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US to fund $20m remake of Sesame Street for Pakistan


Oct 29, 2009
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US to fund $20m remake of Sesame Street for Pakistan


The show will be set in a Pakistan village and be mostly in Urdu

The United States is funding a Pakistani remake of the popular TV children's show Sesame Street.

In a new effort to win hearts and minds in Pakistan, USAID - the development arm of the US government - is donating $20m (£12m) to the country to create a local Urdu version of the show.

The project aims to boost education in Pakistan, where many children have no access to regular schooling.

The show is to be filmed in Lahore and aired later in the year.

"The programme is part of a series of ventures that is aimed at developing the educational infrastructure in the country," Virginia Morgan, a spokesperson for USAID, told the BBC.

"Education is one of the vital sectors that need help in Pakistan."

The show will be set in a village in Pakistan - rather than the streets of New York - with roadside tea shop and residents sitting on their verandas.

The remake will star a puppet called Rani, the six-year-old daughter of a peasant farmer, with pigtails and a school uniform, according to Britain's Guardian newspaper.

In an interview with a local edition of Newsweek, Imraan Peerzada‚ a writer for the new series‚ said the protagonist was a brave and daring girl.

"She will represent what little girls have to go through in this gender-biased society," he said.

He said her journey would inevitably touch on Pakistan's ongoing fight with militancy, but would not directly refer to religion.
Right.....like thats going to help.
retarded attempt by u.s.a once again....if u want win heart and minds then get out of muslim land asap :)
Same subject being posted earlier 4th time and now count comes to 5.
when i was young believe me i use to love this series and this is not a govt fund it is investment as it was in 90s era been done before
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