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  1. bling bling

    US to fund $20m remake of Sesame Street for Pakistan

    retarded attempt by u.s.a once again....if u want win heart and minds then get out of muslim land asap :)
  2. bling bling

    Stop 'Preaching' on Human Rights: China to US

    thats same as USA questioning irans right to nukes...the only country that deserves to get stripped of its nukes is usa cause it has used them not once but twice on civilians in japan and killed millions
  3. bling bling

    Israel's Iron Dome system foils first rocket attack

    how many of these are required to bring down one inter-continental ballistik missile?
  4. bling bling

    Remittances cross $1 billion dollars, make new record

    yo Pakistani expats are rich :cheers:
  5. bling bling

    Alleged anti-north India remark by Chidambaram draws flak

    too much divide within your country...who will get to keep the nukes once u disintegrate??north,south or China?:lol:
  6. bling bling

    Yemen leader 'willing to step down'

    feel sorry for him..only real men like gadaffi take stand for their principles...they go down as heros but they dont bow down before imperial conspiricies
  7. bling bling

    Turkey and France clash over Libya air campaign

    muslims should get together and take stand over libya...otherwise it could be india's turn next
  8. bling bling

    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    this looks like my village as it was 40 years ago...havent u seen lighting before?come to tripoli
  9. bling bling

    French jet 'destroys Libya plane'

    sarkozy is a pimp asshole..entire of maghreb googles for his wife's picture causing overheating of servers he is bombing and killing libyan civilians in maghreb
  10. bling bling

    Islamic bloc drops 12-year U.N. drive to ban defamation of religion

    has usa anything to do with human rights????shame on these liars....they voilated human rights like a beast an animal in iraq and afghanistan?? were the hell are those weapons of mass destruction from iraq for which war was launced??dick cheney should swallow his dick and die for lying and...
  11. bling bling

    Republicans Full Of It On Obama & Libya

    why do american senators and politicians look like sitcom comedians :lol: look at moamar qadaffi and his grace
  12. bling bling

    Kerala Corner

    very much brother....afridi is hero of muslims cause he will win the worldcup and is respected in maghreb,libya
  13. bling bling

    The Pak-US Relationship

    USA isnt sincere with Pakistan...its is doing business with you....you do this and we do that...you do that and we do this...dont trust it ever....not a single american died after 9/11 but look at you.....30k people of your countrymen died after 9/11 what did u achieved or gained??Look at your...
  14. bling bling

    Birth of Obama Doctrine

    :lol: :lol:
  15. bling bling

    Kerala Corner

    there is nothing wrong in highlighting the softer image of india:lol: ---------- Post added at 04:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 PM ---------- in propoganda warefare there is no kindness :lol:
  16. bling bling

    Kerala Corner

    IndiaDaily - The soft **** queen of India Shakeela decides to tell her life story – many bombshells worried what she may reveal! :cheers:
  17. bling bling

    Kerala Corner

    Shakeela - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia pride of india:lol: indian workers that come here in libya to build...they brought with them softcore **** movies made in malaylam,india.....they are now in some prison in tripoli
  18. bling bling

    Pakistan in Pictures

    lovely country...greetings from maghreb,libya
  19. bling bling

    way to justify war, is to dehumanise its victims

    and i repeat for the res of the members ....hottest places in hell are reserved for those who maintian their neutrality in times of great moral crisis
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