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Stop 'Preaching' on Human Rights: China to US


May 5, 2010
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Stop 'Preaching' on Human Rights: China to US

China has asked the "preacher" US to stop interfering in its internal affairs "under the pretext" of raising human rights issues, close on the heels of an annual State Department report slamming it for trying to limit freedom of speech and "arbitrarily" detaining activists.

"China and the US have disagreements on human rights issues, about which we are willing to engage in dialogue based on equality and mutual respect," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said, reacting to the State Department's report accusing Beijing of rights violations.

"But we are firmly against interfering in our internal affairs under the pretext of human rights issues," Hong said in a statement last night.

The Chinese government attaches importance to protecting human rights, he said.

With continuing economic growth, constantly improving democracy and law system and ever booming cultural development, all ethnic groups in China enjoy extensive freedom and rights, Hong said.

He urged the US to reflect more on its own human rights issues rather than acting as a "preacher of human rights".

"The US should stop interfering in other country's internal affairs with human rights report," he said.

China, which steadfastly cracks down on traces of dissidence and protests, holds annual dialogue with US on the rights issues.

The US State Department survey criticised China for worsening human rights record expressing concern over reports of Chinese intellectuals and activists being "arbitrarily detained" in recent weeks, including prominent artist Ai Weiwei.
FILED ON: APR 10, 2011

news.outlookindia.com | Stop 'Preaching' on Human Rights: China to US
Didnt the Chinese President just recently acknowledge that Human rights issue needs to be 'looked' into more thoroughly? Was that just empty soundbites for media consumption?

Here it is:
Obama and Hu Agree Progress Needed on Human Rights in China
Obama suggested China had improved its record on human rights over the past 30 years and said he expects further change in the decades ahead.

President Hu Jintao acknowledged "a lot" still needs to be done to improve human rights in his country, which is rapidly growing as an economic power.

Hu Concedes China Needs to Do 'a Lot' on Rights

Chinese President Hu Jintao acknowledges that China needs to improve human rights
The US is very vulnerable on the issue of human rights, on the other hand It's clear that China has no stomach to confront the US - and this is a mistake because such a stance "gifts" the US a tremendous hammer to use against China and others. Whereas US has clear objective and uses the issue of human rights as a club against China, China seems to be adrift and has no real policy with regard to the use of Human rights as a policy tool.
thats same as USA questioning irans right to nukes...the only country that deserves to get stripped of its nukes is usa cause it has used them not once but twice on civilians in japan and killed millions
Only US has the right to meddle in other countries as they are the number 1 power.:usflag::usflag:

Sarcasm right?

IF no then,I know that Bhartis think like that but you have to understand that others are not like India.
Come on now, people - of course it's sarcasm - why does that even have to be a question? What face does US have to question others about human rights?

Anyways, there are more important issues with regard to the question of human rights, while the rest of the world and China, India, etc;... work toward building economies that allow the furtherance and enlargement of human rights, the US by her own actions has been shown to be hypocritical, and reduced to cynically using the subject of human rights as a mere utility.

What has to change in the US policy making community and in the general understanding within US society to ensure that the subject of human rights is not reduced to a utility, because after all, the rehabilitation of the US as a credible moral power, must begin at home, and the true friends of the US can help this by ensuring, with some vigor, that focus remains at home.
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