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comparison death penalty in USA and Iran


Nov 16, 2009
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

this is a good comparison
i wish USA still will stop this barbaric execution too
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People who kill people in such ways must be killed.

They first would have to go thru court to try to Presumption of innocence .... UNLIKE Iran who courts are controlled by Evil.
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this is a good comparison

What exactly was good about it, in your opinion -- for instance, do you think it a comparison, when one creates facts by assertion?
I think if Sharia Law, without prejudiced 'additions' by local rulers, is really good. Severe punishments for crimes is good because punishments are suppose to deter you from the crime itself, not to punish you after you've done it.

For example, ****. What if a man did it to your mother? What would you want done to him? Put in jail? Or death?

Just my two cents, I don't feel like debating, so don't get into a full fledged debate about Sharia Law please!

PS. To Iranians- How does Iran handle Sharia Law? Do they put the 'prejudice' I talk about (e.g. punishing the woman for ****- it happens in our tribal parts too :frown:)?
People who kill people in such ways must be killed.

They first would have to go thru court to try to Presumption of innocence .... UNLIKE Iran who courts are controlled by Evil.

This is funny too Jungi bro :rofl:. For some Americans everything non american is EVIL!
I don't care about the dealth penalty. But public execution and stoning should be banned. Both have nothing to do with justice, only perversion. Public execution is perverted, so is stoning.

Stoning is worst, because people take part in it.
People who kill people in such ways must be killed.

They first would have to go thru court to try to Presumption of innocence .... UNLIKE Iran who courts are controlled by Evil.

On a less serious note doesn't that mean that the executioners and the executioner of the executioners and the executioner of the executioner of the executioner and ..... will be executed as well?
In half the cases of stoning, if the convicted, , manage to come out of the ground he will survive and no one should take hand on him. That's why the small stones should be used to give him enough time. ( also the female are not buried till head in the ground as the unaware expert claimed. she should be buried until her belly). Now what would you prefer? execution or stoning with the chance of surviving?
As usual Farid Zakaria twisted the truth in cold blood. He drew a caricature of Iran and a blurry dreamy picture of USA. Beside some lies, he said some truths but not all of them. He simply ignored the positive aspects in Iran and negatives in US.
I could analyze this video sentence by sentence to explain how he did that, but i don't have enough time. So I just illustrate one of them to exemplify how credible is he and CNN.
Teresa Lewis got an IQ near 70 that means she was officially mentally incapable of crime. In Iran and almost all the countries no one punish mentally ill persons, but in US they execute them! funniest thing is that they putted the two persons who killed her husband in jail and they punished her with death penalty! she was in Jail for more than six years and had been convicted to final penalty but non of the media, Amnesty or political figures had cared, otherwise in the subject of Sakineh Mohammady before the end of her trial all of them was prepared to make a propaganda against Iran or maybe Islam!
Please read this article it could help:

link: The Sakineh scandal [Voltaire]
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Is Virginia's Death-Row Woman, US's Sakineh Ashtiani?

Sunday, 26 September 2010 10:42 Reporter


A 41-year-old American grandmother diagnosed with borderline mental retardation has been executed despite thousands pleading for her execution to be canceled.

Iran believes her case reflected "the double standards" of the American government, comparing her case to that of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a 43-year-old Iranian woman sentenced to death for killing her husband.

Thousands had pled for Teresa Lewis execution to be canceled, including author John Grisham and Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but the US Supreme Court and Virginian Governor Bob McDonnell refused to cancel the execution.

Iran accused the US of human rights violations.

The parliamentary human rights committee said her case reflected "the double standards" of the American government, comparing her case to that of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a 43-year-old Iranian woman sentenced to death for adultery and killing her husband.

"We will file an official complaint to the international community against the US if the sentence is administered," Hossein Naghavi, an Iranian MP and the spokesman for the committee, told the Fars news agency. Several Iranian MPs have expressed concerns over Lewis's execution and have asked the US for her sentence to be commuted.

America was one of the several countries to express outrage over Ashtiani's case, but while Ashtiani is still being in jail, the American grandmother executed by lethal injection.

Last week, the US Supreme Court turned down her appeal for a stay of execution despite doctors repeatedly saying that she was not smart enough to have masterminded the murders. She was judged to have an IQ of 72, the Guardian reported.

Lewis had admitted to hiring two accomplices. She, however, had insisted that she did not pull the trigger. Lewis' lawyers had revealed evidence that showed one of the gunmen had masterminded the plot. The two men received life sentences.

Iranian news agencies highlighted similarities between the cases, reporting that Lewis, like Ashtiani, had been convicted of "having an extramarital relationship". MPs criticised the US for sentencing Lewis to death while sparing the lives of the killers – as happened in Ashtiani's case.

The Fars news agency criticised the US media for "being silent in the past seven years Lewis has been kept in jail". "On her execution day she'll wish for a better country whose judiciary would listen to its people rather than intervening in the internal affairs of other countries," it said.

"It's not been a long time since the American media attacked Iran over the case of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani ... Lewis's case has similarities with Mohammadi Ashtiani's case with the difference that Sakineh has been found guilty for the crime she committed but there are lots of ambiguities in Teresa's case. The US and the American media tried their best to make a symbol of human rights out of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani because of the background of their atrocities towards Iran but after seven years, human rights organisations have been silent for Teresa. This shows their double standard in relation to other counties."

Iranian MPs Zohreh Elahian and Salman Zaker also condemned the US over Lewis's sentence which they say is "contradictory to international standards". They have called for a judicial review.

In an interview with ABC last weekend in New York, Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denied Ashtiani had ever been given a death sentence by stoning.

link: Is Virginia's Death-Row Woman, US's Sakineh Ashtiani?
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