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$10.8 bln "bunker-buster" US sells to UAE & Saudia

And you said arad who....... the most failing states are those arab states dude dude dude dud dude the corruptions is rotting your failing states. its realy hearts when the corruption talk.

An Shia Arab from Iraq running to the defense of his Farsi masters against fellow Arabs. What to expect? Corruption? You mean the GCC? Richest area in the Muslim world and most stable? Where people are most satisfied? A region that has good relations with everybody outside your hellhole Mullahistan? And there is no corruption in your country? You are a funny guy.

Also why are your username named after a Yemeni Arab?

AUZ, you need to do your homework. I am not sure where you get your information from. KSA are really good at doing deals in the right place and in the right time for the right place. I suggest actually looking at the deals and numbers.

Ask any military expert and come back to me.

What a low being are you to claim what others did, especially when those others are your sworn enemies. I don't really blame you considering your shameful history, you have never won a single battle in the last 1450 years, so you either claim others' victories or just turn a defeat into a victory. When you were alone before American masters came for rescue, Saddam's feet were on your faces.

What a low being are you to claim what others did, especially when those others are your sworn enemies. I don't really blame you considering your shameful history, you have never won a single battle in the last 1450 years, so you either claim others' victories or just turn a defeat into a victory. When you were alone before American masters came for rescue, Saddam's feet were on your faces.

احترم نفسك ي واطئ
والله ما واطي غيرك يا حمار خليك محترم ونقي كلماتك اولاد العبيد.
What a low being are you to claim what others did, especially when those others are your sworn enemies. I don't really blame you considering your shameful history, you have never won a single battle in the last 1450 years, so you either claim others' victories or just turn a defeat into a victory. When you were alone before American masters came for rescue, Saddam's feet were on your faces.

What a low being are you to claim what others did, especially when those others are your sworn enemies. I don't really blame you considering your shameful history, you have never won a single battle in the last 1450 years, so you either claim others' victories or just turn a defeat into a victory. When you were alone before American masters came for rescue, Saddam's feet were on your faces.

When Basra was about to fall your dog called his American masters for advice they said to him you should stop the war or north and south would fall so he stop the war and if we speak about history do you remember when we destroyed your ummyad empire and we eliminated 1 million of them or when the iraqi army liberated parts of Jerusalem and gave to you then you gifted it to the Zionists
شفت شو حقيقة اهل المتعة؟
خليه يروح يدور على ابوه بدل ما هو مضيع وقت هون..:oops:
اكشف عن حقيقتك يا كلب عبد الله قسما ما اولاد سفاح الا انتم يا خنازير الوهابية.
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When Basra was about to fall your dog called his American masters for advice they said to him you should stop the war or north and south would fall so he stop the war and if we speak about history do you remember when we destroyed your ummyad empire and we eliminated 1 million of them or when the iraqi army liberated parts of Jerusalem and gave to you then you gifted it to the Zionists

More imaginary "history lessons" from that wannabe Arab Farsi.


Wonderful. Keep joking and entertaining us.


When you thought that you could not get more humiliated already you reach a new level that will be hard to eclipse yet surpass.


I guess this is relevant again whenever one sees your hopeless "posts".


When Basra was about to fall your dog called his American masters for advice they said to him you should stop the war or north and south would fall so he stop the war and if we speak about history do you remember when we destroyed your ummyad empire and we eliminated 1 million of them or when the iraqi army liberated parts of Jerusalem and gave to you then you gifted it to the Zionists

History doesn't know about this and doesn't consider it, history only knows that Saddam mopped the floor forth and back with you for 8 years and sent 1-2 million terrorists to hell until you drank the poison and begged for a cease fire.
شفت شو حقيقة اهل المتعة؟
خليه يروح يدور على ابوه بدل ما هو مضيع وقت هون..:oops:

روح دور على أبوك انت نسوانكم تنباع بخمس دنانير بعمان و اربد بس ما في عتب عليكم لان أنتو الأردنية أحفاد قوم لوط اهل الزنا و الدعارة الكواوله كل الدعارة و اللياطه عندكم يا بدو يا غجر
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10.8 Billion. While only this much is required to eradicate poverty from Africa. Sad.
if we speak about history do you remember when we destroyed your ummyad empire and we eliminated 1 million of them or when the iraqi army liberated parts of Jerusalem and gave to you then you gifted it to the Zionists

Oh waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite, what history is this and when did you liberate Jerusalem..??????? :lol:
When Basra was about to fall your dog called his American masters for advice they said to him you should stop the war or north and south would fall so he stop the war and if we speak about history do you remember when we destroyed your ummyad empire and we eliminated 1 million of them or when the iraqi army liberated parts of Jerusalem and gave to you then you gifted it to the Zionists

Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla,

Now see how your American masters the ones that you betray your country for so they can murder Saddam for you, look how they completely **** on your kind, Rwafdh are nothing but donkeys to the jews, it's a well knowing and proven fact throughout the Islamic history

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Oh waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite, what history is this and when did you liberate Jerusalem..??????? :lol:

لمن الجيش العراقي حرر أجزاء من القدس و منع العصابات الصهيونية من احتلاله قام بتسليم المناطق المحررة لكم و انتم أهديت كوها للصهاينة فاهم أنتو يا خنازير يا أحفاد قوم لوط اهل اللواط
ههههههههههههه, والله نسوانكم اللي كانوا يدوروا على متعة بخمس دنانير, اسأل امك اذا انها عراقية

لا تتكلم على شرف العراقيين ولا امسح فيك الأرض نعال شحات عراقي يسوى شوارب حسين الكلب
So UAE, where only 5% of population is 'local', buys billions worth of weapons? LMAO!!!!!!

I wonder how Israelis live in that region. Don't they die of laughter at Arabs and their dumb policies?

So folks, 10 billion worth of "bombs, and ammunition"....

While indians are negotiating a deal for hundreds of Rafaels with ToT with the same amount of money...

When buyers are dumb, its SO much profit...Ask :usflag:

No, really ? It’s true ? :partay:

Don't worry great genius. :devil:

عراقيات في عمان.. الهرب من العنف إلى الدعارة

- - .. -

لما بحكيلك انكم اهل متعة انا بعرف عن ايش بتكلم

انتم اسمكم رافضة ولستم عراقيين, الجيش العراقي كان قاده سنة والرئيس سني, مع هيك هذا الكلام مش صحيح يا كذاب.

الجيش العراقي سنة و شيعة عرب و اكراد فأهمين يا حيوانات
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انا اتكلم عنكم يا رافضة وليس عن العراقيين الشرفاء. انتم احقر من ان تسموا عراقيين.

اعرف انت زعلان لين عراقي تمتع بإمك و نسا الجاكيت لعندها عادي خلي هدية الك
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