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  1. T

    10 years ago usa bombed china embassy in Belgrade

    the bombing of China embassy was an accident and it will always be an accident as long as america remain her superiority in military
  2. T

    China buys up rare-earths

    that's why china conspiracy theory exist, however, I believe this news to be unreliable because china has been known for cheaply selling their rare earth resources in the past decades
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    Does America want Pakistan to fail?

    it is to the best interest of us Americans to have Pakistan under our control, instead of in allies with China or India, no matter what consequences it takes, that's what we did to Yugoslavia, Korea, Japan and Middle East furthermore that's why we are the most powerful nation in this world
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    Gurkhas in the Indian Army - images and information

    I fully appreciate your kindly answer, unlike other.....hostile, mocking replies:usflag:
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    Gurkhas in the Indian Army - images and information

    and I shall live in interesting times, but for whatever reason you shall always find me under this flag, my dear chinese friend :usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag:
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    India warns Israel, Russia to meet deadlines or lose defence orders

    United States is a much more reliable military manufacture, India should negotiate with the US on purchasing military technology
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    Gurkhas in the Indian Army - images and information

    And yet it is one of the most ancient civilization who has fallen under a country not even one tenth of its size for over one hundred years, and still one of the most ancient civilization that develop the notorious caste system, and it is one of the most ancient civilization again that has one...
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    Gurkhas in the Indian Army - images and information

    I don't need to look at the mirror, I just need to look at you and yes, from the slums that I saw in India, these soldiers look nothing like the typical Indo-Aryan indians now, how do you like my new attitude if you don't like it, maybe next time you will find the word "civilize" and...
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    Gurkhas in the Indian Army - images and information

    no, I'm pretty sure I have a clear idea of what Indians look like....
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    Gurkhas in the Indian Army - images and information

    why does the soldiers in the pictures look like they are from Indonesia and Phillipines, are you sure they are from India
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    Chinese Army shows signs of resistance against Communism

    According to you extra spending = corrupt = communism
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    China a bigger threat than Pakistan: IAF chief

    The biggest threat to India is population.
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    Have anyone seen this?

    Number is not the determining factor to triumph, besides Indian army are known for their disastrous defeat during the Sino-Indian war, if not that the Chinese leaders are too stupid, the so called Arunachal Pradesh state would still be in the hands of Chinese
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    China's 1st jumbo jet to take off in 8 yrs

    I highly doubt the Europeans and the Americans will support the stereotypical low quality china made jumbo jet
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    China Foreign Policy

    with US support, and under the theory of Chinese conspiracy theory, it is unlikely that the chinese will be able to alter their present territory until they demonstrate the ability and power to threaten US seriously. but before that, western technology blockade and corruptive government will...
  16. T

    Why don't Pak and India come together?

    it is to the best interest of the american, to have india weakening itself while conflicting with pakistan and china distracted when fighting with india. no offense, but that's how we rock
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