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  1. diplomat7

    Future szenarios. what do you think would happen 1000 years from now?

    Pakistan: Inshallah Kashmir banega Pakistan ek din.
  2. diplomat7

    Pakistan is responsible for Taliban return: Afghan CE Abdullah

    Oh is it? Then stop teaching lessons on morality to Indians on "how world works?" Dont want to derail but hope you got the gist.
  3. diplomat7

    Pakistan is responsible for Taliban return: Afghan CE Abdullah

    It is total hypocrisy on the part of Pakistan where they want Afghans to be subjugated to Talibanism for their own mean interests despite claiming themselves to be the flag bearer of Islam and at other end when the same Taliban wants to rule them, immediately talibanism becomes bad.
  4. diplomat7

    Pakistan uses 'mujra party' to raise funds for Kashmir

    And why that is so? India launched a Mudra yojna for its people Your leaders are actually conducting Mujras for the "awareness" of the Kashmiri cause. Ask your leaders to not to be "aholes" or ask your people to be not one to choose such gems rather than shooting the messenger.
  5. diplomat7

    Pakistan uses 'mujra party' to raise funds for Kashmir

    London: Pakistan has once again proved that it can stoop to any level no matter how badly its image is affected. In a shameless act, the president of the Azad Kashmir, Masood Khan, has been seen in a video watching 'mujra' during an event in London. What's shocking is that at the...
  6. diplomat7

    Occupational forces soldier killed in cross border fire

    we have never wanted a fight it is you who have initiated always. Weather it is 47,65,71,99. So check your history apart from Pakistani text books. Regarding killing your fellow men, either behave or our soldiers are coming for you 1 at a time or lean to behave.
  7. diplomat7

    'The clock is ticking.' In Kashmir, parents try to find their militant sons before Indian forces

    n the eighth day after his son disappeared, Mohammad Munawar Dar’s phone rang. It was an Indian army officer with news that Dar couldn’t bring himself to believe. The officer said he had information that Dar’s son Shakoor, 21, had joined the anti-Indian insurgency in Kashmir, the long-disputed...
  8. diplomat7

    Sensational Admissions Of Killing Kashmiri Pandits

    Since Pakistanis take confessions and admissions as the gospel truth I am sure every Pakistani will accept this as the truth. After all it is a confession so it is ought to be true.
  9. diplomat7

    Increasing problem in India

    I already took the matter with the moderator, neither those posts were deleted nor any action was taken while the guy selectively started targeting Hindus and started abusing family members with the sexual violence because he was not able to debate and ran out of words.
  10. diplomat7

    Does the Muslim community deserve the hate they're getting ?

    On this very forum, the so called senior members are known for religiously abusing other religions and get away with it. They promote rape and sexual violence against other religions specially mentally depraved Pakistanis who are known as senior members and what not here. I guess that is...
  11. diplomat7

    What will Pakistan be like in the next 30 years?

    we will have rivers flowing down into Pakistan right from Kashmir.
  12. diplomat7

    Increasing problem in India

    What about the people who instigate and propagate mass rapes and promote sexual violence here on this very forum and are called senior members? And why just these groups why not groups like AIMMM?
  13. diplomat7

    Increasing problem in India

    Apart from isolated incidents, None of the widespread riots in India have been hindu instigated. No doubt muslims have been killed in the riots but if you dug deep down you will always find one specific community taking themselves to be a marital race, or having a political support for votes...
  14. diplomat7

    What will Pakistan be like in the next 30 years?

    And that turd flows downhill through the rivers in the land of the pure.... And in land of the pure uses the same water for drinking. In 30 years if Pakistan continued to look for the godfather to counter India, I am sure it will be another patsy in the making this time for China just like the...
  15. diplomat7

    Increasing problem in India

    Why not? Why not when they come for you in the form of Al-Queda and ISIS why one should not arm himself to safeguard against these people? Why one should not when people on this very forum glorify rape of non Muslims and advocate sexual violence and get away with it because it is Pakistani...
  16. diplomat7

    US Aid is Curse for Pakistan, We don't Need any Aid. - Imran Khan

    Exactly that is what i am saying. People who are calling aid as "evil" and "good for Pakistan" are actually taking aid where ever they can get it from. Only aid which is denied is "evil" and "good for Pakistan"
  17. diplomat7

    US Aid is Curse for Pakistan, We don't Need any Aid. - Imran Khan

    The real humility would have been if Pakistan would have denied when they were actually getting it. Once they have stopped the aid and then saying "we dont want it" is like "Angoor khatte hain"
  18. diplomat7

    To fight terrorism by Pakistan, India should deepen ties with both US & Russia

    How can india collaborate on terrorism with Pakistan? This is like asking the chor to investigate the chori....
  19. diplomat7

    Doklam standoff: If Chinese troops enter India, there will be "utter chaos", says Beijing

    And the Pakistanis thought their new masters will help them in war with India?:partay:
  20. diplomat7

    Indian Involvement with ISIS in Afghanistan Confirmed - Press Conference

    We are just concerned with the foreign policy of India. We dont have any interest in Pakistan as long as it does not interfere with our vested interests. Stop believing in whatever your army or your government says without any credible proof. That is like believing in mullah who asks people to...
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