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  1. Roni Lishi

    Pakistan Shaheen 3 Can Hit Deep Inside India and Israel

    Wow.... Now that's new info.... I hope this is not Pakistani Physic.... You nut case the distance does not change due to the rotation of Earth.... The Gravitational pull is constant on all the objects.... Its like saying it takes 10 hours to fly to New York from Karachi and only 5 hours to fly...
  2. Roni Lishi

    Russia Lifted Ban From Supplies Of Weapons And Military Equipment To Pakistan

    I am sure Modiji is buying new weapons not just to show in republic days.... Hehehe.... This time it will be 72 Virgins to all of your guys in shortcut... P.S. China and Russia is also fed up of your terror factories....
  3. Roni Lishi

    India-China rivalry

    We will see......
  4. Roni Lishi

    India-China rivalry

    Ones again read the post well... You are repeating what I wrote... Just in a foolish way...
  5. Roni Lishi

    India-China rivalry

    Chinese are saving their face as Indians are saving their nose.... We have much in common but like a reflection on the mirror, opposite in every ways... China has achieved more then whole European countries combined in the last 50 years but lets not jump into conclusions... History has a funny...
  6. Roni Lishi

    Russia Lifted Ban From Supplies Of Weapons And Military Equipment To Pakistan

    Well History has been the teacher... Those countries that helped or allied with Pakistan always got a double doze of terrorism with it.... 1st USA then China and Soon in Russia....
  7. Roni Lishi

    China is Planning to Purge Foreign Technology and Replace With Homegrown Suppliers

    I see this as a good business move by china.... India should also work in this line too.... Although I don't agree to most Chinese arguments, this seems like a great way to support local economy and also keep the country updated... In recent times it has been seen clearly that China has emerged...
  8. Roni Lishi

    CRPF asks govt to replace Insas guns with AK rifles

    The Design and the size of bullet is a very important factor for the type of operation. When it comes to convectional warfare smaller caliber bullets of INSAS will not kill the subject but will keep him out of the game, its a proven technique and is known to all major army that you need more men...
  9. Roni Lishi

    Post project announcement by India, China began troop movement

    I don't think India or any country need to Nuke China or anyone for that matter, China has a long history and a unique culture.... We need to understand and make sure nothing is lost in translation, or else the same case of 1962 ( India- China, Bhai Bhai) will come up ( Bhai in Hindi is Brother...
  10. Roni Lishi

    China Pressures Pakistan to Crack down on Uighur separatists

    Hence the Chinese proverb, "He who digs for others, fall themselves"...... I am sure not too far from now in future, we will see China doing the drone drill in Pakistan, "history and fashion always repeats"....
  11. Roni Lishi

    Post project announcement by India, China began troop movement

    Its funny how Chinese clams are always pictured as right.... I am from Arunachal Pradesh, India.... I don't speak Mandarin or Cantonese for sure and who in his right mind would ever choose to live in a communist system. If Pakistani are so in love with china then I think they should change their...
  12. Roni Lishi

    With India backing , Bhutan PM says China Can’t bully us to settle border on their terms

    I know what u mean cheeky fellow.... But ur dumb *** Confucius ones said, " He who digs hole for others, eventually falls in it"... but in your case drown ( 水) in it.....
  13. Roni Lishi

    With India backing , Bhutan PM says China Can’t bully us to settle border on their terms

    China was ruled by Mongolia so should China be a part of Mongolia too and some parts should go to Japan... Your logic... You might not get proper news in China coz most are censored by your dear leaders and so called one party... You kill Muslims and religious minorities in the name of Communism...
  14. Roni Lishi

    With India backing , Bhutan PM says China Can’t bully us to settle border on their terms

    Hahahahahaha...... Nice... Hey This is so funny, China clams Tibet to be its part including parts of J&K which was donated to China by Pakistan... Now Pakistan wants rest of Kashmir.... I wonder what will happen if they get the whole J&K.... Besides it is Chinese policy to get rid of all the...
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