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    3 Chinese smartphone brands among global Top 5

    This is a great achievement for China. Some posts by Indian members in the beginning is disappointing to see. Lenovo and Xiaomi are getting very popular in India and there is no denying the fact that they are competing neck to neck with established brands like Samsung/Apple/Sony etc. What we...
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    NDTV Exclusive: How Hamas Assembles and Fires Rockets

    I said in my post about the number of civilian casualty being too high to be justified in the name of collateral damage. Rest of your post seems pro Hamas while you conveniently stated in your opening remarks that you don't agree with Hamas actions. What justification can you give when Hamas...
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    M-777 Advertisement in Hindustan Times.

    Infact it is the opposite. While we have agreement on the issue that we lack capability to build ultra light howitzer If we go ahead and but this weapon system we would end up killing any indigenous efforts to build a similar system . All we get in the name of ToT is the non important part which...
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    Nepal social media abuzz as Modi mingles with common people

    I saw the entire speech by Modi and it felt so good hearing a man with conviction and determination. Indo-Nepal ties demand so much more and it is unfortunate that over years we seem to have got stuck with our relations. Modi will certainly provide the much needed impetus which would benefit...
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    NDTV Exclusive: How Hamas Assembles and Fires Rockets

    Talking within the context of the topic at hand how can you term Israel as liars when you have video proof of missiles being fired from densely populated areas?
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    NDTV Exclusive: How Hamas Assembles and Fires Rockets

    Is Hamas not at fault for putting its own people in harm's way? Israel has been right in accusing Hamas of firing rockets from crowded areas and any casualty of civilians while unfortunate can be justified in the name of collateral damage. Agreed that many innocent lives have been lost and in no...
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    M-777 Advertisement in Hindustan Times.

    To my surprise, I saw the advertisement of M-777 Howitzer on the front page of Hindustan Times ( Leading daily) today. Here is the scanned copy Is something cooking behind the curtains? Chuck Hagel is expected to be here next week and I think he would be aggressively making a case for this...
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    India has asked China to cease activities in Azad Kashmir: Jaitley

    Only time would tell. The problem is too big to go away in just one operation. And how do plan to tackle the increasing radicalization among your populace?
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    India has asked China to cease activities in Azad Kashmir: Jaitley

    Not sure if your mind in the right place. Stop feeding the terrorists in your land and the region would be peaceful. India and China can coexist peacefully. After all the US had to come to your land to kill obl. Does that tell you something of who is a nuance in the region?
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    For Pakistan, defeat is that moment when it can no longer resist India

    If the US knows the game then stop the flow of money. Choking the Pakistanis financially would make them agree to your demands. Anyway I found the points made by the writer very interesting. Going by the media reports from Pakistan it gives an impression that the operation is going on...
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    Muslims, Sikhs Clash 2 killed, 6 critical in UP

    And over that our Indian media would keep quit just because they want to be seen as secular. I want the same coverage over this incident as what happened in the Shiv Sena MP case. If our media doesn't pick it up then it would establish that they have some hidden agenda. Muslims in India...
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    Breaking News, Indian soldier killed by Pakistani firing

    RIP Brave Soul. Respond we will.
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    Why Indians are supporting Israel? when their own Leader Mahatma Gandhi was in favour of Palestine.

    Yes. That is how allies are made and that is how INTERESTS are secured. India till today supports the cause of the Palestinians. If you go by our stance on this issue you will notice from the very beginning we have been supporting the cause for the sate for Palestinians. However that does not...
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    Youth killed in anti Israeli protests in Kashmir

    Thank you. I am enlightened.
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    Why Indians are supporting Israel? when their own Leader Mahatma Gandhi was in favour of Palestine.

    Are Indians that effective on PDF that trolling results in pinching nerve of Proud Pakistani guy? And no what is there to feel insecure about? Pakistan has been long supporting Palestine so it does not come as a surprise. Many countries have supported Palestine including many people in India...
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    Youth killed in anti Israeli protests in Kashmir

    We are not the ones needing Jets to bomb terrorists in own country. Do you even have time to worry about India given how Pakistan looks today?
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    Why Indians are supporting Israel? when their own Leader Mahatma Gandhi was in favour of Palestine.

    Speak Logic. You mean to say our Foreign Office would go on making friends with countries who hate Pakistan? If only your mind could think independently for once without having the religion orgasm.
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    Being treated worse than animal in Tihar Jail, claims IM co-founder Yasin Bhatkal

    An Animal is better than this scum. Inevitable is on its way soon. The scum can rot in hell with 72 virgins.
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    Mani-Talk: 'Concern' Over Gaza Conflict? PM Modi, Learn From Nehru

    Mani cannot get over the drubbing his party faced in the Polls. A classic case of tremendous insult when he said Modi would never become the PM of India. All I can see is he just cannot accept the fact that Modi has become the PM. As for the article, I would like to ask him What does Palestine...
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    Ukraine says Malaysian airliner shot down, 295 dead: agency

    I offer my condolences to the people who lost their lives. One of the saddest incidents in our times. I hope the concerned parties in Ukraine crisis can come to an agreement. I have been viewing RT Today as well and its strange that while most of the media is showing the Gaza crisis and there...
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