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    Indians Busted on the 11th Hour

    Indeed, you may just have found most of them "very reasonable" because, when they finally make the New Dehli big boys' operational-policy units vis-à-vis Pakistan and the realities are laid bare, they have no other choice but to become real "reasonable", real quick. Contrary to the old cliché...
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    Border violation: Iran fires four mortar shells into Panjgur

    We have rogered them in ways that a thousand cruise missiles can't do. Mortars is small fry. They know their place.
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    Iran's strategic port offer to help India bypass Pakistan

    Something that those who matter are well aware of, and will be dealt with in due course.
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    Rohingya Burmese are acceptable but not stranded Bihari Pakistanis - Shame on GoP

    How about first settling Pakistanis already living inside Pakistan first? Give these Rohingya and Biharis a massive middle-finger. A sorry tale to be sure, but of no benefit to Pakistan right now. Don't be mad.
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    Indian forces fought along Mukti Bahini: Modi admits the conspiracy to divide Pakistan

    Should have dropped these Bodrul, Monjrul trash before '47. Lead a horse to water, and all that.
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    Pak-Afghan intelligence deal based on wrong assumptions: India’s NSA

    Ajit is indirectly correct on one thing: that there is a wrong assumption. Pakistan needs to watch these Tajik-Panjshiri bastards real close.
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    Iranian FM meets General Raheel Sharif at GHQ

    ^^^^ LOL, while playing footsie with the "Great Satan" and Bharat Mata in Iraq and Afghanistan.
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    Iran knocks at China’s door after nuclear agreement

    Yes, thank you for the heads-up, but you don't need to worry your pretty little head about it. Iran knows its place, as does Bharat Mata. Pakistan is the biggest bastard going, it's gotta be, living in a neighbourhood full of bastards.
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    Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

    I agree with you Mr. Mod, They need to show balls of steel like Iran did in 1998, where 300,000 soldiers massed on the border against a mere 6000 slippers-wearing Afghans, only to go back after a week to eating bland chicken and even more bland rice.
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    Iranian commander: Today Iraq and Lebanon, tomorrow Jordan

    Relax, Post-1979 Iran has never been good in the export business, except where they had some natural market-demand by default. Tried to get through customs in Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Palestine, Turkey, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Egypt, South Africa among others. Pakistani Customs totally...
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    Iran denied it's airspace for Soloturk

    Don't let whatever rhetoric you've been reading on this forum get things twisted. They are watched closely, trust me, very closely.......and have been for decades.
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