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1 Picture that shattered my heart.

And how exactly do you get raw material to the industry and finished products out with out roads? Flying carpets?
Sir industries which already have roads are closed because of him and his policies and those roads were already their and he has wasted money of whole of Punjab only in Lahore
I don't think even China gives laptop for free to every school going child. Why did Pakistan come up with policy? Anyway the school going child seems to be crying and the one in background is happy.
Does Pakistan have really wide teaching initiatives like "Teach For India" going on here?

Would appreciate if someone can help here - some really credible organization. I would like to donate there as well.

Meanwhile "billions" are being spent on the "laptops"....

Please VOTE wise this year, if not for you than do it for that kid with that indescribably painful look on his face.

It will remind me how luck me and my children are. Maybe that will give me the motivation to make the right choice on that day!

Where are the people who support these corrupt parties?
They always troll political threads but they are no where to be seen here.
This is the Pakistan that the current parties have created, and with no remorse or empathy what so ever.
And the fact that people still support those parties make me feel like Pakistan is doomed.
You get the leaders you deserve, and it looks like the Pakistani deserve these leaders.

We have millions of children, who are forced to start work either to survive
or to look after their families at ages of 7 or 8 years old ending up in places like tea makers, mechanics , drivers
The unlucky ones gather garbage in cities

Mean while Politicians kids are sent to oxford universities in private jets

There is low productivity because there is a massive disparity in the levels of education received between the different strata of people. A son of an industrialist is more likely to be productive because he will receive the best education money can buy, while on the other hand a son of a labourer will not be productive because most likely he won't receive any sort of education what so ever. Not just a coincidence that Prussia's dynamic and universal education system enabled her to build a massive industrial complex and leave behind the British Empire in terms of productivity.

I am not saying this for point scoring or chest thumping.

In India i have seen many teach under privileged kids studies and give some money not thousands and lakhs but just 1k 2k rupees. I mean they are job holders but go there for some time and come back by contributing, are there such initiatives in Pakistan going on?? if not why? India too went through this phase and surely your nation can pass if everybody contributes??
I am not saying this for point scoring or chest thumping.

In India i have seen many teach under privileged kids studies and give some money not thousands and lakhs but just 1k 2k rupees. I mean they are job holders but go there for some time and come back by contributing, are there such initiatives in Pakistan going on?? if not why? India too went through this phase and surely your nation can pass if everybody contributes??
You are saying as if India does not have any poor. I would say India has way much more poverty than pakistan, and your ideas might feel good, but they are like band aid on cancer.
Govt of India is doing concerted effort to eradicate poverty but it will take many years. Free education with food for tribal is a good start.
People are being over emotional. being south Asian, we all are used to it. I don't know what surprises the OP on this particular picture. I recently saw a documentary on Al-jazeera where a teen Pakistani girl was being forcefully married to an ugly, senior citizen..now that's something which breaks heart more.
People are being over emotional. being south Asian, we all are used to it. I don't know what surprises the OP on this particular picture. I recently saw a documentary on Al-jazeera where a teen Pakistani girl was being forcefully married to an ugly, senior citizen..now that's something which breaks heart more.
You are right, as an Indian, there is nothing in this world that can shock me. ever.
Billions spent on Laptops , billions more spent to Metro Bus system .. :sick:
VVIP security protocol for corrupt politicians which alone cost millions .. :hitwall:
And billions spent on a nuclear arsenal that is way beyond Pakistan's legitimate requirements and which will never be used in today's geopolitical scenario!
There are few who wants to get educated,wants to learn books but there are 100000 who dont want any education n comes to school just for eating n collecting money
You get to see this everywhere in India.

As someone in the thread said, not everyone has an equal chance to succeed in our countries. Look at the businessmen and successful top corporate people from india - pakistan all over the world, there's a 95% chance they are from the top 2% of the population.

I think the IT industry in India has been a great leveller (within its relatively small numbers).
Man, for You, its a picture, and for me, its something I see atleast once a week. Rapid population growth, had increased poverty levels to such an extent, that they have been such disparity between production and income.

I wish to help them, but it does pain, when i know, i cant do anything, not now.
Man, for You, its a picture, and for me, its something I see atleast once a week. Rapid population growth, had increased poverty levels to such an extent, that they have been such disparity between production and income. I wish to help them, but it does pain, when i know, i cant do anything, not now.
You can. Just pick one NGO and send 100 Rps every months. You will be paying for annual fees and cost of books for a student in village.

I learned one thing, if you want to do something just do it. Little by little. Be practical, words don't do anything.

I am telling you guys this story that People who make change, always act.

So my friends, cut your mobile bill, internet bill, smoke few cigs, but send 100 Rps to any NGO.
You can. Just pick one NGO and send 100 Rps every months. You will be paying for annual fees and cost of books for a student in village.

My father has to walk 4-5 kms everyday to go to school. Even after doing BSc in Mathematics first class, he was doing farming. He became officer. He kept paying for my cousins in village for their studies. 2 of them are now in govt. services. He gave land to an NGO for building school in our village. Regularly pays for our caste association for building of hostel for students. I didn't know of it. One day mom told me about the land and money. I always thought why dad never talks of problems of our country.

He never lectured me or anyone about any problem in this country. He says what's the point of talking.

When I knew what he has done, I learned one thing, if you want to do something just do it. Little by little. Be practical, words don't do anything.

I am telling you guys this story that People who make change, always act.

So my friends, cut your mobile bill, internet bill, smoke few cigs, but send 100 Rps to any NGO.

You can. Just pick one NGO and send 100 Rps every months. You will be paying for annual fees and cost of books for a student in village.

My father has to walk 4-5 kms everyday to go to school. Even after doing BSc in Mathematics first class, he was doing farming. He became officer. He kept paying for my cousins in village for their studies. 2 of them are now in govt. services. He gave land to an NGO for building school in our village. Regularly pays for our caste association for building of hostel for students. I didn't know of it. One day mom told me about the land and money. I always thought why dad never talks of problems of our country.

He never lectured me or anyone about any problem in this country. He says what's the point of talking.

When I knew what he has done, I learned one thing, if you want to do something just do it. Little by little. Be practical, words don't do anything.

I am telling you guys this story that People who make change, always act.

So my friends, cut your mobile bill, internet bill, smoke few cigs, but send 100 Rps to any NGO.

World Vision India: Sponsor a Child, Education Gift, Donate Charity to Help Disabled Child
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