed in direct action while China occupies 60 sq km Indian territory? OH....MY...GOD!!! China is literally, actually, HUMILIATING india beyond belief now :lol::lol::lol:

Gotta give it to you bros man---I thought Pakistan humiliated and dominated indians when we bombed their military sights, shot down their jets, paraded their wing commander on national tv, caused so much panic that they killed their own 7 air force officers and destroyed their own helicopter...

But PLA is literally one-uping Pakistan in a big way. Ya'll just walked right into Indian territory, occupied it, and killed their commanding officer (Colonel) in FIRST confrontation right away?!!

We don't treat Afghanistan this brutally. China is literally arse raping india in public :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

China: 5
Pakistan: 1
india: -0.000 (Facepalm)

Modi is truly a blessing for us :lol:

@drumstick @GHALIB Fellas....??? :woot::woot:

Your are incorrect...mother India did not get arse raped... it got gang raped.. by China, Pakistan and Nepal....

who knows Bangladesh might join into...:o:
So lets see macho India's reaction on getting 20+ personal including a Col die on (as per their claim) their own land, China nai ghuss kar maaraa?
Like I said the Chinese army will cut Indians like butter
A PA officer who was good in athletics was sent with his team to China to take part in athletics and games. On his return we asked him, Sir how did it go? How were the PLA troops in comparison to our troops ? (thinking that Chinese have short heights etc)

He replied, you wont believe PLA had picked up all 6 feet plus height troops for athletics and sports and i thought these were the only tall troops in PLA sent for sports, but when we travelled to different sport arenas with-in China, we were surprised to see 6 feet plus height PLA troops everywhere in all garrisons.
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For this reason india has to borrow soldiers from Nepal called Gurkha's.

Brother India already has Gurkha's regiment but even they are at stake now because of India-Nepal stand-off. Since the loyalty of these Gurkha's belong to Nepal so who knows when they will turn their back on "Endia"

Same goes for Sikh Regiment which is basically Punjab Regiment I guess!

Alhamdulilah, we have succeeded in Afghanistsn. The only border we have to watch from behind is Iran. If Pakistan goes on the attack against India, Iran better not interfere, otherwise our vengeance will be extreme. This time it would mean war.

Because of our engagement in Afghanistan we came to know some of the names of the countries like Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus and many others.

Trust me, Iran will never dare to interfere nor even will engage us in any manners.

Was just hearing some analysis on the "American Spy" named "Paul Vallen" which has been sentenced for 16 years in High Classified cell/prison in Moscow, Russia today! (Russia took this step at a very crucial time to basically have a swap deal for Victor Bout who was sentenced to prison for 25 years back in 2012)

Now since America still wants to suppress other countries and they desperately want to put sanctions on Iran to give a message across Asia and other countries specifically to Pakistan, Russia, China, Turkey, Malaysia and all others which are not its allies that America is still the superpower and can put sanctions on anyone. So, in response to those sanctions, China-Russia has already made/completed a responsive strategy to help/save Iran from those sanctions! If they are able to succeed, this will give a clear cut message to the world that it is not the same superpower "America" anymore.

Basically wrote all that to give you a short overview of what's currently happening and behind the scene things. So, the new group of an alliance between Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia is quite evident and this is one of the reasons Iran will not engage with Pakistan. PM IK has also improved ties with Iran and you can see the situation at the Taftan border has been different since then, both countries have promised to share intel's with each other on potential targets/suspects too. (This is very serious and one of the very recent developments thought to share with you all)
Honestly, pretty sad day as I hoped India and China could make peace with one another.

I don't know what the exact circumstances are but I think ultimately Modi is too blame. He got too cocky and was trying too hard to prove that India could be a useful anti-China ally to the West. He thought he could bluff and play tough but China called his bluff and things have escalated.

No. 1 rule of the jungle, don't pick fights you can't win.
Honestly, pretty sad day as I hoped India and China could make peace with one another.

I don't know what the exact circumstances are but I think ultimately Modi is too blame. He got too cocky and was trying to hard to prove that India could be a useful anti-China ally to the West. He thought he could bluff and play tough but China called his bluff and things have escalated.

No. 1 rule of the jungle, don't pick fights you can't win.

As long as the India does not have a internal revolution to rid of all the Anglo Babboon elite it will always ally with the west
A PA officer who was good in athletics was sent with his team to China to take part in athletics and games. On his return we asked him, Sir how did it go? How were the PLA troops compared to our troops (thinking that Chinese have short heights etc) ?

He replied, you wont believe PLA had picked up all 6 feet plus height troops for athletics and sports and i thought these are only tall troops in PLA sent for sports, but when we travelled at different sport arenas with-in China, we were surprised to see 6 feet plus height PLA troops everywhere in all garrisons.

True .. but their training standards have vastly improved as they have constantly trained with foreign forces.

I know specifically about air exercises ... when the first time PLAAF did with PAF under the Shaheen series that Chinese where shocked how far behind they were versus PAF ...interms of fighter pilots skills , tactics etc

fast forward now seven + years later with many Shaheen series exercises it would be no exaggeration to say Chinese pilots are as good as PAF which means they have large portion of fighter pilots on a world class level ..

India doesn’t realize the soup it has found its self... it could not take on the PAF In a confident manner it certainly cannot fight the PLAAF.

one other thing Chinese are far more nationalist then Pakistanis... they will not find any division in their ranks
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PLA troops dictated their terms of combat to IA troops, so both sides fought with stick and stones. It's like PLA troops were the players and the referee too, while IA troops were merely copying PLA actions in physical combat - use stick if they use stick, throw stone if they throw stone.

Some Indian news reports say that causalities would have increased if bullets were fired, i wonder which side's causalities would have increased really?

In 2019, Pakistani civilians thrashed IAF pilot, come 2020 and now the PLA troops have caused fatalities of IA troops using sticks, stones, bamboos.

Brother no wonder all these Asian countries always win Gold medals in Taekwondo and other martial arts games! They basically reviewed their strengths very nicely and lack of plan/review lead Indian to another shame!

I read somewhere few of the bullets were also found, I'll see if I could find that source where I read that, either on this forum or on twitter. (Non-Authentic)

Pakistani civilians were basically treating him very well until an old man shouted "Putar ay Pakistan hay" and he ran away!

Abhinandan basically asks locals which state of India am I in at the moment? Few of the locals were intelligent they behaved as if he is fallen in India in real (So that they can trap him and easily give him up to Pakistan Army) so he was walking along with those people very happily until that emotional baba jee shouted and Abhinandan ran away, shots few bullets from his pistol too, eventually falls in the water flow and surrendered and what happens after then is known to everyoe around the world!

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