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1.000 BC Afghana (Pashtun)

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Read the correct history....!!!!!

Mauryan empire and also about Chandra Gupta Maurya who defeated Alexanders armies, and also about Ashoka the great.

If you still believe in your fairy tale history :wave:

chandra gupta defeated Alexander's army is the biggest lie you told today, please provide evidence of the great victory.

I am waiting.
Prophet ADAM was the first man on the planet and he was a Muslim...........just boz u dont know doesn't mean it did not exist

If you make an assertion, bring a proof for it. Saying it is written in our book does not carry any value.
Turks are distinct from Afghans, like us Afghans were too the victim of their babarianism particulary at the hands of Mughals.

Afghans for centuries have been part of that culture, they haven't suffered anything, ups and downs happen.

Talk about yourself, no need to tell us whether we suffered or not.
chandra gupta defeated Alexander's army is the biggest lie you told today, please provide evidence of the great victory.

I am waiting.

Chandragupta defeated Seleucus, Alexander's general who got Eastern part of Greek empire after Alexander's death. At the time of Alexander, North India was ruled by Nanda Empire. Alexender never invaded Nanda Empire. After defeating Seleucus Chandragupta's Maurya Empire reached North to Balkh(called Bahlika in Sanskrit).
I posted it earlier, hope you missed it....
Cultural Shock: Culture shock is the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country, or to a move between social environments, also a simple travel to another type of life.

To avoid cultural Shock, Newborn religion adopt some method/culture of existing religion. Many Islamic practices were existing practices. Be it skull cap, Khatna, Halal eating, Name of your god, Beard, Way of worship etc.

The newborn religion copy the fables as well. Be it Noah the ark, Adam-eve etc..

@<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=2181" target="_blank">Muhammad</a></u> last prophet: Who said?? He himself and his few followers. Is there are historical documents (Independent Historian) or archeological evidence available for it? Sunni Muslims believe that he was last prophet, Shia or Ahmedi don't. Or may be Muhammad spread this word "Last prophet" so that there must not another Islam like religion take birth. (to avoid division of Islam)

Read below and Learn.
Islamic Research Foundation - Hinduism not the Oldest and Best Religion

Jewish rabbi proves that Muhammed is a prophet.wmv

there is more evidence...............

do litlle resacrch b4 posting bull shittt
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There is world history. Supported by archeological findings and often recorded by historians of the time. Then there is Pakistani history. Created in the minds of a few people who disregard world history and who misquote scripture,believing that until 600AD the world was a dark place, full of savage people who had to be converted to the one true religion :D
chandra gupta defeated Alexander's army is the biggest lie you told today, please provide evidence of the great victory.

I am waiting.

He defeated Alexander's general seleucus I nicator who inherited Eastern half of Alexander's empire after his death.Seceucus ceded Afghanistan Baluchistan and parts of Eastern Iran to Chandragupta.The empire was retained for 50 years after the death of ashoka.


Also google: Kushan, Saka and Gupta Empire.

wont comment about the OP but Pukhtuns were never hindus neither budhists.

So Buddhist statues in Bamiyan were planted by Dijjins from Arabia.
Oh i can show you maps all day lib they doubt really mean anything unless backed by detailed historic evidence.

Historic evidence of the turco afghans are languages, monuments etc in India, same can not be said for your claims.

Hindustan is an open culture, we gather knowledge from all over world. The language world follow is known as "Indo-Anglo" language.. Romas living world wide are Indian. Arabs (Before Islam born) worshiping stone were evidence of Indian civilization (which was wiped out by mewborn relogion).

Unlike other religion Hinduism don't believe in destruction..
There is world history. Supported by archeological findings and often recorded by historians of the time. Then there is Pakistani history. Created in the minds of a few people who disregard world history and who misquote scripture,believing that until 600AD the world was a dark place, full of savage people who had to be converted to the one true religion :D

Than there is India with Rape capital of the world...........with temples depicting naked women.........with all the archaeological findings.......with one true religion :D
Afghans for centuries have been part of that culture, they haven't suffered anything, ups and downs happen.

Talk about yourself, no need to tell us whether we suffered or not.

Every invading tribe from Central Asia were absorbed in local population throughout history. Babur who was a Turko-Mongol Chughtai Turk is well known for massacre of Pashtuns and Pashtuns never accepted Mughal rule
He defeated Alexander's general seleucus I nicator who inherited Eastern half of Alexander's empire after his death.Seceucus ceded Afghanistan Baluchistan and parts of Eastern Iran to Chandragupta.The empire was retained for 50 years after the death of ashoka.

Chandragupta Maurya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also google: Kushan, Saka and Gupta Empire.

So Buddhist statues in Bamiyan were planted by Dijjins from Arabia.

kushans were not Indian, Buddhism is not just tied to India, like Islam is not only unique to Arabia, thus your bamiyan Buddha's.

So from 3 to 4 centuries its been reduced to 50 years?.

Crazy Zakir Naik: Let me bust his a$$
1. Hindu scripts are not like Islamic Koran which can not be modified.
2. The Vedas are accumulation of knowledge of many millenna.
3. Every time new knowlegde/finding were added to them (Just like modern book are written)

So the hymn he is quoting here, can be pre Islamic period or can be post Islamic period. There is no evidence that the hymn was written before Islam birth.

It can not be considered as proof
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