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1 millions more indians are going to die by june

We Indians want to have friendly relation with Arab Muslim countries.

In that case the Indian military should assist the Syrian government in tackling the terrorists rampaging through Syria. Russia is already doing this and Russia is supposed to be a friend of India, so...

Secondly, I find the Indian Establishment's stand on the Israel-Palestine issue to be vague. I too want the Israel-Palestine issue to be resolved politically and peacefully and I also want the Muslim-majority countries to recognize Israel's right to exist but India assisting in the construction of a computing study center in Palestine while at the same time being a major purchaser of Israeli armaments is duplicitous.
In that case the Indian military should assist the Syrian government in tackling the terrorists rampaging through Syria. Russia is already doing this and Russia is supposed to be a friend of India, so...

Secondly, I find the Indian Establishment's stand on the Israel-Palestine issue to be vague. I too want the Israel-Palestine issue to be resolved politically and peacefully and I also want the Muslim-majority countries to recognize Israel's right to exist but India assisting in the construction of a computing study center in Palestine while at the same time being a major purchaser of Israeli armaments is duplicitous.
israel has no right to exist .. scumbags thieves from every nation formed a gang and went to palestine and took over it .. what right? the right to steal?

india has no military experience to engage in a middle eastern scenario .. their soldiers will be hunted like rabbits in syria.
Twitter tags means nothing in a country of 1.4 billion.
Common Indian man is infinitely more mature and sensitive to support any kind human right violation irrespective of religion, race, relations... etc.

We, the India people are those who didn't take side at the time of tense Cold war decades and started non-align movement. And first country who refused to play cricket with South Africa in the days of Apartheid.
No Sir, am afraid to say you're quite wrong on this one. Common man india specially the right leaning hindu nationalists who btw are majority in India are unanimously supporting the genocide in Palestine. Right now there are only two type of people who are cheering for bombing in palestine
1- American politicians
2- Indian Hindus.

Other than these two pretty much everyone is against killing children.

Bjl leader.

Singling out Muslim. Looks like they want to start local production of palestinian holocaust

israel has no right to exist .. scumbags thieves from every nation formed a gang and went to palestine and took over it .. what right? the right to steal?

Come on, brother. What should we practically do to the Israeli Jews ? Somehow throw them into the Red Sea or set about to nuke them ( they have the Samson Option too ) ?

Let bygones be bygones like how Mandela did with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa.

Gaddafi who was a sensible and progressive Muslim and Arab leader advocated the One State Solution where the land now divided into Israel and the Palestinian bits will be combined into a single, democratically-governed country where that area's Muslims, Jews and Christians will be able to live in harmony.

Or, if I am not wrong, there is the 1967-borders Two State Solution ( Map here. Approved by PLO ).

india has no military experience to engage in a middle eastern scenario .. their soldiers will be hunted like rabbits in syria.

Well, though I don't like these engagements of the Indian military forces they have gained experience in asymmetric warfare against Kashmiri militants ( there are about 700,000 government personnel for this ) and against the Naxalite leftist guerrillas in jungle terrain ( about 200,000 government personnel for this ).
I said two weeks, come after that.
Also worry about China. Mutants are visiting their mother land.
Bagga is a local minor player in Delhi known for his antics.
India is far far far too bigger as well as a free land, there all 1.4 Billon voices singing their own tune.
Yup, a couple mutant infected Indians were captured and quarantined in our high tech hospitals, bugger was so glad to be breathing Chinese made oxygen. He was thankful to be in China and not India. Lol

Yah, everytime you fck up, you sing the 'freedom' sing. People starving, but we are free, people shitting in the open, but we are free, people getting lynched and raped, but we are free and now getting kebabed, WE ARE FREE!!! LOLLOL
Come on, brother. What should we practically do to the Israeli Jews ? Somehow throw them into the Red Sea or set about to nuke them ( they have the Samson Option too ) ?

Let bygones be bygones like how Mandela did with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa.

Gaddafi who was a sensible and progressive Muslim and Arab leader advocated the One State Solution where the land now divided into Israel and the Palestinian bits will be combined into a single, democratically-governed country where that area's Muslims, Jews and Christians will be able to live in harmony.

Or, if I am not wrong, there is the 1967-borders Two State Solution ( Map here. Approved by PLO ).

Well, though I don't like these engagements of the Indian military forces they have gained experience in asymmetric warfare against Kashmiri militants ( there are about 700,000 government personnel for this ) and against the Naxalite leftist guerrillas in jungle terrain ( about 200,000 government personnel for this ).
Gaddafi was sensible? LOL that's a joke.

What should we practically do to the Israeli Jews ? I don't know , maybe India can take them in since you peeps love them so much , they don't belong in the middle east AT ALL.

Kashmir war zone is nothing compared to the middle east .. take a look at gaza , firing rockets all the time , did israel discover where they hide it even with their spies and mossad agents? nope.
did the saudis win the war in yemen? nope.
did france,uk and israel manage to control suez canal ? nope.
italians managed to control libya? nope.
and so on.
Cases are already peaked out.
By two more weeks cases will come down to less than100k and similarly fatalities too.
I hope the IT cell of RSS is paying you enough.
Goodluck with your assumptions:tup:
With a attitude like this ,you too soon will be floating in ganges.
Godi media at work.
Of course, you go to hospital in these times your chances of dying increases manifold. Only fools and those who are unfit to live like alcoholics, smokers , obese etc will die at hospitals. Some innocents too who fall into this trap will suffer.
Yet globally doctors nurses. Actors politicians are dying. I have seen stupid people but you take the biscuit even amongst Indians.
By your assumptions "Only fools and those who are unfit to live like alcoholics, smokers , obese etc will die" smart
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