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  1. kyle Chiang

    China ramps up the pressure on India ahead of possible meeting of foreign ministers

    India is still a country with independent foreign policy.It's not real for America to control this military crisis and China wont drag America in. All the problem is that Indian government maybe cant control it as well.They probably used to cross other countries' boundary habitually without...
  2. kyle Chiang

    China holds massive military parade

    Very common slogans,but full of power and strength Xi:"Hello comrades!Comrades, you are working hard!" The troops bellowed back: "Serve the people!", "Follow the Party!", "Fight to win!" and "Forge exemplary conduct!".
  3. kyle Chiang

    Chinese firecracker market share doubles to 40% in India

    Well,most Chinese dont care this at all.Have fun,pls.
  4. kyle Chiang

    33 giant Chinese infrastructure projects that are reshaping the world

    Thanks for posting such beautiful pics~ The next stage of China will not dominated by huge infrastructures but science development.I'm very glad to see the Pingtang telescope here. If I vote,the Chinese Space Station which will built in 2020 and Chinese Quantum Science Satellite would be my...
  5. kyle Chiang

    Railway in Bangladesh.

    Yeah,with the implement of “One Belt, One Road” strategy,more and more win-win projects will be done. I have bought some "H&M" clothes and pants that made in Bangladesh instead of "Made in China".It's really a good trend that Bangladesh start to show demographic advantages and potentiality...
  6. kyle Chiang

    Railway in Bangladesh.

    Congratulates! Hope the transportation development can help Banglagesh to make great progress.
  7. kyle Chiang

    2016 China National Day

    Long for the holiday~~
  8. kyle Chiang

    Huawei to manufacture smartphones in India

    Congratulates.It's a win-win choice.
  9. kyle Chiang

    Why China Will Lose the War It is Planning

    I think I will understand your words better if you use "such guys". Yeah,what you said means maybe we are similar in some standpoints.:cheers: And when taking about China,we should distinguish the Chinese government(firmly in the charge of CPC) from Chinese society and Chinese nation.It's true...
  10. kyle Chiang

    Why China Will Lose the War It is Planning

    "You guys"?Can you find I ever post such foolish article?It really show how simple your brain is! Chinese population is a huge combination of 1.4 billion singles. I understand you are an anti-Chinese principle man,but I don't think such way of thinking will help you living better. Let's calm...
  11. kyle Chiang

    Why China Will Lose the War It is Planning

    When we write an paper and list some reference documents,it means we agree their opinions and they are credible.Dont you think such article worth reading? Chinese is an multiple population,too.We have many different voices though foreigners usually dont know.If you think some Chinese are not...
  12. kyle Chiang

    Why China Will Lose the War It is Planning

    Don't abandon the premise to think over question. Chinese believe we can defeat America in a self-defense battle which is near our land and to be everlasting. Three reasons: 1.China will avoid confronting America in hard ways as your article said:America is far behind from China in military...
  13. kyle Chiang

    China now world’s third-biggest arms exporter

    Yeah,not bad means just so-so in our language. This news broadcast and disappear soon in Chinese medias.Few people care about that.(595 comments) What Chinese public opinion care most these time is that Burma fighters killed four Chinese people living on the frontiers.(only one little...
  14. kyle Chiang

    China now world’s third-biggest arms exporter

    Actually,most Chinese don't care the ranking is third,forth or tenth.From our education,the number one is good,the else are the same.So,you can see some Chinese athletes feel sad or even cry bitterly when they only get a silver medal in Olympics. In my eyes,China is still behind the starting...
  15. kyle Chiang

    Railway Stations in Pakistan

    I love such views that full of amorous feelings.
  16. kyle Chiang

    China opens its largest embassy overseas in Pakistan

    There is a same news on the Chinese news website PhoenixNet,I translate some top comments in red words.
  17. kyle Chiang

    Now China ready to take partnership with India to higher level: Xi

    1)7.4% mabey is slower for China,but it's the fastest in Asia.We add about one third of Indian economy last year.If you are in China,you will find the answer why it cause slower speed.Gov take more measures to promote technology companie, for example,a new national plan "industrial 4.0"is under...
  18. kyle Chiang

    Now China ready to take partnership with India to higher level: Xi

    From Chinese aspect, 1.Economic slowing down is not a bad news because we have achieve the goal of modernization by huge low-end industries.With wages rising,environmental pollution deteriorating,ect,there is no need to keep such high speed.Turing the economic development model and improving our...
  19. kyle Chiang

    Now China ready to take partnership with India to higher level: Xi

    China has realized that for a long long time.For every country and president,national interest is the top starting point and aim. But I don't think India should must chose one to be ally,whatever China,Japan or America is the power that can help India achieve the target of modernization. As a...
  20. kyle Chiang

    India can help nations like Burma and Sri Lanka in this region - Barack Obama

    Empty words mean nothing,especially the political subject. Modi should catch this opportunity to get more good deals,such as free investment,weapons and so on. However,as American usage,they will never sell at a loss.
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