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    #BreakingNews Afghan Taliban announce ‘spring offensive’ to start April 24

    I don't know in which shithole you live but the fact is Pakistan army by the grace of Almighty Allah is crushing these bastards and we are making good progress and are hopeful of eradicating this menace. You can whine whatever you want but the ground realities are that india's funded terrorism...
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    Option's for PAF ?

    No need to be concerned my dear. We'll leave no stone unturned in increasing our conventional as well as nuclear arsenal btw why are you indians so excited about rafales as if it was made by your scientists, given the financial resources any one can buy them. Case in point Saudis have 40+ Euro...
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    Infrastructure Development in Pakistan

    This question has been debated a gazillion times whether we need metro at this point or not? The answer is right now it's not a good choice as there is not need of rail metro in Pindi-Islamabad so if you could please....
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    Saudi Arabia Plans to Acquire Nuclear Weapons

    what makes you think that nuclear fallout won't affect India and other neighbours. It's quite amazing how many members are posting here about "this nuking that" as if it is something ordinary like brushing teeth. Use of such powerful...
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    Terrorist attacks decrease in Pakistan

    Inshallah Pakistan will be better in coming days.
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    MQM behind Incident of Youhanabad with the help of Indian agencies :- Khushnood

    Apparently it seems as an attempt to divert attention from Karachi operation and provoke violence all over Pakistan
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    Infrastructure Development in Pakistan

    You see here in Pakistan everyone is ready to criticize but not appreciate anything good. In last 5 years of PPP there was not a single project which they completed, atleast this time PML(N) is doing something. I think it's good for us to criticize for the sake of betterment but not just to...
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