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  1. Commander Keen

    We have lost our War to India in Media: AJK President to PU students

    im surprised at the fact the pakistani's keep throwing random nonsense as facts....and indians are forced to bend over to explain reality... WHY DO neenga sollurathu than kekka mattikuraanga....lolz....apporam en explanation laam....its like teaching calculus to a dog... they will not be...
  2. Commander Keen

    India, Israel unite against Pakistan

    "Geo-graphically i have no idea about the position of bangladesh ????...i need to do analysis about that " WHAT ON EARTH are you blabbering about mate?... to be quite honest i dont even know why you are here in a discussion between pakistan india and israel...... No one cares about...
  3. Commander Keen

    Act of War by Lt General Tariq Khan

    0_o this dude's a 3 star general ??? no wonder pakistan foreign policy is dumber than a walnut dipped in whiskey. what kind of education do officers get in pakistan ???
  4. Commander Keen

    India, Israel unite against Pakistan

    no one cares about Bangladesh dude......the only thing you should be worried about is predatory investments...from foreign nations. Nationalist interest first......that kinda explains the non existence of your "UMMAH" ...rather ironic if you ask me...lolz besides......this is the era of...
  5. Commander Keen

    Is Pakistan really reaping the fruits of economic progress?

    is burnol made in pakistan ???? or in china ??? curious ...
  6. Commander Keen

    National Geographic on CPEC

    isnt this a cctv doc ???? its like fox news saying trump is good for murica :p talk about self promotion.
  7. Commander Keen

    India, Israel unite against Pakistan

    so ...what you are saying is...pakistan was already broke..... and india just made the inevitable speed up.... is the same thought repeating now with Baluchistan ?
  8. Commander Keen

    India, Israel unite against Pakistan

    pakistan is the last islamic nation with a nuke.......israel will complete its mission in good time :) look at the middle east now.... iran ....iraq...libya......and all those who wanted a nuke are either dead...changed...or pacified... pakistan is the only one left for israel...
  9. Commander Keen

    Pakistan demanding RS.15 billion rupee from Bangladesh India

    is this a new trend ?? when beggars start demanding ??? :p
  10. Commander Keen

    Is America against the CPEC ?

    If you hurt pakistan....you hurt china indirectly.....thats the plan.....and the united states has a free hand...thanks to trump... it is more effective to actually let the CPEC project be completed......and then hold it hostage anytime china or pakistan does something naughty...
  11. Commander Keen

    How RAW extends India’s evil agenda?

    its interesting how both the pakistani's and the internal opposition in india.....focus their attacks on modi and doval non stop... very interesting.
  12. Commander Keen

    Khalistan Movement

    pakistani's sure do love their conspiracy theories..... Rotten "dravidian" and south india ??? so why arent people like this are banned ??? hardcore racist comments
  13. Commander Keen

    India bans Islamic preacher Zakir Naik's NGO for 5 years with immediate effect

    FInally.......no more of his hate filled speeches and psuedo science. FInally...a great move
  14. Commander Keen

    Pakistan to deport more than 100 Turk Teachers amid Erdogan Visit

    teachers can be very dangerous if you ask me.......
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