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1,000 Chinese boats headed for Senkakus

Sending ships does nothing for the Chinese claim. This entire episode was a dumb move by china. Are the claims more secure now than before? Hell no. China should not emit a beep until China is fully prepared to back it up with force. China needs at least 15 more years before she'll be ready for that. This is simply hitting the grass and frightening the snakes prematurely.

Japan was also dumb to play along. They just made it easier for the hardliners to sieze power in china.

Dumb moves by both sides.

These things are done to get the people's attention away from the short falls of CCP. I am sure whenever there is some unrest in China due to CCP's policies, China will go to war with any of the countries around it to divert the chinese society.
All the war mongering and tough posturing CCP did in the last one year are useless things evident from the latest senkaku debacle.

Atleast the Chinese here will eat a humble pie when they talk about chinese armed forces :rofl:
These things are done to get the people's attention away from the short falls of CCP. I am sure whenever there is some unrest in China due to CCP's policies, China will go to war with any of the countries around it to divert the chinese society.
All the war mongering and tough posturing CCP did in the last one year are useless things evident from the latest senkaku debacle.

Atleast the Chinese here will eat a humble pie when they talk about chinese armed forces :rofl:

Finally it was finally said
Its like a non violent Gandhi war......

So tell me this, what did the China get for the demonstrations? Is Diaoyu not nationalized by the Japanese? Did Noda withdraw the nationalization? If not, what good did it do?

Demonstrations and cries of indignity are for weak nations who cannot do anything against the aggressor. It's why Vietnamese demonstrated against China, it's why Arabs demonstrate against America. What else can they do, but protest?

Do you see the US organizing demonstrations against the Middle East? No. They simply go in, take what they want, bomb the capital, kill their targets, THEN announce to the world they've done it.

There are only 2 resolutions to the Diaoyu islands. Diplomacy, or Military. Since Japan is not willing to use diplomacy, military is the only option left. But since Japan is under the protection of the US, that is also not an option. Why? Because China is not yet strong enough to challenge the US, yet. So why stir the pot on something you can't resolve? So what if Japan makes a fuss? Once China's strong enough, all it will take is a simple pretense to occupy the islands back and we're done. Learn from the British on the Falklands war.

Before China's strong enough to take that final step, all this rhetoric is for naught. The demonstrations only serves to show the violence and the immaturity of rule of law in China. Not to mention strengthen the alliance between Japan and US.

We've been had. Manipulated by the US. And you guys are still not smart enough to realize that you've been had.

Cool your heads. If the ultimate goal is to get Diaoyu back, then the way to get it back is not to protest in vain and look foolish and powerless. It's to get stronger, both economically and militarily, until the other party willingly gives it to you, because they have no other option.

First of all the demonstrations didn't not initiate by China, it happened in China and Hong Kong simultaneously and then spread through out the world soon after. These demonstrations showed Chinese people are fed up being push around by foreigners for too long and urged the Chinese government to take strong actions.

Your assumption of there are only two solutions in this ordeal, war or peace, is flawed. By peace China would've given Japan a free hand on the islands and that's including military assets there which the US can have access, plus a lost of national dignities. This solution is fatal for China because all her northern merchant and naval fleets pass through these sea lanes on the way to the Pacific. In time of troubles they become 'choke points'.

There is a third solution, the one China is taking now: Be tough with war insinuations and outmatch Japan's Coastguard vessels in the surrounding sea with her maritime surveillance ships . If Japan sends warships she'll outmatched them by double. That's not a problem for China because her naval assets out numbers Japan by more than two to one. This move would eliminates Japan's dreams of building any kind of assets on the islands and forces her to negotiates status-quo.

Don't be a smart ***, China can never surpasses the US in military strength and doesn't need it to hold her ground. If everyone in China thinks like you, thank god they are not, the US would intimidates her by putting military assets around her in a move of 得寸进尺.

Oh yes, the West love a docile China similar to the imperial days.
First of all the demonstrations didn't not initiate by China, it happened in China and Hong Kong simultaneously and then spread through out the world soon after. These demonstrations showed Chinese people are fed up being push around by foreigners for too long and urged the Chinese government to take strong actions.

Your assumption of there are only two solutions in this ordeal, war or peace, is flawed. By peace China would've given Japan a free hand on the islands and that's including military assets there which the US can have access, plus a lost of national dignities. This solution is fatal for China because all her northern merchant and naval fleets pass through these sea lanes on the way to the Pacific. In time of troubles they become 'choke points'.

There is a third solution, the one China is taking now: Be tough with war insinuations and outmatch Japan's Coastguard vessels in the surrounding sea with her maritime surveillance ships . If Japan sends warships she'll outmatched them by double. That's not a problem for China because her naval assets out numbers Japan by more than two to one. This move would eliminates Japan's dreams of building any kind of assets on the islands and forces her to negotiates status-quo.

Don't be a smart ***, China can never surpasses the US in military strength and doesn't need it to hold her ground. If everyone in China thinks like you, thank god they are not, the US would intimidates her by putting military assets around her in a move of 得寸进尺.

Oh yes, the West love a docile China similar to the imperial days.

ok. Wake me up when acting tough gets you the Islands back.

You don't get islands back by acting tough. You get islands back by overwhelming strength, either economically or militarily. If you're strong enough, one word is all it will take, and Japan will hand the islands over hand over fist.

Until then. Acting tough is all 屁话
ok. Wake me up when acting tough gets you the Islands back.

You don't get islands back by acting tough. You get islands back by overwhelming strength, either economically or militarily. If you're strong enough, one word is all it will take, and Japan will hand the islands over hand over fist.

Until then. Acting tough is all 屁话

'Acting'? You think China sent a dozen or so CMS ships to Diaoyu is a form of play acting. According to one of your last statements: "Because China is not yet strong enough to challenge the US, yet. So why stir the pot on something you can't resolve?" and Japan won't talk 'diplomacy', China should plays dead and does nothing until she's stronger than the US. For the meantime, since she is already nationalized Diaoyu, Japan can do what she wants with the islands.

Was China strong enough then when she 'acted tough' with the Impeccable? Did the US came back to map the whole coastal China? Or has her spy planes ever come near China's border?

What's next, withdraw all her SCS assets when the US decides she'll honor her defense treaty with the Philippines or decides to have military alliance with Vietnam?

When will China be strong enough for the US or will she ever be?

Let me tell you something, if China doesn't challenge the US every step of the way on her Asia Pivot, the Americans will walk all over us. By 'us' I mean not just Chinese nationals but everyone in the western Pacific. But of course there are some would welcome their master's present.

China can talk diplomacy with Japan, Philippines and Vietnam or anyone else, but with the US she has to be tough because when the US has a 'hard-on' on you, bending over is not the solution.


One of China's CMS ship near Diaoyu
100 vessels from Taiwan set to sail in island protest

About 100 local fishing vessels from Yilan are set to sail for the Diaoyutai Islands at 3 p.m. from Yilan County today in one of Taiwan's largest-scale sovereignty protests yet over the disputed islands.

Clad in T-shirts emblazoned with the slogan “protect fishing rights for survival” on the front and the R.O.C. national flag printed on the back, Yilan fishermen are setting sail to defend their fishing rights in waters near the islands as well as to reinforce Taiwan's sovereignty claim over the islands.

The fishermen plan to assemble 20 nautical miles southwest of the disputed islands at 5 a.m. Tuesday, and circle the islands afterward.

Former Chairman of the Yilan County Longline Fishery Association (宜蘭縣延繩釣協會) Lin Jih-cheng (林日成) said that the fishermen will not set foot on the islands during the protest. The y will, however, sail as close as 12 nautical miles off the island group, Lin said, adding that they will also communicate their concerns about fishing rights to the Japanese government via banners.

Chen Chun-sheng (陳春生), chairman of the Su'ao District Fishermen's Association (蘇澳區漁會), emphasized that the purpose of the operation is to protest Japan's “nationalization” of the island chain and also to advocate the rights of Taiwanese fishermen. The operation was made possible with a NT$5 million donation to subsidize fuel costs, Chen said.

At the same time Diaoyutais Activists Protest on Land


Thousands of activists took to the streets of Taipei to rally against Japan's recent “purchase” of three islets in the disputed Diaoyutai chain during the “923 Baodiao Protest March” (923保釣大遊行) at 2:30 p.m. yesterday.

The demonstrators marched from the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall to the Interchange Association of Japan in Taipei to deliver a letter of protest against the Japanese government's move to “nationalize” the resource-rich islands in the East China Sea, according to the Central News Agency.

The protesters chanted slogans such as “The Diaoyutais are ours” and called on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to join arms against Japan's sovereignty claim to the territory.

Political parties such as the New Party (新黨) and the People First Party (親民黨) have expressed their support for the protests.

Since Japan moved to “nationalize” the islets on Sept. 11, tensions over the Diaoyutais have rapidly escalated, sparking protests both in Taiwan and mainland China.

100 vessels to sail in island protest - The China Post
It's good that Taiwanese are standing up for their territorial integrity.
Japan protests as three Chinese ships enter disputed waters


(Reuters) - Three Chinese ships briefly entered what Japan considers its territorial waters near disputed islands in the East China Sea on Monday, prompting an official protest from Tokyo and renewed diplomatic efforts to cool tensions between the rivals.

In a move that could further complicate the territorial row that is threatening relations between Asia's biggest economies, a group of fishermen from Taiwan -- which also claims the rocky isles -- said as many as 100 boats escorted by 10 Taiwan Coast Guard vessels would arrive in the area later on Monday.

China's Xinhua news agency said in the morning that two civilian surveillance ships were undertaking a "rights defense" patrol near the islands, citing the State Oceanic Administration, which controls the ships. One fishery patrol vessel was also detected inside waters claimed by Japan.

full story> Japan protests as Chinese ships enter disputed waters | Reuters
Its like a non violent Gandhi war......


But Gandhi never gave any violent threats or warnings to the enemy unlike China. The Senkaku debacle is just like barking loud and doing nothing.

yes pls be agrressive and face utter humiliation like u did in 1962,anyway im way off topic. Is yindees here really relevant in this topic?:lol:

Are you okay? Or under any mental trauma of historical Japanese aggression!!
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