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  1. Android18

    Indian Tourism: 1 Crore Foreign Tourists Visited Country in 2017; Earnings Cross $27 Billion

    I agree. In case of china 30mill tourist come from regional tourism same is the case with EU or North America or ASEAN. In South Asia its very low. It may improve in future for rest of South Asia,but for Ind-Pak ,i don't see a ray of hope any time sooner.We have a lot of potential but are unable...
  2. Android18

    Indian Tourism: 1 Crore Foreign Tourists Visited Country in 2017; Earnings Cross $27 Billion

    If you were to compile the increase of tourists arrivals every month, it may appear like this for 2017
  3. Android18

    Indian Tourism: 1 Crore Foreign Tourists Visited Country in 2017; Earnings Cross $27 Billion

    It was 8.9 mill for 2016. For 2017 it stands at 10.27 mill with an increase of 15% in 2017.
  4. Android18

    India’s fastest supercomputer ‘Pratyush’ established at Pune’s IITM

    It would be on 22 spot as per latest 500 rankings. If it was listed. But it may fall in top 10 when you are talking about HPC's dedicated for weather forecasting.
  5. Android18

    Indian navy planning to make 3 carrier for 1.6 lakh corers

    3 carriers would make some sense as each would cost around $8.3bill, but it again depends on their tonnage and what all they are getting along with the carrier(like,the aircrafts it may get along with them). Nope.nothing in line or on paper. Yea its sounds crazy.its better to wait for more...
  6. Android18

    Indian navy planning to make 3 carrier for 1.6 lakh corers

    Oh yes, my bad i calculated it for only $20bill. Yep it will be $25.3bill. and thats an insane amount of money for a carrier. I doubt if they have even finalised the design, nothing is known yet, but whatever it is ,$25bill for a carrier makes no sense to me.
  7. Android18

    Indian navy planning to make 3 carrier for 1.6 lakh corers

    It happens, at times we do miss out a number or two :D Its is $20.6bill at a conversion rate of 63.4/$. Do the math yourself,nobody is confused. And yes its a huge amount but it will be spread across a decade.
  8. Android18

    Indian navy planning to make 3 carrier for 1.6 lakh corers

    1.6 lac crores is close to $20.6bill
  9. Android18

    World Bank puts $250m policy loan for Pakistan on hold

    Yes keeping GDP growth rate @5.28% and Inflation at 4.6 it would be $305 for 2017, but the numbers would change if you factor the new census and depreciation of rupee.
  10. Android18

    Just heard about a Ballistic missile targeting Hawaii

    Oh yarra, not the same nuke war stuff again. I was mentioning to how would someone personally may have reacted to such nuke alerts in past (in Europe n US is what i mean). He got a feel of that today :D Imagine how would have that reacted who pressed the wrong button. :lol:
  11. Android18

    World Bank puts $250m policy loan for Pakistan on hold

    Makes no difference? It makes a difference of a 100 mill people almost Half your population. China is an example of what is just said above, its not about size of a Population,its about how you use them to increase your productivity and in return help you economy grow. Was there anything...
  12. Android18

    Just heard about a Ballistic missile targeting Hawaii

    Things like this would freak anyone out. Thankfully it ws a false alarm. But yea now you know how it would feel like, if a nuke war starts. :D
  13. Android18

    World Bank puts $250m policy loan for Pakistan on hold

    And how is that any different then what i just said above? Size of population aint a factory productivity is the factor. Or do you have a second opinion on that? and where does Pakistan ranks then? :D
  14. Android18

    World Bank puts $250m policy loan for Pakistan on hold

    Haha...i am excited i would say then :D waiting for the next episode on YouTube lol
  15. Android18

    Indian Politician Gadkari ‘attacks’ Indian Navy for obstructing Mumbai development

    Location of any Military facility closer to the city becomes an obstacle to build any infrastructure projects closer to them as permission are denied by those Defence units. At times it make take years to get a clearance which why he ws so frustrated. He is not asking them move their families to...
  16. Android18

    World Bank puts $250m policy loan for Pakistan on hold

    It would be 7 times if India's population was 1.46bill which is not the case. It's around 1.34bill. Not really, Pakistan is as populous as Brazil but its economy is 7times smaller than brazil. Its not always about population its about how a country uses its population to increase productivity...
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