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Trump to approve bill to declare Pakistan a terror state: Shalabh

A lot of you guys are very Pakistan centric in your thinking when it comes to the world. What is really happening is way beyond Pakistan. It is a Phenomenon with many moving parts and many issues. It just so happens that Pakistan is one of the casualties in the post-Trump world. Far more important, for muslims in general, is the coming anti-Muslim shift. When I reflect on what's happening in the world it always brings me back to. Thinking about the Prophets last khutbah. What he emphasizes in that sermon is timeless is very applicable to today's world. Unfortunately we muslims don't remember his words and do not properly follow the principles we need to help our situation.
Good she peech! First try to change the US flag currently you have, now you look like a boot licking person, Its really disgusting to see a person who doesn't really care about his country and his flag

Barked like a typical indian..! I am afraid the only thing that's "disgusting" is YOU! for waving that "disgusting" indian flag and getting all riled up when I made that comment about the indian master, the U.S.

The American Flag represents where I reside and my loyalties are with the U.S as my religion requires that of me...I will remain faithful/patriotic to the Nation I reside in.

With that said, FACTS ARE FACTS! the U.S is bankrupt in every respect! trillions in debt and we create debt to survive due to the deeply corrupt establishment/financial system...e.g. 2008 crash (usdebtclock) and this is merely whats on the surface.

Secondly, it's also a FACT that Muslims fear only God, unlike you little rats.....Lastly, it's also a fact that China is the economic manufacturing/industrial/ now services superpower in every respect (a 21+ trillion dollar economy) and Russia is a resource rich state that isn't debt ridden as we are here in the U.S.
who bought it up to trump an Indian this aint good it will make more violence and uneasy situation

if u want to put Pakistan a terror country then u must put all most all country in the list also to be fair

terrorist are not made in Pakistan they have there own agenda politics etc..

every one should work with Pakistan and help to defeat not create more
‘Another terrorist attack in US could lead to violent reaction against Pakistan’
Home / Today's Paper / National / ‘Another terrorist attack in US could lead to violent reaction against Pakistan’
November 20, 2016

WASHINGTON: Former United States and Pakistani officials have warned that a crack in ties between the two nations is not in the interests of either and cautioned that another terrorist attack in America could lead to a violent reaction against Islamabad.

The officials met at the US Institute for Peace on Thursday to discuss the future of Pak-US relations under President-elect Donald Trump`s administration which will take effect from January 2017.

South Asia expert Lisa Curtis and Pakistan`s former ambassador to the United States Hussain Haqqani described the worst possible scenario, a major terrorist attack in the United States with roots in Pakistan would lead to an "all bets off" retaliation.

Former US assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asian Affairs Robin Raphel discussed the possibility of the militant Islamic State (IS) group growing deep roots in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

In such a case, "if the administration does what Trump had suggested, it could have another period of an increase in (US) military assistance to Pakistan," she said.

The participating members noted that the US-Pakistan ties received little attention in the presidential campaign but the Trump administration will have to deal with the important relationship when in power.

The former officials also reviewed the impact of about two billion dollars of US aid on the bilateral relationship.

Curtis, the member of a conservation think tank the Heritage Foundation, warned that US security assistance to Pakistan would "continue to decline, unless we have some changes in Pakistan`s policy, including arrests and prosecutions of terrorists".

A decline in relations could be averted, she said, if Pakistan denies free movement of the Afghan Taliban in the country and assert pressure that would bring the extremist leaders to the negotiating table.

Haqqani, said that the "most likely scenario, we will have, of course, curbs on immigration from Pakistan..aid will decline, and there will be some reaction in Pakistan".

He added, "I hope that it is measured so that it doesn`t provoke another reaction cycle here. "The most likely scenario, according to Raphel, would be the new administration having "a re-look and tighten up, harden up on the issues" such as the Afghan Taliban`s use of Pakistan as a safe haven.

She hoped that "Pakistan will probably, at least in the short term, pull up its socks and accelerate plans that it might have to deal with some of these groups."


So, the stage has been set, all modi has to do is to employ TTP type terrorists to do it in the name of Pakistan. No evidence required to blame it on Pakistan. Words of modi and his RSS terrorists will be counted as solid evidence.
Barked like a typical indian..! I am afraid the only thing that's "disgusting" is YOU! for waving that "disgusting" indian flag and getting all riled up when I made that comment about the indian master, the U.S.

The American Flag represents where I reside and my loyalties are with the U.S as my religion requires that of me...I will remain faithful/patriotic to the Nation I reside in.

With that said, FACTS ARE FACTS! the U.S is bankrupt in every respect! trillions in debt and we create debt to survive due to the deeply corrupt establishment/financial system...e.g. 2008 crash (usdebtclock) and this is merely whats on the surface.

Secondly, it's also a FACT that Muslims fear only God, unlike you little rats.....Lastly, it's also a fact that China is the economic manufacturing/industrial/ now services superpower in every respect (a 21+ trillion dollar economy) and Russia is a resource rich state that isn't debt ridden as we are here in the U.S.

OOOoooohhhh such a gem of person who reside in another country for his living and dnt care about his country without another country you really cannot survive. Don't call other country names for your support. I really dnt care about some other country. I really dont know why you come up with Religion. Try to do good things for your country. why you are crying for china/russia. Did i say anything against like that. I accept these two country are great in some thing. Each time calling some other countries great blah blah blah, did you think anytime did you say anything about your country
So many people have told me things that what 'you told' has gotten lost with the other 'tolds'.

Care to remind me which 'told' this was please?

The bill allows citizens to sue foreign countries over acts of domestic terrorism that means if someone lost a family member to 9/11 they would be able to sue Pakistan too considering that Pakistan had Osama bin Laden hiding in the country.

If Pakistan is labeled a Terrorist state then you could be sued.
I can't understand why Mr Trump is rush to change a friend to enemy.
If US wants to stay in Middle East, he should get more nations on his side, not push to other sides.
Says who???
An Indian!
Whose sole pride is Sir jee Kal Strike

Kumar , What an imagination Bro!
Hahahahaha sir ji kal strike
If Pakistan is labeled a Terrorist state then you could be sued.
Okay. So milch the American's - aid money. Then pay some back as 'damages'. No worries !

* Looking at US history one thing is conspicious - American's only go for the sure thing, that is where they have every reason to think they will prevail and suffer minimum loss themselves. Observe how late they joined in WW1. Similarly they were late in WW2 and only went in after Pear Harbour safe in the knowledge that Russian's were taking most of the punches.

Vietnam, they miscalculated. They figured these Chinks were good for nothing rice eaters and then at humble pie. Iraq war they took on a country which had been sanctioned to death.

However with Pakistan they will never declare it a terrorist state - the outfall of such a even would be catastrophic. US might prevail but not after suffering huge damage. Instead iTrump will sober up that it is better to pay some baksheesh and moan afterwards. In short more of the same.
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As far as i concern US is a terrorist state in this whole world in number one. bcz they know how to make terrorist . We can say terror hub or terror manufacturing human industry.

What the hell Balck water is doing in Pakistan land ? Trump is concern about Black water or CIA act in US illegally. So his word doesn't mean anything .

Drone attack from the sky to the innocent isn't mean terrorism ? Trump is following Obama's global project of assassination of "terrorists." The "resentment-generating impact" of those drone and special-forces strikes should be too well known to require further comment.
Whose interests is Shalabh Kumar is pursuing? It cannot be America's because declaring Pakistan a terrorist state would be detrimental to US influence in the region. I swear sometimes these Indian-American are more Indians than Americans.
we are
OOOoooohhhh such a gem of person who reside in another country for his living and dnt care about his country without another country you really cannot survive. Don't call other country names for your support. I really dnt care about some other country. I really dont know why you come up with Religion. Try to do good things for your country. why you are crying for china/russia. Did i say anything against like that. I accept these two country are great in some thing. Each time calling some other countries great blah blah blah, did you think anytime did you say anything about your country

inchoerent ramblings...laughable & sad as your shallow mind failed to disgest what I said with respect to faith, facts as well as allegience to ones Country of residence. Best thing I can do for you is to put a .50 deep in your *** and rid you of your misery of being a little indian monkey....best to run along and play modi modi as I don't wish to indulge with pathetic little savages.
He needs to do something about muslims...don't wanna see US becoming europe.
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