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World Bank puts $250m policy loan for Pakistan on hold

It would be 7 times if India's population was 1.46bill which is not the case. It's around 1.34bill.
The figure is 6.5. How many times do I have to say "nearly 7"? 6.5 or 7 makes little differance. India is vastly, yes vastly more populous then Pakistan. You can jam in the 0.5% all you like. Pakistan is only equivalent to one Indian state - Utter Pradesh.

Not really, Pakistan is as populous as Brazil but its economy is 7times smaller than brazil. Its not always about population its about how a country uses its population to increase productivity which then pump ups the economy.
Oh yeh? How about the fact that despite China being only marginally bigger then India it has a economy that is nearly 6 times larger. Or that France despite being 25 times less people then India has a economy larger then India.
The figure is 6.5. How many times do I have to say "nearly 7"? 6.5 or 7 makes little differance. India is vastly, yes vastly more populous then Pakistan. You can jam in the 0.5% all you like. Pakistan is only equivalent to one Indian state - Utter Pradesh.

Oh yeh? How about the fact that despite China being only marginally bigger then India it has a economy that is nearly 6 times larger. Or that France despite being 25 times less people then India has a economy larger then India.
Bragging about China & France... Mum about Pakistan...
Bragging about China & France... Mum about Pakistan
Bragging about Brazil???? Your countryman below said -

Not really, Pakistan is as populous as Brazil but its economy is 7times smaller than brazil

Mum about the humongous poverty, pooping in the streets, filth on biblical scale in Ganga India. And don't forget about that unique feature of the supapowa from the Ganga -


The figure is 6.5. How many times do I have to say "nearly 7"? 6.5 or 7 makes little differance. India is vastly, yes vastly more populous then Pakistan. You can jam in the 0.5% all you like. Pakistan is only equivalent to one Indian state - Utter Pradesh.
Makes no difference? It makes a difference of a 100 mill people almost Half your population.
Oh yeh? How about Chia fact that despite China being only marginally bigger then India it has a economy that is nearly 6 times larger. Or that France despite being 25 times less people then India has a economy larger then India.
China is an example of what is just said above, its not about size of a Population,its about how you use them to increase your productivity and in return help you economy grow. Was there anything different that i have said above?

Bragging about Brazil???? Your countryman below sa
You compare India to niger but you dont expect Pakistan to be compared to brazil? okay i wont make that comparison again lol
The IMF Data map says no data about Pakistan...you are decreasing Pakistan GDP slightly to make it round and increasing Indian GDP and GDP growth slightly to make it higher....this is the problem. Should be same criteria for both. BTW this will change within days when Pak rupee stabilizes(as of now). Also Pakistan base year for GDP calculation will change and will be updated, Pakistan uses an old 2005-2006 base year for GDP calculation, India's is 2011-12 and in Modi's first year got a new calculation for GDP's growth increasing it substantially...think in 2015.


No I am not slightly decreasing Pakistan's GDP, as Pakistan has not officially issued its nominal GDP figures for second quarter of 2017, I am calculating Pakistan's nominal GDP by multiplying its GDP percapita and its latest population figure.

207.8 million X $ 1470 per capita income = $305 Billion(Nominal GDP)


Where as Indian figure is from IMF website.
No I am not slightly decreasing Pakistan's GDP, as Pakistan has not officially issued its nominal GDP figures for second quarter of 2017, I am calculating Pakistan's nominal GDP by multiplying its GDP percapita and its latest population figure.

207.8 million X $ 1470 per capita income = $305 Billion(Nominal GDP

Where as Indian figure is from IMF website.
Yes keeping GDP growth rate @5.28% and Inflation at 4.6 it would be $305 for 2017, but the numbers would change if you factor the new census and depreciation of rupee.
No I am not slightly decreasing Pakistan's GDP, as Pakistan has not officially issued its nominal GDP figures for second quarter of 2017, I am calculating Pakistan's nominal GDP by multiplying its GDP percapita and its latest population figure.

207.8 million X $ 1470 per capita income = $305 Billion(Nominal GDP)

This is reverse calculation...per capita is deduced by dividing the GDP total with the population. Other things factors in here which I mentioned in my post like base year change, India's base year calculation was 2015( new methodology in calculation), Pakistan was 2005-2006. India with demonitisation has got the better of undocumented economy.

Pakistan informal/undocumented economy is about 35-38% of it's total economy, will factors in new base year calculation. 2012 report gives a figure of 100 billion USD of informal economy. Add to this about 2% plus GDP growth with major CPEC related projects maturing and Pakistan can make a jumpstart again...


Loans to private sector drop by Rs100bn

Published in Dawn, January 13th, 2018

KARACHI: Credit off-take by the private sector witnessed a steep fall in the first half of the current fiscal year, indicating a slowdown in economic growth.

A recent report by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) shows that loans taken by the private sector fell by 28 per cent or Rs100 billion in July-December on a year-on-year basis.

Advances to the private sector during this period were Rs253bn compared to Rs353bn a year ago.

The government has set an economic growth target of 6pc for 2017-18. Initial economic numbers indicated the target was achievable. However, the ouster of Nawaz Sharif from premiership created uncertainty on the political front. The situation is worsening with each passing day due to frequent protests and calls for early elections.

Monetary expansion in July-December remained notably lower than preceding year, indicating that the govt failed to inject liquidity into the economy

The SBP report also noted that monetary expansion remained low in the first six months of the current fiscal year, which indicates that the government failed to pump money into the economy to accelerate GDP growth.

The World Bank recently forecast robust economic growth that could help Pakistan achieve the 5.9pc target in 2017-18. It also noted strong domestic demand and credit growth.

The SBP’s report indicates that the entire banking sector, including the Islamic segment, recorded a visible decline in lending to the private sector.

Lending by conventional banks fell Rs49.5bn year-on-year to Rs182bn. Conventional banks were the largest supplier of credit to the private sector followed by Islamic banks.

Islamic banks’ lending to the private sector fell from Rs65.5bn a year ago to Rs26.5bn in July-December, a drop of Rs39bn.

Off-take from Islamic banking branches of conventional banks also noted a decline. Their lending fell to Rs44.6bn from Rs55.7bn in the same six months of the last fiscal year.


It will become difficult to match the growth rate of 5.5 % with these figures. Also I have a feeling that Quadri and Pir OF Sial will launch another theerik with Kaaptan sahab joining it very soon so that govt is disposed of before senate elections. Add to it the balance of payment crisis already brewing. Btw, can a care taker govt in Pakistan approach the international market for taking loans/ issuing sukuk, eurobonds?
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It will become difficult to match the growth rate of 5.5 % with these figures. Also I have a feeling that Quadri and Pir OF Sial will launch another theerik with Kaaptan sahab joining it very soon so that govt is disposed of before senate elections. Add to it the balance of payment crisis already brewing. Btw, can a care taker govt in Pakistan approach the international market for taking loans/ issuing sukuk, eurobonds?

Funny...you missed or deleted the parts of the article....bold part here. What does it take to search and get the article...nothing

The World Bank recently forecast robust economic growth that could help Pakistan achieve the 5.9pc target in 2017-18. It also noted strong domestic demand and credit growth.

“Demand for credit is still robust due to high economic activities. Since the base for the last fiscal year was weak, growth looked very high. But due to a stable base, overall credit growth this year looks smaller than the last fiscal,” National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) President Saeed Ahmed told Dawn.

He said NBP has witnessed healthy demand for both project financing and working capital.

He said economic activities are significantly high this year.

The SBP’s report indicates that the entire banking sector, including the Islamic segment, recorded a visible decline in lending to the private sector.

Lending by conventional banks fell Rs49.5bn year-on-year to Rs182bn. Conventional banks were the largest supplier of credit to the private sector followed by Islamic banks.

Islamic banks’ lending to the private sector fell from Rs65.5bn a year ago to Rs26.5bn in July-December, a drop of Rs39bn.

Off-take from Islamic banking branches of conventional banks also noted a decline. Their lending fell to Rs44.6bn from Rs55.7bn in the same six months of the last fiscal year.

Published in Dawn, January 13th, 2018

Erm, I posted the link. You want to search/reinvent the wheel, thats your issue. You do realize the difference between obiter and ratio decidendi right? The part highlighted by you is called obiter. And I again repeat....

It will become difficult to match the growth rate of 5.5 % with these figures. Also I have a feeling that Quadri and Pir OF Sial will launch another theerik with Kaaptan sahab joining it very soon so that govt is disposed of before senate elections. Add to it the balance of payment crisis already brewing. Btw, can a care taker govt in Pakistan approach the international market for taking loans/ issuing sukuk, eurobonds?

"National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) President Saeed Ahmed told Dawn."

Infact thankyou for highlighting this fact for all of us @Pluralist . Apparently thi guy is a PML-N cronie and The National Accountability Bureau (NBA) has asked the interior ministry to keep National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) President Saeed Ahmad on the Exit Control List as “he is wanted [by the bureau] in several cases”.


Care to tell us how such a person is President of National Bank Of Pakistan ? You really did walk into this on did you not? You are right when you say...."What does it take to search and get the article...nothing". Also if you want to rely on such frauds to make a point, then what can I say.

Oh, this keeps getting better and better. Apparently "
Saeed ran nursing home before getting SBP, NBP posts: Dar"

"KARACHI: Finance Minister Ishaq Dar told the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) probing money laundering allegations that Saeed Ahmed, incumbent president of the National Bank of Pakistan, was running a nursing home in London before his appointment as deputy governor of the State Bank of Pakistan."


So not only is he a fraud but his expertise is to run a nursing home. Just brilliant. So, let me see, you appoint nursing home owners as deputy governor in SBP and president NBP. I have nothing more to say. I REST MY CASE.
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