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  1. Irani

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    Abii I wonder if your debate with gambit going anywhere! but it remembered me this lines in BIG BANG THEORY : Howard Wolowitz: Admit it, we got you, Sheldon! Sheldon Cooper: Please! Fright depends on an element of surprise. The simple fact is, because I am much smarter than you and able to...
  2. Irani

    U.N. delegates walk out / 911 to investigated - Ahmedinejad

    You could laugh hysterically as much you want, nothing going to change. There are no shortage of sources that absolutely debunked your position as well. New or old, these queries are available and many people believe them. You could accept the investigation or childishly address me, an old...
  3. Irani

    U.N. delegates walk out / 911 to investigated - Ahmedinejad

    Actually, he didn't said anything hateful, he just asked for investigation and it's not hateful! Seams to me your county got something to hide so they try to kill the messenger! You are not in the position to ask him how dare. In fact, we should ask how dare you started war in our region. How...
  4. Irani

    U.N. delegates walk out / 911 to investigated - Ahmedinejad

    okay fellow, Give me a credible reason and I will accept your claim about steel structures, for example one another building collapsed. Maybe your right I'm not an expert but without proof I can't accept it. Himas numerously have denied that Iran fund it. Do you accept it? apparently ones...
  5. Irani

    comparison death penalty in USA and Iran

    Is Virginia's Death-Row Woman, US's Sakineh Ashtiani? Sunday, 26 September 2010 10:42 Reporter A 41-year-old American grandmother diagnosed with borderline mental retardation has been executed despite thousands pleading for her execution to be canceled. Iran believes her case...
  6. Irani

    comparison death penalty in USA and Iran

    In half the cases of stoning, if the convicted, , manage to come out of the ground he will survive and no one should take hand on him. That's why the small stones should be used to give him enough time. ( also the female are not buried till head in the ground as the unaware expert claimed. she...
  7. Irani

    U.N. delegates walk out / 911 to investigated - Ahmedinejad

    I encourage you to watch this video: Revealing, shocking video shows reporter talking about collapse with WTC 7 still standing in background, Google removes clip . An astounding video uncovered from the archives today shows the BBC reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over...
  8. Irani

    U.N. delegates walk out / 911 to investigated - Ahmedinejad

    I won't blame you, It's odd and I haven't founded the documents to prove it. if I was in your place, without a prove, I wouldn't accept it neither. But for clarification, the belief of those 86% are not the same, some look at it as a inside job, some as Israel, some believe The US government...
  9. Irani

    Iran and Pakistan: Terrorism States or Victims of Terrorism?

    aleikom al salam buddy, 1.The first definition was a sarcasm, united state uses terrorism as a label against his enemy. But you got the point, not all the terrorist groups are in odd with them. I agree with you. (about Rajavi however, I heard they got issues with united state as well as Iran...
  10. Irani

    U.N. delegates walk out / 911 to investigated - Ahmedinejad

    1. I think using words like extremist is a kind of insult but in political manner. Politicians usually use this words to precondemn their oppositions. In that way no one going to listen to their logic because the people consider them unreasonable. There exist many words like that, for instance...
  11. Irani

    U.N. delegates walk out / 911 to investigated - Ahmedinejad

    ya, but it's true. If I find one of them, I will post it here. I read some of them month ago.
  12. Irani

    U.N. delegates walk out / 911 to investigated - Ahmedinejad

    In contrary, his move was really smart, polls indicate that even in US near 86 percent of Americans are considering 9/11 as a conspiracy.
  13. Irani

    Iran and Pakistan: Terrorism States or Victims of Terrorism?

    It depend on how you define terrorism: 1. anybody against US, Which is the common definition these days. 2. Any partisan who use explosives and non symmetric strategies against a superior army. then you should consider the movements like Free French Forces in world war II as terrorist group. 3...
  14. Irani

    U.N. delegates walk out / 911 to investigated - Ahmedinejad

    Well, there are plenty of nuclear weapons all over the world, one of the biggest arsenals is in Us and Israel, If you are that much worry you better start with existing threat instead of hypothetical. additionally, there is a Consensus about our nuclear activity in Iran, all are in same side...
  15. Irani

    U.N. delegates walk out / 911 to investigated - Ahmedinejad

    really? such a comparison! :rofl: We, Iranian, know how to handle our problems, you better take care of yours.
  16. Irani

    U.N. delegates walk out / 911 to investigated - Ahmedinejad

    Could you please lead me to that statement? where he said such a thing?
  17. Irani

    U.N. delegates walk out / 911 to investigated - Ahmedinejad

    Ahmadinejad had answered you in his interview with Charlie Rose: Charlie Rose - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran .....MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD: Allow me to say one additional sentence about the previous discussion we had. The argument made that Iran prevents peace...
  18. Irani

    U.N. delegates walk out / 911 to investigated - Ahmedinejad

    The best way is to put his speech instead of cutting the head and tale then everyone could decide about it! He started his speech with sympathizing to Pakistani people. Remarks by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the 65th UN General Assembly [Voltaire] Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and...
  19. Irani

    Iranian woman sentenced to death to be lashed over photo

    All news agencies got their own problems. look at the lashing lie from well known agencies in this thread, but this one is a quote from Iranian ambassador in Italy Mohammad Ali Hosseini, I tried to find the English version but I failed.
  20. Irani

    Iranian woman sentenced to death to be lashed over photo

    Some other details from Persian version of the news: 1. she had extra marital relationship with several guys. 2. with the help of one of the lovers she drugged her husband and they cooked him by electric shock till death while he was conscious. Fars News Agency : ÝÔÇÑåÇí ÈíäÇáãááí ÈÑ ÞÖÇÊ...
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