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Saudi Arabia Plans to Acquire Nuclear Weapons

Saudis has no intention to acquire nuclear capability at all , this is only to make USA & Israel happy , pressure westerns to stop Iran having nuclear capability .
Because of Iran and its pursuit of nuclear weapons. Remember Israel had nuclear weapons for decades and yet Saudi Arabia didn't do anything in response. But now Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons Saudi Arabia is finally responding.

Two decades ago if the Saudis had claimed that israel possessed nukes you and your felow hypocrites would scream like a banshee denying the truth as you always do, wouldn't you? And of course, at that time the Saudis could never prove that israel had nukes so how could they respond? Now, after Vanunu's disclosure of israel's dirty secret the Saudis have a scope to respond.
No, even if they did pakistan would be turned into ash.

History of the american hegemony tells quite a different story. America respects those powers which can hit back, it is an invincible conqueror to those who cannot defend themselves.

US agrees to sell Saudia , advance tactical version of Nuclear weapons ... the catch ... Saudia can never ever test them unless it had to use them ...

This deal is similar to the F15 plane sales worth 20 billion -40 billion , state of art 1970's fighters sold to Saudia to make it ellite airforce in world :P BRAVO !!!:wave:

Give Pakistan 80 Billion we will give you 10 working Nuclear weapons that is how trade is done

US agrees to sell Saudia , advance tactical version of Nuclear weapons ... the catch ... Saudia can never ever test them unless it had to use them ...

This deal is similar to the F15 plane sales worth 20 billion -40 billion , state of art 1970's fighters sold to Saudia to make it ellite airforce in world :P BRAVO !!!:wave:

Give Pakistan 80 Billion we will give you 10 working Nuclear weapons that is how trade is done

Where did you get this info of "US agress to sell tactical nuclear weapons" thing?? Or is it just your imagination again??
West Nazi Imperialist Crusaders With Jewish Alliance is the only biggest threat to Arab World also with Now Shia Alawite Iran threat is increasing too.........The thing is that Western Nazis and Jews playing Games with Arab and Muslim World but Iran is Serious about taking Control of Arab Nations and Saudi Arabia - Shias 12vers Alawite are more dangerous then Zionist Christian Jewish Alliance
Yes that is the only reason because of which we are not attacked like Afghanistan and Iraq or vietnam and because they know the moment they try to do this Pakistan will use all of its nuclear weapons and will hit all American Allies in our range

you won't survive an american first strike
you won't survive an american first strike
Well if USA attack Pakistan then Pakistan waste India up with out warning thus USA and Europe Loose trillions of $$$ invested in Gay Hind aka Faggot India - If it comes to it
you won't survive an american first strike
what makes you think that nuclear fallout won't affect India and other neighbours. It's quite amazing how many members are posting here about "this nuking that" as if it is something ordinary like brushing teeth. Use of such powerful weapons isn't a sane option in current economic complexion of world where the world is more interlinked than ever and countries depend on each other. Nuking Pakistan are fantasies of some idiotic people who have nothing productive to contribute. P.S Don't forget China.
Saudi Arabia Plans to Acquire Nuclear Weapons - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Saudi Arabia Plans to Acquire Nuclear Weapons

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
First Publish: 12/6/2011, 10:38 AM

Saudi Arabia plans to obtain nuclear weapons, but its nuclear power will be only for “peaceful use,” a former intelligence official said Monday told a security conference on Monday.

"Our efforts and those of the world have failed to convince Israel to abandon its weapons of mass destruction, as well as Iran... therefore it is our duty towards our nation and people to consider all possible options, including the possession of these weapons," said Prince Turki al-Faisal, quoted by AFP.

He added, "A (nuclear) disaster befalling one of us would affect us all."

The Sunni Muslim kingdom last summer said it would build 16 nuclear reactors for energy, but Faisal’s remarks were the first indication, at least in public, that Saudi Arabia may acquire nuclear weapons.

Israel has maintained a policy of “nuclear ambiguity,” meaning it does not confirm or deny assumptions that it has nuclear weapons, perhaps as many as several hundred.

However, Saudi Arabia’s biggest worry is Iran, run by a Shi’ite Muslim regime that openly says it wants to head a new Islamic empire in the Middle East.

The Islamic Republic is on a collision course with the West – and Shi’ite Muslim Arab countries – as it proceeds towards the capability of both manufacturing and delivering a nuclear weapon.

Saudi Arabia focused on peaceful use of nuclear energy at the energy conference in the oil-rich monarchy. “Once our nuclear project is complete and we have satisfied the kingdom’s demand for electricity,” Saudi Arabia plans to export electricity, said Khalid Al-Sulaiman, vice president of renewable energy at King Abdullah City.

As the world looks for alternative energy sources, Saudi Arabia, which produces 20 percent of the world’s crude oil, is looking to a future of not being dependent on oil to keep its economy strong.

They already have it, some 200 nukes I think as western think tank put it
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