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1.000 BC Afghana (Pashtun)

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Than there is India with Rape capital of the world...........with temples depicting naked women.........with all the archaeological findings.......with one true religion :D

Yes. And there is the Puranas which you misquoted. If you stop getting brainwashed by hookum pookum sites then you will be told that the person you claim is the Prophet of Islam and who is projected in the Puranas was depicted as a vile creature , a servant of the devil. Since you elected to quote from the Puranas and affiliated your Prophet to that character in the Puranas, you in fact insulted the Prophet of Islam and should be banned from this forum. Your stupidity however is displayed in your quoted post, particularly in respect to India being the rape capital and temple depicting naked women. Let's not discuss Islam's harems since I take issue with arguing with an idiot
Read below and Learn.
Islamic Research Foundation - Hinduism not the Oldest and Best Religion

Jewish rabbi proves that Muhammed is a prophet.wmv

there is more evidence...............

do litlle resacrch b4 posting bull shittt

You people call this research. Seriously?

Don't you people have any shame. plagiarizing other people's religion and claiming to be last true religion.

Islamic research foundation. Wah bhai wah. Ab to chor ka faisala choroon ki adalat karegi.

Could you not have brought some authentic and unbiased source instead of spamming with " Islamic research foundation ", the purveyor of hypocrisy and slander.
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.....with temples depicting naked women.........with all the archaeological findings.......with one true religion :D

I deleted first part of comment coz it was inhumane and irrational. It was a perfect troll.

@women: We were living in civilized free society, Sex was not a taboo for us. It was not Arabia culture where women were seen as object and packed into gunny bag kind of attire..

Our wars were fought on laws, Women, livestock and teachers were not harmed. On the other hand Mongolic warfare was about complete annihilation. Rape women, kill men, kill teachers etc (We saw recent Mongolic warfare in Bangla liberation war. It was a perfect example of Mongolic warfare technique.)
chandra gupta defeated Alexander's army is the biggest lie you told today, please provide evidence of the great victory.

I am waiting.

Chandra gupta Maurya defeated Alexander's armies and his general seluccus (after alexanders death)

After Alexander's death in 323 BCE, Chandragupta, turned his attention to Northwestern India (modern Pakistan), where he defeated the satrapies (described as "prefects" in classical Western sources) left in place by Alexander (according to Justin), and may have assassinated two of his governors, Nicanor and Philip.[3][11] The satrapies he fought may have included Eudemus, ruler in western Punjab until his departure in 317 BCE; and Peithon, son of Agenor, ruler of the Greek colonies along the Indus until his departure for Babylon in 316 BCE. The Roman historian Justin described how Sandrocottus (Greek version of Chandragupta's name) conquered the northwest:

“ "Some time after, as he was going to war with the generals of Alexander, a wild elephant of great bulk presented itself before him of its own accord, and, as if tamed down to gentleness, took him on its back, and became his guide in the war, and conspicuous in fields of battle. Sandrocottus, having thus acquired a throne, was in possession of India, when Seleucus was laying the foundations of his future greatness; who, after making a league with him, and settling his affairs in the east, proceeded to join in the war against Antigonus. As soon as the forces, therefore, of all the confederates were united, a battle was fought, in which Antigonus was slain, and his son Demetrius put to flight. " ”
—Justin, Historiarum Philippicarum libri XLIV, XV.4.19

Chandragupta Maurya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
kushans were not Indian, Buddhism is not just tied to India, like Islam is not only unique to Arabia, thus your bamiyan Buddha's.

So from 3 to 4 centuries its been reduced to 50 years?.

Maurya Empire lasted from 322 to 185 BC. Read the last post carefully. I said it lasted 50 years after the death of Ashoka.

And you seem to have forgotten to google Saka and Gupta Empire.
Well busted Islamic Research Bro.. :)

If one is talking about religion.... he must stay away from research and science... only filthiest of leeches of dirt questions Gods words and try to re-verify.
Crazy Zakir Naik: Let me bust his a$$
1. Hindu scripts are not like Islamic Koran which can not be modified.
2. The Vedas are accumulation of knowledge of many millenna.
3. Every time new knowlegde/finding were added to them (Just like modern book are written)

So the hymn he is quoting here, can be pre Islamic period or can be post Islamic period. There is no evidence that the hymn was written before Islam birth.
It can not be considered as proof

so u do agree ur geeta and other hindu scriptures have been edited by humans and republished as per there own need .......than it must be very authentic:no:

Dharma promotes spirituality... and not animalism.


Our saints do not keep 6 year old wives or fall for their sons wife.

no hindus dont keep 6 year old wives they rape 5yr old neighbours.

ur religion is filled with fatnesses of gods getting kidnapped and raped and hence the society culture.

You people call this research. Seriously?

Don't you people have any shame. plagiarizing other people's religion and claiming to be last true religion.

Islamic research foundation. Wah bhai wah. Ab to chor ka faisala choroon ki adalat karegi.

Could you not have brought some authentic and unbiased source instead of spamming with " Islamic research foundation ", the purveyor of hypocrisy and slander.

u guys spamed the whole world with fake stories for centuries.................. i cant fake a post?:laugh:
there is enough source on the net go search it..............i am watching breaking news of another rape in India.:omghaha:

Well busted Islamic Research Bro.. :)

if u have enough genuine proof IREF conducts open air debates take it over there and prove it...........

bull shittt proof
I am enthralled of how distorted history is in Pakistan. Afghanistan was Buddhist/Hindu before the Caliphate. The Bamyan Buddha statues and the standing Ganesh statue are a few examples of Afghanistan's pre Islamic culture.
no hindus dont keep 6 year old wives they rape 5yr old neighbours.

World News, latest international news and videos - India Today

9-year-old Pakistani girl kidnapped and gang-raped ? RT News

Meet Vijanti, the 6-year-old victim of rape – The Express Tribune Blog

A Saudi celebrity cleric who allegedly raped and murdered his five-year-old daughter has claimed he injured her because he doubted she was a virgin.

Saudi celebrity cleric who raped and murdered daughter, five, claimed he injured her because he doubted she was a virgin | Mail Online

ur religion is filled with fatnesses of gods getting kidnapped and raped and hence the society culture.

Thats the kind of animalism and devilism I was talking about... ADharma.

I am enthralled of how distorted history is in Pakistan. Afghanistan was Buddhist/Hindu before the Caliphate. The Bamyan Buddha statues and the standing Ganesh statue are a few examples of Afghanistan's pre Islamic culture.

What do you expect from brain washed people.. I am yet to know a single great empire from that part ever which lasted 100 years.
i believe that being MUSLIM we should prefer ISLAM and not the race ,
our Holy Prophet (S.a.W.W) opposed racism , we should work for cohesion of Muslims rather than promoting each others race etc ...
what does matter is our present status , and all the muslim countries are in some kind of misery ..... Islam is beyond races and borders .....

just Imagen the amount of links i can paste from rape capitol of the world......u wont have enough place on this thread.....

open u r tv ull find one right now:omghaha:
we need to shun such kind of approach and need to promote peace and prosperity in Muslim countries ...
PAKISTAN and AFGHANISTAN both have same religion and that should be been enough to bind them together but unfortunately both are divergent in that case ....
RACISM extracts maximum of hatred for minimum of reason , racism has spoiled lives of people living in this region ..
just Imagen the amount of links i can paste from rape capitol of the world......u wont have enough place on this thread.....

And me about the rape house holds of the world.. atleast the rape convicts are trailed and brought to justice... here.

Not like some animalistic law where you require 4 male witness of the rape.

Pity you cannot even see what goes around in your place... even on TV... :lol:
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