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  1. True Lies

    Should democracy be scrapped in India?

    The most stupid ideas of all i.e.
  2. True Lies

    US appreciates India closing missile gap with China

    I see you have no knowledge or understanding what is nuclear power and how it is used militarily. Intelligent person knows what to speak and when to speak. Just because USA can hit us that does not mean they will hit us.
  3. True Lies

    ‘Modi is a robot of the RSS, programmed to hate Muslims’

    Pakistanis do not qualify to ask ques from indians about muslims. we didnt ask you to go. You wanted to live alone so you lost the right at that time.
  4. True Lies

    Pakistan nationals will be able to roam freely in India soon

    The title of this thread is sort of insulting to pakistanis...what are they dogs..."now they can roam freely"
  5. True Lies

    India Nowhere at Davos: Thank god for that!

    the smart one will just shut up and work.
  6. True Lies

    $117 million brand new Chinese ship sinks at launch

    all indians here making fun of chinese is really pathetic. all of us should have ignored this if not sympathise. peace out
  7. True Lies

    In the event of a coup, will stand by army: Musharraf

    The World Today - Court driven coup in Pakistan? 17/01/2012ELEANOR HALL: Now to the stand-off in Pakistan between the government, the military and the judiciary. The Supreme Court is threatening to force early elections by ordering the Prime Minister, Raza Gilani, to appear in court this week...
  8. True Lies

    China better placed than India to weather global slowdown

    haa! i thought chinese were aiming at USA and comparing with them. Lately, the articles are about china better than india.we know that china is better than india. Sadly, the quality of thought process of chinese is deteriorating.
  9. True Lies

    China warns US on Asia military strategy

    another chinese fatwa
  10. True Lies

    Vietnam, India Join to Face China

    We are not ready to face china yet. We need to diffuse tensions and keep working to make our country strong. The day we become equal to china, then we can do something about facing off with them. Till then, work work and work.
  11. True Lies

    A PTI and Musharraf Political Alliance?

    i think musharraf is more dependant on imran khan. vice versa does not look possible. so IK as president and PM as PM is possible.
  12. True Lies

    India a War Machine - Pakistan observer

    well we should take pak millitary on board in talks
  13. True Lies

    China canceled $30 billion in debts by 35 African countries

    well china is not loosing any opportunity. great to see china going places.
  14. True Lies

    Bangla offers special zones to Indian companies

    as i know textile is the biggest industry of bangladesh and if it is getting beaten then bangla are simply not good at business.
  15. True Lies

    Hindutva and Zionism hurdles to peace and democracy: Scholars

    hindutva = islamic(pakistani) ideology hidden meaning not interpreted by my well nurtured pakistani counterparts.
  16. True Lies

    Patient in Indian Hospital Dies After Body Part Bitten Off By Rats

    Bengal;the used to be most prestigious state of india, now falling beyond fall.
  17. True Lies

    India will bag more medals in London Olympics than Bejing: IOA

    this is really stupid on IOA's part. china was on top in last olympics. indian atheletes have a long way to go in olympic games. maybe in doping we can leave china behind.
  18. True Lies

    India in 2012: Strategic and security challenges beckon

    The only issue we are having is that our government is stuck with domestic issues and cannot concentrate on economy and neighbor issues. No major decisions have been taken for past 3 years i believe.
  19. True Lies

    China vs. America: Which Is the Developing Country?

    everything will be alright. we may take more time than china but it is perfectly alright. most important point is to make sure we live long enough to see our country reach that milestone.
  20. True Lies

    Iran: No oil through strait if sanctions applied

    you understood him wrong. what he meant that iran didnt calculate properly when playing this card. india and other south asian + china will get affected.
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