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1 Picture that shattered my heart.

Also blame should go on parents for not sending their children to school, as well as state. Is it not a law in Pakistan all children from K-10 have to attend school by law?

How can it be a law when the poor cant afford it? How can it be a law IF it is not free...

IT can only be a law if K-10 education is free which is not true...No matter what, the parents always have to pay SOME sum be it even as low as 100 Rs...Some just can't afford it! And if it were 100 Rs., It doesnt even give proper education....Most of the time the teachers only concentrate on taking their anger out on kids rather than making them something...

Man, heartbreaking as it is, it is wrong to blame the policies you just mentioned. People are poor because of low productivity of country as a whole. Govt cant change that, it will take time.

Was 60yrs not enough? If the silly corrupt people did not do CORRUPTION at the rate they are (all govt do corruption bt the rate and amount they do differs), then we wouldnt have a low productivity and would actually have some budget being channeled into the education system rather than some FAT MAN's pocket!
Blame Pakistani awam, people there don't pay taxes, have a corrupt government, corrupt society, hence little social services, little public services, little construction and maintenance of public infrastructure. Most importantly little opportunity for public education and improving the public education in Pakistan.

I blame both the AWAAM AS WELL AS the govt! Instead of serving the AWAAM, the govt sucks their blood!

Instead of doing something (like not voting for illiterates), the Awaam blames the govt and the cycle continues....
You can. Just pick one NGO and send 100 Rps every months. You will be paying for annual fees and cost of books for a student in village.

I learned one thing, if you want to do something just do it. Little by little. Be practical, words don't do anything.

I am telling you guys this story that People who make change, always act.

So my friends, cut your mobile bill, internet bill, smoke few cigs, but send 100 Rps to any NGO.


No wonder you are among best members of PDF.:tup:

The picture in OP is so reminiscent of this 19th century England image.

Let's hope it doesn't take us another 200 years to eliminate the rich and poor divide. !!
No wonder you are among best members of PDF.:tup:
Just pass along the message. Little by little a lot can be done.

My neighbor who works in NGO get money from his friends in US/UK for opening schools as they say we may not come to India but we want to help. American Pakistanis can also do it.
Just pass along the message. Little by little a lot can be done.

My neighbor who works in NGO get money from his friends in US/UK for opening schools as they say we may not come to India but we want to help. American Pakistanis can also do it.
Me and a close relative started a health project called "Ray Of Life" a few years back in Kaghan area of Pakistan which in 2005 was devastated by an earthquake. What started of as a two room facility has now developed into a functioning health centre.
A local land lord was so touched that he donated land for us to expand the facility....what started off initially funded by us is now mostly running on donations including medicines, even the GOP provided the health centrer with about a dozen wheel chairs.
Me and a close relative started a health project called "Ray Of Life" a few years back in Swat area of Pakistan which in 2005 was devastated by an earthquake. What started of as a two room facility has now developed into a functioning health centre. A local land lord was so touched that he donated land for us to expand the facility....what started off initially funded by us is now mostly running on donations including medicines, even the GOP provided the health centrer with about a dozen wheel chairs.
Salute to you Sir. You practically know how a small step can make a change.

I hope all members who have done similar work can tell their stories so that one can have ideas and if someone wants to do something, people can guide them if they ask.
You can. Just pick one NGO and send 100 Rps every months. You will be paying for annual fees and cost of books for a student in village.

My father has to walk 4-5 kms everyday to go to school. Even after doing BSc in Mathematics first class, he was doing farming. He became officer. He kept paying for my cousins in village for their studies. 2 of them are now in govt. services. He gave land to an NGO for building school in our village. Regularly pays for our caste association for building of hostel for students. I didn't know of it. One day mom told me about the land and money. I always thought why dad never talks of problems of our country.

He never lectured me or anyone about any problem in this country. He says what's the point of talking.

When I knew what he has done, I learned one thing, if you want to do something just do it. Little by little. Be practical, words don't do anything.

I am telling you guys this story that People who make change, always act.

So my friends, cut your mobile bill, internet bill, smoke few cigs, but send 100 Rps to any NGO.

These are the kind of people who make difference for not just their self but for the generation to come so and so.. Just imagine had he not been the one to work this hard.. Little by little we all must wean our self every contribution makes difference that is the gist.

Its just make me hell emotional, its heart breaking. but this is reality plz this time vote wisely to have school for our childrens and better future for our Pakistan families.
Was 60yrs not enough? If the silly corrupt people did not do CORRUPTION at the rate they are (all govt do corruption bt the rate and amount they do differs), then we wouldnt have a low productivity and would actually have some budget being channeled into the education system rather than some FAT MAN's pocket!
I dont believe corruption is the main issue. Poverty takes time to eradicate. And the stage our country is in, corruption is inevitable. First 50 years has gone in building systems and institutions. Everything will fall into place afterwards.
I was pointing out at false comparisons people make (with defence budget or infra development). You can spend all your income behind poor and still everybody will remain poor.

Although I agree, govt should focus more on tax receipt (and most pakistanis are to be blamed for low income tax recept, not only govt).
Me and a close relative started a health project called "Ray Of Life" a few years back in Swat area of Pakistan which in 2005 was devastated by an earthquake. What started of as a two room facility has now developed into a functioning health centre.
A local land lord was so touched that he donated land for us to expand the facility....what started off initially funded by us is now mostly running on donations including medicines, even the GOP provided the health centrer with about a dozen wheel chairs.
This is very good.

Best luck to this project.

Translation: "In, the name of Allah,All i want, is my school fee, a copy and a school bag"

He should get a Laptop or Benazir Income Support Card instead :rolleyes:
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