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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

You mean - give away the mountain peaks?? may not happen.

Herez my predictions:
a) India will de-escalate, but will not capitulate.
b) India will massively invest in infrastructure around borders.
c) India will start building massive military industrial complex.
d) China has lost 5g market in India.
e) China will loose it's ability to invest in strategic sectors of India.
f) India will move closer to USA + Japan.
g) My hope - India cancel S-400 and purchase THAAD + F-35.
h) China will not be trusted in India again. China just recalled the 1962 war for Indians.

Of course - all these depend on India achieving 8% GDP growth rate. Economy is the most critical for India.

India has already capitulated to China. To maintain its vote bank Modi will most probably do some thing against Pakistan. At that point China and Pakistan will take coordinated actions. This scenario has been played out and discussed in many discussions between PLA and Pakistan Army. Modi is riding a Tiger, which will ultimately devour him.
This is a huge loss for the IA. Hell for any army to take such level of losses is unsustainable. Just this month 7+ Indian Army soldiers killed on the lOC by Pakistani army.

And just today so far 20+ killed on the LAC. If Modi doesn't respond now it would be accepting total defeat.
your gd bakshi just threatened a Chinese guest live on Repblic TV:
to paraphrase:
"you'll have to face a 2 front war, pajeets and the [NATO] alliance has China surrounded, you only have Pakistan and N.Korea"

NATO:cheesy::cheesy: defending the Pajeets lol nah they will sit back in their "Ivory towers" in Brussels
This is getting out of control!

Around 145 injured and 39 Indian soldiers captured is also being reported. These are some serious numbers and this whole thing is turning into sonething bigger than a STAND OFF!

Def sounds like a large scale artillery barrage or air strikes. Taking this many losses would be very tough by just infantry battles...
This is getting out of control!

Around 145 injured and 39 Indian soldiers captured is also being reported. These are some serious numbers and this whole thing is turning into sonething bigger than a STAND OFF!

200+ Indian soldiers have died. They have to inform the families of the dead soldiers before confirming officially. So It will take time to relay the news to 200+ families before it is confirmed officially.
will see, maybe you missed all the joint exercises and preparations of PLA and PA

No... Never... There were reasons for saying "two front war"...

your gd bakshi just threatened a Chinese guest live on Repblic TV:
to paraphrase:
"you'll have to face a 2 front war, pajeets and the [NATO] alliance has China surrounded, you only have Pakistan and N.Korea"

I don't watch bullshit of Arnab... or any other private news channel... Only DD News @9:00 PM... If missed, google news...

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