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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Why do you think Americans encouraged India?

Modi govt has improved road infrastructure all across India. It improved road infrastructure in the border areas as well. Chinese did not like it. They came and sat in disputed territories......and this lead to stand-off.

How / where Americans are involved? This is between India + China.

My understanding is - for many years, India is careful to not to escalate with China. Modi has spent enormous effort to improve relations with China. That effort came to a naught.
without USA encouraging india there is no way india suddenly ban chinese and hongkong investment just two month ago...joined QUAD...signed militery agreement with australia...

its usa dream that india teach china a lesson.

Americans have nothing to lose. India china both bleed. India buy billions of usa arms. and remember in the QUAD none has border with china. Only india does.
Chinese soldiers historically are proven warriors. Indians on the other hand are good at beating elderly and women of Kashmiris to death. They were proudly dishonoring Kashmiri women.

Btw, i hope Modi stops licking Trumps boots and for sake of regional stability stops making problems in Asia.
Are you sure about the Afghans? The Afghans are not very 'jovial' with Pakistan. Be careful.

Afghanistan will never go to war with Pakistan. Firstly, people in the border area (Taliban country) have nothing against Pakistan. Secondly, Pakistan would simply steamroll ANA and be in Kabul within a couple of hours.

Time to be realistic. Wake up, indian.
Yeah right. You can wish for it, but it won't happen. And if you think India is going to take this lying down, then you've been too used to fighting weak nations.
I don't really think this happened or is happening however India has really not lived up to expectations so far. All this rhetoric of responsible conduct in the face of so many precious lives lost really makes no sense. If India really wants to regain the image it is losing now, it must ensure regaining the status quo. I doubt this is going to happen now. Blood has been shed in Galwan.
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