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French jet 'destroys Libya plane'

Yes France had millions under arms in WW I by far the largest ally vs. the Germans and the old Austro Hungarian Empire, which included Turkey as our enemy in WW I under their Ottoman Empire.

My late father, Corporal Bennett Powell Singleton, was a Squad Leader in the 31st Infantry Division, made up of Army National Guard soldiers from Alabama and Mississippi. Corporal Singleton, who was historically America's youngest veteran of WW I, was only two weeks past his 14th birthday when he enlisted in the Alabama Army National Guard, and two weeks later President Wilson declared war and Corporal Singleton was off to war in France. Corporal Singleton told the Alabama Army National Guard Recruiting Sergeant that he was 18, and being over 6 feet tall and athletic, the Sgt. "believed" he was age 18 and did not realize he had just turned age 14! * B. P. Singleton like all others enlisted as a Private; he became a Corporal after his Regiment was immediately posted to Camp Gordon, today's Fort Gordon, in Georgia for training before shipping out from the Port of Mobile, Alabama for France.

My Uncle on my Mother's side (her older brother), PFC James Irving Gillis, was in the Rainbow Division, which was made up of another element of the Alabama Army National Guard combined with Army National Guard soldiers from New York and New Jersey, and various other states. Hence the name 'Rainbow" Division to reflect men from several different states in the same single division.

***Brigadier General Douglas MacArthur was deputy division commander of the Rainbow Division at the start of WW I. To help young historians in WW II General of the Army (five stars) MacArthur led the defense and later invasion to re-take the Philippines from the Japanese. General MacArthur then became the Military Governor of Japan and at the time of the Korean War was placed in command of all US and UN Forces deployed to South Korea.

Both Corporal Singleton and PFC Gillis were wounded in France. My Uncle was wounded three times, the third time he permanently lost all , 100%, of his hearing and was deaf for the rest of his life. PFC Gillis was gassed twice (poison gas) which in later years led to his death from lung cancer.

War is not a game. It is awful and the after effects of war on those wounded who survive any and all wars are horrendous. Let alone the after effects on their family and friends of dealing with those wounded physically and mentally for the rest of their natural lives from and in all wars.

AA, your father and other relatives may have served loyally, and suffered horrendously. But were they aware of the larger geopolitical games going on? This article may interest you:


General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders claims new book

George S. Patton, America's greatest combat general of the Second World War, was assassinated after the conflict with the connivance of US leaders, according to a new book.

By Tim Shipman in Washington 7:16PM GMT 20 Dec 2008


The newly unearthed diaries of a colourful assassin for the wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the CIA, reveal that American spy chiefs wanted Patton dead because he was threatening to expose allied collusion with the Russians that cost American lives.

The death of General Patton in December 1945, is one of the enduring mysteries of the war era. Although he had suffered serious injuries in a car crash in Manheim, he was thought to be recovering and was on the verge of flying home.

But after a decade-long investigation, military historian Robert Wilcox claims that OSS head General "Wild Bill" Donovan ordered a highly decorated marksman called Douglas Bazata to silence Patton, who gloried in the nickname "Old Blood and Guts".

His book, "Target Patton", contains interviews with Mr Bazata, who died in 1999, and extracts from his diaries, detailing how he staged the car crash by getting a troop truck to plough into Patton's Cadillac and then shot the general with a low-velocity projectile, which broke his neck while his fellow passengers escaped without a scratch.

Mr Bazata also suggested that when Patton began to recover from his injuries, US officials turned a blind eye as agents of the NKVD, the forerunner of the KGB, poisoned the general.

Mr Wilcox told The Sunday Telegraph that when he spoke to Mr Bazata: "He was struggling with himself, all these killings he had done. He confessed to me that he had caused the accident, that he was ordered to do so by Wild Bill Donovan.

"Donovan told him: 'We've got a terrible situation with this great patriot, he's out of control and we must save him from himself and from ruining everything the allies have done.' I believe Douglas Bazata. He's a sterling guy."

Mr Bazata led an extraordinary life. He was a member of the Jedburghs, the elite unit who parachuted into France to help organise the Resistance in the run up to D-Day in 1944. He earned four purple hearts, a Distinguished Service Cross and the French Croix de Guerre three times over for his efforts.

After the war he became a celebrated artist who enjoyed the patronage of Princess Grace of Monaco and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

He was friends with Salvador Dali, who painted a portrait of Bazata as Don Quixote.

He ended his career as an aide to President Ronald Reagan's Navy Secretary John Lehman, a member of the 9/11 Commission and adviser to John McCain's presidential campaign.

Mr Wilcox also tracked down and interviewed Stephen Skubik, an officer in the Counter-Intelligence Corps of the US Army, who said he learnt that Patton was on Stalin's death list. Skubik repeatedly alerted Donovan, who simply had him sent back to the US.

"You have two strong witnesses here," Mr Wilcox said. "The evidence is that the Russians finished the job."

The scenario sounds far fetched but Mr Wilcox has assembled a compelling case that US officials had something to hide. At least five documents relating to the car accident have been removed from US archives.

The driver of the truck was whisked away to London before he could be questioned and no autopsy was performed on Patton's body.

With the help of a Cadillac expert from Detroit, Mr Wilcox has proved that the car on display in the Patton museum at Fort Knox is not the one Patton was driving.

"That is a cover-up," Mr Wilcox said.

George Patton, a dynamic controversialist who wore ivory-handled revolvers on each hip and was the subject of an Oscar winning film starring George C. Scott, commanded the US 3rd Army, which cut a swathe through France after D-Day.

But his ambition to get to Berlin before Soviet forces was thwarted by supreme allied commander Dwight D. Eisenhower, who gave Patton's petrol supplies to the more cautious British General Bernard Montgomery.

Patton, who distrusted the Russians, believed Eisenhower wrongly prevented him closing the so-called Falaise Gap in the autumn of 1944, allowing hundreds of thousands of German troops to escape to fight again,. This led to the deaths of thousands of Americans during their winter counter-offensive that became known as the Battle of the Bulge.

In order to placate Stalin, the 3rd Army was also ordered to a halt as it reached the German border and was prevented from seizing either Berlin or Prague, moves that could have prevented Soviet domination of Eastern Europe after the war.

Mr Wilcox told The Sunday Telegraph: "Patton was going to resign from the Army. He wanted to go to war with the Russians. The administration thought he was nuts.

"He also knew secrets of the war which would have ruined careers.

I don't think Dwight Eisenhower would ever have been elected president if Patton had lived to say the things he wanted to say." Mr Wilcox added: "I think there's enough evidence here that if I were to go to a grand jury I could probably get an indictment, but perhaps not a conviction."

Charles Province, President of the George S. Patton Historical Society, said he hopes the book will lead to definitive proof of the plot being uncovered. He said: "There were a lot of people who were pretty damn glad that Patton died. He was going to really open the door on a lot of things that they screwed up over there."

General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders claims new book - Telegraph
sarkozy is a pimp asshole..entire of maghreb googles for his wife's picture causing overheating of servers

he is bombing and killing libyan civilians in maghreb
they shot a trainer aircraft it could have been forced to land

News says it was was landed already.

Im interested to know if in rules of engagement were followed or not?
My late father and uncle (on my mother's side) did understand "big picture" issues, yes. But my Uncle James Irving Gillis died in 1942 of Lung Cancer dating from his two times being poison gassed during WW I. So didn't live long enough to be conversant in perspective of WW II and thereafter.

My father did live long enough to be observant. He became professionally accomplished in his adult lifetime as an accountant and auditor, being when I was born (1939) Chief Examiner of Public Accounts of the Alabama Dept. of Examiners of Public Accounts (same as State Auditor) for the State of Alabama.

At end of WW II he (Dad) left state service and joined US Civil Serice to take over numerous Army and Navy hospitals across the SE US for the US Veterans Administration, which hospitals continue today as Veterans Hospitals, in most cases, affiliated with same city Medical Colleges, making them Veterans Medical Teaching Hospitals where our modern day veterans get top flight medical care.

I am 71 + and have worked in the US State Dept., 6 years regular USAF officer service to include previously mentioned elsewhere on PDF time with Office of the US Air Attache at old US Embassy in Karachi; 25 years in USAF Reserve, 8 years in later years at Chief of Staff level (as a drilling reserve Colonel) with HQ US Special Operations Command. Business experience included 3 years in International banking in NYC with what is today's JP Morgan Chase, in my era was Manufactuers Hanover Trust Co., International Dept., Japan/Asia (included Indian Subcontinent) Section.

A long winded self-brag introduction to say I never liked Patton, he was an arrogant man, very self opinionated, and no one can know what he thought or didn't think on any subject due to the fact that he is long dead. He was intellectually very smart, wealthy by inheritance not by the sweat of his brow, and basically self important and pompous. But he was one positive thing, and that was a tank division(s) commanding general.

Excuse the length of this reply please.
You have good service for your nation and must be respected by every one.
In same way General Patton had rendered service to his nation and his murder shall be condemned.
Even, If he was criminal still extra judicial killing is a crime it self.
I am sorry not to have addressed your view on the death of General Patton. He died as the result of an auto accident, he was not murdered.

That is a story off and on over the years that some who like to deal in science fiction topics raise. General Patton was not murdered. He was of great service to the US and our Allies in WW II. I, for one, would suggest we leave it and him in peace, at that.

Have a good weekend.

Family Links
General, George Smith Patton III
Beatrice "Bee" Patton+
Ruth Ellen Patton+
Major General, George Smith Patton IV+
Beatrice Banning Ayer 1461

Born: 12 Jan 1886, Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1461,1462
Marriage: General, George Smith Patton III on 10 May 1910 in Beverly Farms, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1461
Died: 30 Sep 1953, Hamilton Beach, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA at age 67 1461
Buried: Cremated
Cause of her death was Ruptured Aortic Aneurysm.

General Notes:

She was born Beatrice Banning Ayer in Haverhill, Massachusetts the daughter of Frederick Ayer an industrialist who owned a woolen mill. She enjoyed the life of privilege & attended prestigious finishing schools. She met George Patton for the first time as children. The friendship resulted in marriage in 1910 which lasted over thirty years and produced three children. Their son, George S. Patton III continued the West Point tradition and became a general. Beatrice had many talents. She was bilingual in French and translated many French army manuals into english. She was an expert equestrian, a fine lecturer and an able sailor with a sloop of her own. She was a fine writer complyling three books. She covered the country during WWII raising money during bond drives. After the tragic death of her husband in 1945, Mrs. Patton became a forceful and persuasive speaker advocating universal military training. On September 30,1953 at Hamilton, Massachusetts, while horse riding she suffered a ruptured aortic aneurysm which took her life instantly causing her to fall from the animal. After a brief Episcopal service, she was cremated. Her wish to be buried with her husband was well known to her children. An Army nurse is the only woman buried at the American Cemetery and memorial. There is another woman's presence: The ashes of the general's widow, Beatrice Ayer Patton were strewn over his grave by their children several years after her death. 1463

Beatrice married General, George Smith Patton III, son of George Smith "Frenchy" Patton Jr. and Ruth Wilson, on 10 May 1910 in Beverly Farms, Essex, Massachusetts, USA.1461 (General, George Smith Patton III was born on 11 Nov 1885 in San Gabriel, Los Angeles, California, USA and died on 21 Dec 1945 in Heidelberg, Germany.) The cause of his death was Car Accident.
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