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1 Picture that shattered my heart.

Just thinking after seeing this pic, what would have been the state of our nations, had we had all the money we spend on defence for upliftment of poor, on education, on providing affordable healthcare.
But this wishful thinking will remain a pipedream in my lifetime. I am afraid.
NDTV is also working in this with Sachin Tendulkar. They have funded 40,000 schools too.

I personally suggest NGO which is close to one. At least it works for me. And i would suggest not to get involved in too many NGOs. Make one major and one minor contribution to 2 NGOs. This is what I recommend. Its practical and easy to focus on in leisure time.

People often get too carried away because of some events and generally discontinue as they hop from one cause to another. I personally like education of rural kids.
Just thinking after seeing this pic, what would have been the state of our nations, had we had all the money we spend on defence for upliftment of poor, on education, on providing affordable healthcare.
But this wishful thinking will remain a pipedream in my lifetime. I am afraid.
Not a pipe dream. Did you see today's news. 23 crore students in our country getting education. Around 20% increase in girl's education.

Polio was a disease which couldn't be eradicated in our country. Look what happened.

Criticize govt. and other things too, but try to do very little but at least something for society. Never sell your books.

In our college many of us used to pass on the books to our juniors. Its not that they can't afford. Its because its a good trend to propagate in society.

There are few more members who do NGO work. They should tell their stories. Problem is people think other might think it as show off. Let them think. May be someone really interested one will ask for tips. So, those people are your aim to influence them to do something for society.
All is not lost. One of the most successful people I know rose from position of an illiterate chauffeur to an industrialist. He worked for my family for 30 years. His children are engineers and doctors.

You can not gag and suppress talent.
You are saying as if India does not have any poor. I would say India has way much more poverty than pakistan, and your ideas might feel good, but they are like band aid on cancer.
Govt of India is doing concerted effort to eradicate poverty but it will take many years. Free education with food for tribal is a good start.

Have you even read the disclaimer i put up before my post?? now where did poverty come into a educational issue??

I don't know if u wrote the post for thanks giving but let me tell you i am not a person who sweeps dirt under the carpet regarding any issue in India. I was asking if there are certain individual efforts like in India, i am in no way knowledged about the programs by Pakistani Govt and Pakistanis can better comment on them.

Regarding India there are still problems and there are still children without education and those getting it aren't of good quality.

Meanwhile "billions" are being spent on the "laptops"....

Please VOTE wise this year, if not for you than do it for that kid with that indescribably painful look on his face.

i saw another picture somewhere giving same msg as this one,ill look for it and post
You can. Just pick one NGO and send 100 Rps every months. You will be paying for annual fees and cost of books for a student in village.

My father has to walk 4-5 kms everyday to go to school. Even after doing BSc in Mathematics first class, he was doing farming. He became officer. He kept paying for my cousins in village for their studies. 2 of them are now in govt. services. He gave land to an NGO for building school in our village. Regularly pays for our caste association for building of hostel for students. I didn't know of it. One day mom told me about the land and money. I always thought why dad never talks of problems of our country.

He never lectured me or anyone about any problem in this country. He says what's the point of talking.

When I knew what he has done, I learned one thing, if you want to do something just do it. Little by little. Be practical, words don't do anything.

I am telling you guys this story that People who make change, always act.

So my friends, cut your mobile bill, internet bill, smoke few cigs, but send 100 Rps to any NGO.

Salute to your dad........ a real life role model........:tup:
Where are the people who support these corrupt parties?
They always troll political threads but they are no where to be seen here.
This is the Pakistan that the current parties have created, and with no remorse or empathy what so ever.
And the fact that people still support those parties make me feel like Pakistan is doomed.
You get the leaders you deserve, and it looks like the Pakistani deserve these leaders.

Replace Pakistan with India and the story would be similar...

About 1 Trillion $$$ of black money looted by Indian politicians are rotting in Swiss banks and here still so much poverty. :hitwall:
Salute to your dad........ a real life role model........:tup:
I shared this just so that people can actually work for this cause. Its damn hard for many NGOs to get permission. They constantly face financial problems too. Mostly the bad name by scam NGOs make things worse.
Atleast on paper, every child in India has right to primary education through Sarva Shiksa Abhiyaan and mid day meal schemes.

But reality may not be that good.
Primary education has been primary concern of India. What you see is years of hard work. Problem is that transfer of teachers involves hell lot of corruptions. That's why many women teacher has to go long distance. Many teachers don't even go.
unfortunately children with no access to education will be a reality for long time in sub continent.

measures taken for concerned problem are not enough, due to various reason.
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