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Have anyone seen this?

Waste of money........ the chinese are not going to attack india but i dont know about the indians attacking china though.
Nobody is going to encircle india.
Waste of money........ the chinese are not going to attack india but i dont know about the indians attacking china though.
Nobody is going to encircle india.

Oh thank you very much..!!! But its always better to be prepared rather than be sorrry..!!!! Didnt you read that around 3 lakh soldiers are there in chinese border with india.. wots the big deal in we uping our forces..????
If China has amassed 3 lakh troops in the region then we also need to keep a credible troop presence.It's a good move to keep 100,000 troops in Arunachal Pradesh alone since China always has an eye on it and claims it is their territory.

India won't attack China unless it is forced to but we should not wait another backstabbing or surprize attack by China again.

No one should feel insecure or jealous if we increase our troops.The threats India has needs at least 2 million regular troops but still India is one of the least militarized countries in the world.Just take a look at some of our neighboring countries about the way they keep a high military ratio as per population.

History forces Pakistan to keep big numbers of Forces trained and on the ready, the other choice for Indian is to settle disputes with its neighbors amicably based on fair facts and Democratic rights that India boasts about so cunningly,

As its actions are totally opposite to its propaganda about being the biggest Democracy of the World.

U would be well advised to learn to live with your neighbors in peace than depends on foreigners to help you fight your neighbors, you should read this article and learn from it.

CIA plans to break India by 2015

Sun, Feb 1, 2009

International Affairs

NEW DELHI: Indian army officer, one of the 452 witnesses in the September 29 Malegaon blast case, has revealed in his statement that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had a grand design to split India into smaller independent countries by 2015.

According to an Indian newspaper, the officer said in a statement that he had attended one of the meetings held by the Malegaon blast accused on April 12, 2008 at the Ram temple in Bhopal. The officer from the Army Education Corps said that he was shocked by the proceedings. He added that an ex-Raw personnel, who was present in the meeting, divulged these sinister plans of splitting the nation, based on a similar operation in the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

The witness added that the ex-Raw official also revealed that the CIA had managed to penetrate several departments in India. The officer cautioned the witness that the meeting was being observed by the Intelligence Bureau.

The officer met Lt Col Shrikant Purohit in an official dinner at the Officers’ Mess of AEC training college and centre in the second week of December 2007 at Deolali. He told Purohit about a plan to take premature retirement to develop his village, and establish an old age home.

On January 26, 2008, Purohit asked him to come to Faridabad and meet a few people for his project. There he was introduced to Sameer Kulkarni and the other accused in the Malegaon blast case. Then on April 12, 2008, Purohit called him for a meeting at Ram Mandir. He met all the Malegaon accused and another 20 people, along with the ex-Raw officer and the IB source.

The former RAW officer spoke about the USSR and Purohit spoke about his plans to bring Abhinav Bharat to the fore. Purohit also spoke about Hindu fundamentals and his contacts in Israel and Thailand.

It is pertinent to mention that some of RAW officials were had been spying for US and one of them of was former RAW Joint Secretary Rabindor Singh who remained involved in such activities. On the revelation of his and CIA nexus, he fled form India on US passport via Nepal to US when Indian secret agencies were seeking permission from the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in June 2006 to take any action against him.-SANA
it's not for prevention. no one here has an idea of how much chinese troops have moved along arunachal border.
Number is not the determining factor to triumph, besides Indian army are known for their disastrous defeat during the Sino-Indian war, if not that the Chinese leaders are too stupid, the so called Arunachal Pradesh state would still be in the hands of Chinese
Number is not the determining factor to triumph, besides Indian army are known for their disastrous defeat during the Sino-Indian war, if not that the Chinese leaders are too stupid, the so called Arunachal Pradesh state would still be in the hands of Chinese

Any ways since aruncahal is still with us, we have every right to protect it... and provide adequate security to its people..!!! Since China have very clearly laid their claims on arunahcal..!!!!
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