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World Bank puts $250m policy loan for Pakistan on hold

What the Indians do, I notice is brag about positive fruits of being so populous. India has nearly seven, yes 7 times more people at nearly 1.4 billion. This simple means the aggregate figures can be impressive even by European standards.

But the other side of coin is always overlooked. Who has the largest number of hungry, homeless, no sanitation etc in the world? India. The negatove aspects of being so populous even make Sub Sahara Africa look like a utopia. The truth is per capita figures in India are nothing to brag about.

Man business people love these large populations to dump their good but it hurts the economy most. look at china they never allow dumping but in India you pay a little bribe to Modi and dump any thing. India is being cut at it's very roots all the business are being owned by foreign firms and local Indians just going jobless. compare the job figures of India and you will see the true picture of their economy. India is stuck in circle which it cannot break ever.

for me being a business man the best place to export will be manila Philippines because 60% of the countries population lives just in one city. Business love such locations to exploit. this makes local population poor with just few getting very rich and business earn a hell lot, this how you actually fcuk a country.
If you factor the 7 times larger population the differance is neglible.

Actually it is little more than 6 times population difference, but that only matters when one is comparing per capita income.
Defense budgets are not equated on percapita basis.

Hence Indian economy is 9 times that of Pakistan's yet defense budget is only 6 times that of Pakistan's.
Hence Indian economy is 9 times that of Pakistan's yet defense budget is only 6 times that of Pakistan's.
This is because Pakistani Military has it own business and earns a lot from weapons sales unlike India and all that money goes directly to Military. Pakistani Military is not a burden on economy like Indian Military which drains most of Indian economy and like HAL Indian that cannot develop a light fighter in 50 years and wasted all that money.
Can you tell me why is India cancelling most of it's Navy projects which it desperately needs it Indian has enough money?

India is currently duud due to extensive military spending. the load of Past projects is crippling Indian advance to military modernization. So having no money Indian has to cancel most of it's projects.

India has cancelled one navy project because, South Korean shipyard was asking $1 Billion just for consulting and design work, where as ships were to built from scratch from India itself. That was excessive.

India military spending as a ratio of GDP is much lower than Pakistan's.
Which is well enough, because any expenditure defense does not give monetary returns, do not help the economy grow, unless you have achieved R&D levels comparable to US or Russia's.

This is because Pakistani Military has it own business and earns a lot from weapons sales unlike India and all that money goes directly to Military. Pakistani Military is not a burden on economy like Indian Military which drains most of Indian economy and like HAL Indian that cannot develop a light fighter in 50 years and wasted all that money.

That is crap, what are Pakistan's yearly return from sales of weapons to foreign buyers, compared to Pakistan's defense budget.

I can assure you in last 15 years, you wont even have sold weapons worth few hundred million dollars/year.
India has cancelled one navy project because, South Korean shipyard was asking $1 Billion just for consulting and design work, where as ships were to built from scratch from India itself. That was excessive.

India military spending as a ratio of GDP is much lower than Pakistan's.
Which is well enough, because any expenditure defense does not give monetary returns, do not help the economy grow, unless you have achieved R&D levels comparable to US or Russia's.
Sunny I am talking about the 32000 Cr mine sweeper that were going to be built in Visakhapatnam Yard not south Korea.

That is crap, what are Pakistan's yearly return from sales of weapons to foreign buyers, compared to Pakistan's defense budget.

I can assure you in last 15 years, you wont even have sold weapons worth few hundred million dollars/year.

Sunny Pakistan sells 200 million yearly to just Arab nations in just Army hardware not including PAC trainer aircrafts sales in it which is the best seller in the world.
Actually it is little more than 6 times population difference
I did say nearly 7. The exact figure is 6.5 times. That still makes India vastly larger then Pakistan. It something akin to tiny Belgium standing up against mighty Germany. And we know Germany treated Belgium as "door mat" on the way to the invasion France etc. It was a non entity to the German calculus.

What you should always bear in mind is when you hear Pakistan think no bigger then Utter Pradesh. Both have about the same populations. And on another fact to muse over. If tiny nigger poor Eritrea in Africa which is known as poverty unlimited was as populous as India it would have a economy that would be the 10th largest on earth - above Canada and only two rungs behind India. God forbid or we would have Eritreans coming here with bluster. So your "big brag" does not impress. As I said even a bloated Eritrea could almost match you in aggegates if it had been as successful in breeding as Indian's have been.
How it is 9 times bigger than Pakistan, check the nominal GDP figures...2.45 trillion and 315 billion for India and Pak. It makes Indian economy about 7.6 times bigger than Pakistan. Parity figure in PPP is not the real nominal figures.

Indian GDP in 2017 $2.67 Billion, where as Pakistan's GDP is $305 Billion, which gives a ratio of 8.8(rounded of to 9).
But the worst part is Indian economy is growing at a much faster pace than Pakistan's.
That is crap, what are Pakistan's yearly return from sales of weapons to foreign buyers, compared to Pakistan's defense budget.

I can assure you in last 15 years, you wont even have sold weapons worth few hundred million dollars/year.

these are just the spare parts customers for PAC.

I did say nearly 7. The exact figure is 6.5 times. That still makes India vastly larger then Pakistan. It something akin to tiny Belgium standing up against mighty Germany. And we know Germany treated Belgium as "door mat" on the way to the invasion France etc. It was a non entity to the German calculus.

What you should always bear in mind is when you hear Pakistan think no bigger then Utter Pradesh. Both have about the same populations. And on another fact to muse over. If tiny nigger poor Eritrea in Africa which is known as poverty unlimited was as populous as India it would have a economy that would the 10th largest on earth - above Canada and only two rungs behind India. God forbid or we would have Eritreans coming here with bluster. So your "big brag" does not impress. As I said even a bloated Eritrea could almost match you in aggegates if it had been as successful in breeding as Indian's have been.

It does not matter population India or Pakistan has , when comparing defense budgets of both countries.

Because, a weapon system which costs $1 billion in international market, will cost $ 1 billion for India as well as Pakistan. Now because Indian economy is 9 times the size Pakistan. India can buy 9 of those weapons, where as Pakistan can afford one. Here population of either country does not come into equation.

Sunny I am talking about the 32000 Cr mine sweeper that were going to be built in Visakhapatnam Yard not south Korea.

Sunny Pakistan sells 200 million yearly to just Arab nations in just Army hardware not including PAC trainer aircrafts sales in it which is the best seller in the world.

Firstly had you bothered to read properly, I am talking about the same mine sweeper deal, which were to be built at vizag, but the South Korean shipyard was asking $1 Billion for consultancy. Which is why the deal was cancelled. We have money, but not to throw away.

Go ahead show me, how Pakistan has been earning $200 million yearly from weapons sales. Give a link.
Non of this matters anyway. Frankly the day Pakistan went nuclear in 1998 it was a great equalizer. Nuclear weapons always suit the smaller guy because they make size irrelevant. You can have 5 times bigger conventional force but if nukes are used it will all be toast.

That is why I keep saying in this forum. There is no way India can win in a war against Pakistan. The cost of such victory would extract too high a price for India. Thus I feel Pakistan ought to place a ap on military expendture - focus on nuclear deterance, cut down the useless navy, reduce armies armoured forces, place PAF on cap as well. Then show in clear explicit terms the nuclear fangs to India.

Use the next two decades to spend the saved money on internal security, education, health. But this is not going to happen because the problem is all institutions build up their own kinetic energy and inertia. This happens even in UK. The institutions just keep asking for more money, get larger because of their own institutional interests. They will find excuses to get larger and find justifications for extra expenditure. Therefore I see zero chance of this happening.
Indian GDP in 2017 $2.67 Billion, where as Pakistan's GDP is $305 Billion, which gives a ratio of 8.8(rounded of to 9).
But the worst part is Indian economy is growing at a much faster pace than Pakistan's.

GDP $2.439 trillion (nominal; 2017)[3]
$9.446 trillion (PPP; 2017)[3]

Pakistan economy last quoted figure was 315 billion USD, down slightly due to dollar rupee parity. And Pakistan GDP growth last year was 5.28 compared to India at 6.8% last year. This year projected growth is 5.85%...so it is not 2-3 times higher for India as you have mentioned.


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What the Indians do, I notice is brag about positive fruits of being so populous. India has nearly seven, yes 7 times more people then Pakistan at nearly 1.4 billion. This simple means the aggregate figures can be impressive even by European standards.

But the other side of coin is always overlooked. Who has the largest number of hungry, homeless, no sanitation etc in the world? India. The negatove aspects of being so populous even make Sub Sahara Africa look like a utopia. The truth is per capita figures in India are nothing to brag about.

One Indian state alone - Utter Pradesh has about the same population as Pakistan. And it is one of nearly 30 other states.

First of all current Indian population is not 1.4 billion but 1.34 billion... That is India has 6.5 times more people than Pakistan... But Indian GDP is nine times that of Pakistan...
I did say nearly 7. The exact figure is 6.5 times. That still makes India vastly larger then Pakistan. It something akin to tiny Belgium standing up against mighty Germany. And we know Germany treated Belgium as "door mat" on the way to the invasion France etc. It was a non entity to the German calculus.

What you should always bear in mind is when you hear Pakistan think no bigger then Utter Pradesh. Both have about the same populations. And on another fact to muse over. If tiny nigger poor Eritrea in Africa which is known as poverty unlimited was as populous as India it would have a economy that would be the 10th largest on earth - above Canada and only two rungs behind India. God forbid or we would have Eritreans coming here with bluster. So your "big brag" does not impress. As I said even a bloated Eritrea could almost match you in aggegates if it had been as successful in breeding as Indian's have been.
But in per capital income also India is ahead of Pakistan... In almost all social indicators like hdi index, life expectancy, literacy etc. India is ahead of Pakistan...
GDP $2.439 trillion (nominal; 2017)[3]
$9.446 trillion (PPP; 2017)[3]

Pakistan economy last quoted figure was 315 billion USD, down slightly due to dollar rupee parity. And Pakistan GDP growth last year was 5.28 compared to India at 6.8% last year. This year projected growth is 5.85%...so it is not 2-3 times higher for India as you have mentioned.



Indian GDP had crossed $2.65 Trillion in October itself.


Pakistan's GDP has dropped due currency devaluation, now stands at $ 305 Billion.

Compare the average GDP growth for last 10 yrs, difference is atleast twice.

If Pakistan economy will grow at 5.5% in 2018 then Indian economy will also grow at 7.5%.

And 7.5% of $2700 Billion is a lot more than 5.5% of $305 Billion.
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