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1.000 BC Afghana (Pashtun)

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I dont understand why some Pakistanis and muslims try to change historical narrative by making up stuff...Islam did not come into this world before 600+ AD..so any Pashtun before that were either Hindus or Buddhists..Typical taliban mentality..destroying anything belonging to pre-islam era in hope that the later generation will believe their cr@p that there was nothing before the advent of islam or as the OP says muslims since 10000 BC :angry:

wont comment about the OP but Pukhtuns were never hindus neither budhists.
facepalm for narrow mindedness. .

These puktoons spanked pakistani people and forcefully converted them to Islam. The region now called as Pakistan is most unstable region through out history. Lot of foreign invasions happened through this region and people of that region is being suffered from ancient time onwards.

:lol: alright so Hindus were NOt attacked by Ghaznavi these were infact Pakistanis.

so STFU you bharatis how dare you claim that Muslim invaders looted Hindu :P :P :P
:lol: alright so Hindus were NOt attacked by Ghaznavi these were infact Pakistanis.

so STFU you bharatis how dare you claim that Muslim invaders looted Hindu :P :P :P

Ah...................... another rheotric from patriotic pakistani :lol:

I said Puktoons spanked current Pakistanis who are also Indians back in that time. But Islamic invaders most of them came from Afghanistan and Turkic regions and did lot of destruction to Hindus.

Back in that time the invention of horse archers did the trick for them.
Ah...................... another rheotric from patriotic pakistani :lol:

I said Puktoons spanked current Pakistanis who are also Indians back in that time. But Islamic invaders most of them came from Afghanistan and Turkic regions and did lot of destruction to Hindus.

Back in that time the invention of horse archers did the trick for them.

They just spanked only current Pakistani did they?, they reached all the way to Bengal so no mention if that, selective history.

Who were Hindu Shahis or Kabul Shahi.

Why don't you tell us all about it, your Indian version, they were Hindus so they must have been Indians hay, how all Muslims are white and Arab.
They just spanked only curewbt Pakistani did they?, they reached all the way to Bengal so no mention if that, selective history.

Yes India also ruled Afganistan and Turkic regions for almost 3 to 4 centuries during Maurya empire :cheers:
lol pagan==idole worhipers:omghaha:

would advise u to study Islam b4 commenting on it......Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) was our "LAST" prophet.

jews were also one of us until they disobeyed us........hell they even eat hallal food like us.

i dont want to comment on Hinduisum as anything i say will be deleted............

the orignal dravidians were Indians who by the way were not Hindus rest of u were arians who made up stories:omghaha: to rule dravidians.

but must agree u guys are gr8 in making stories hence "The Bollywood".:cheers:

I posted it earlier, hope you missed it....
Cultural Shock: Culture shock is the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country, or to a move between social environments, also a simple travel to another type of life.

To avoid cultural Shock, Newborn religion adopt some method/culture of existing religion. Many Islamic practices were existing practices. Be it skull cap, Khatna, Halal eating, Name of your god, Beard, Way of worship etc.

The newborn religion copy the fables as well. Be it Noah the ark, Adam-eve etc..

@Muhammad last prophet: Who said?? He himself and his few followers. Is there are historical documents (Independent Historian) or archeological evidence available for it? Sunni Muslims believe that he was last prophet, Shia or Ahmedi don't. Or may be Muhammad spread this word "Last prophet" so that there must not another Islam like religion take birth. (to avoid division of Islam)
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Yes India also ruled Afganistan and Turkic regions for almost 3 to 4 centuries during Maurya empire :cheers:

Unproven and distorted accounts, but here is the went ones, turco afghans ruled the sub continent for 7 to 8 centuries.
:lol: alright so Hindus were NOt attacked by Ghaznavi these were infact Pakistanis.

so STFU you bharatis how dare you claim that Muslim invaders looted Hindu :P :P :P

Muslim Invadors looted Muslims too.. :P An animal don't see he is killing animal or Human..
Unproven and distorted accounts, but here is the went ones, turco afghans ruled the sub continent for 7 to 8 centuries.

Read the correct history....!!!!!

Mauryan empire and also about Chandra Gupta Maurya who defeated Alexanders armies, and also about Ashoka the great.

If you still believe in your fairy tale history :wave:
Why don't you tell us all about it, your Indian version, they were Hindus sleep they must have been Indians hay, how all Muslims are white and Arab.

I haven't read Indian version.
Political Map of India in different time period...

Available in Internet and validate your claim/

For your convinience
History of India, India History, History of Ancient India

Oh i can show you maps all day lib they doubt really mean anything unless backed by detailed historic evidence.

Historic evidence of the turco afghans are languages, monuments etc in India, same can not be said for your claims.
Unproven and distorted accounts, but here is the went ones, turco afghans ruled the sub continent for 7 to 8 centuries.

Turks are distinct from Afghans, like us Afghans were too the victim of their babarianism particulary at the hands of Mughals.
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