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  1. Mr Ak47

    Joshua Wong Tribute Thread

    you can't bring change by being a coward. gandhi , mendela , lincoln made things better for mankind because they had the courage to challenge the powerful .
  2. Mr Ak47

    Joshua Wong Tribute Thread

    that's right mate , sorry for that one really nice quote of his "People should not be afraid of their government. The government should be afraid of their people"...
  3. Mr Ak47

    Joshua Wong Tribute Thread

    common brother , kashmir is an autonomous region and by 70% polling kashmiri people have already given their verdict on the issue . CPC is treating its citizens like slaves , they are denied basic freedom . As a responsible and worlds biggest democracy india must support chinese people .
  4. Mr Ak47

    Joshua Wong Tribute Thread

    india must support this democratic movement in china .
  5. Mr Ak47

    Joshua Wong Tribute Thread

    how is it a troll thread...do you know he could be the times person of the year people eagerly want to know about him.
  6. Mr Ak47

    Joshua Wong Tribute Thread

    great man i hope he wins against an oppressive regime .
  7. Mr Ak47

    Maldives hit by water crisis, India sends help

    indian high commissioner handing over assistance .
  8. Mr Ak47

    BJP MP protests Chinese map depicting parts of Azad Kashmir as part of Pakistan

    don't know how much but when last time we got one a new country was created .
  9. Mr Ak47

    BJP MP protests Chinese map depicting parts of Azad Kashmir as part of Pakistan

    have trust on us..the first opportunity we get we would make you pay for 26/11
  10. Mr Ak47

    BJP MP protests Chinese map depicting parts of Azad Kashmir as part of Pakistan

    who was crying at UN and who has the habit of crying after a fight at LOC
  11. Mr Ak47

    Ajit Doval Lahore Pakistan experience

    relax kid , why do you worry? just sit back and enjoy the show
  12. Mr Ak47

    BJP MP protests Chinese map depicting parts of Azad Kashmir as part of Pakistan

    what do you want him to do drop an agni missile on your little head
  13. Mr Ak47

    Indian Lt. Colonel among 11 soldiers dead in Fidayeen attack in Indian Occupied Kashmir

    not only vigilant but we will also give them a befitting reply once we are done with these polls.
  14. Mr Ak47

    Indian Lt. Colonel among 11 soldiers dead in Fidayeen attack in Indian Occupied Kashmir

    its about time mate..they are already loosing the battle
  15. Mr Ak47

    Indian Lt. Colonel among 11 soldiers dead in Fidayeen attack in Indian Occupied Kashmir

    we should be cautious in our response. All this is being done to spoil the poll atmosphere in kashmir , right now our focus should be on successful elections. Once we are done with that we can respond to these cowards .
  16. Mr Ak47

    Ajit Doval Lahore Pakistan experience

    that will be decided by time my friend
  17. Mr Ak47

    India's 'fightback' sisters and the video questions

    media is the new supreme court of india . Arnab goswami must be declared the chief juctice of india, all those deprived of insaaf don't you worry , your savior is here.
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