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  1. M

    ASEAN finally makes united stand on China bold reclamations

    You r an very rational talking Indian. thanks a lot As a matter of fact, China always offer to share the resources with them under the table. as a rising power ,SCS strategically so vital for us, we need to control it to be a safe yard for our nuclear submarines , you know we also gonna have...
  2. M

    Why China needs to listen to Lee Kuan Yew

    Agree,it's position contribute to it's success. Also highly efficient government stable society, successful education system ,high quality skilled workers.... Difference race live peacefully in a Chinese dominated society.many factor make them succeed
  3. M

    Why China needs to listen to Lee Kuan Yew

    Some yong kids behavior here make me sad,they r so aggressive and overreact,uncivil. They think only they are the true Chinese nationalist.but they lack of true Chinese character and old virtues ,never be great full to someone who ever helped.never listen ,tolerate different opinion,never be...
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    Why China needs to listen to Lee Kuan Yew

    Lky deserve respect from us. We learned a lot from Singapore. Even Deng Xiaoping respect him. As a country like Singapore, wants to survive have to deal with two giant Us and China smartly, and we should understand it has its own national interest which may not let China happy.
  5. M

    Vietnamese communists call for end to communism

    can you read Chinese? How do you think about this article ? 张维为:西方民主真的该吃药了 ——观察者网专访张维为教授 2014-04-11 07:25:49 关键字 >> 张维为经济学人反思西方民主市场原教旨主义西方民主民主模式颜色革命会诊西式民主...
  6. M

    In China, we have brothers! In the West, we are slaves!

    don't worry,China government are rational,majority of silent Chinese people are rational. taiwan reunification with mainland is China's core interest and would benefit both Taiwan and Mailand,and no any other party can stop it even America. that doesn't mean mainland has been doing good enough...
  7. M

    In China, we have brothers! In the West, we are slaves!

    Hi,all my dear fellow Chinese strategist ,may I offer my humble opinion . Chinese government has settled down all the land border with all our neighbors except India,(,if my memory doesn't go wrong.) , including Mongolia and and acknowledge their sovereignty,.No matter how long past in the...
  8. M

    China readies for a sharp short war with Japan

    Tell you some truth you don't know! My father service as PLA soldier in 1960-1980 , the troop was PLA 65th antiaircraft cannon division . In late 60's, the whole Division moved into Vietnam to shoot the America planes,to protect Vietnamese Sky. But they were wearing Vietcong's uniform,pretend...
  9. M

    "Chinese" demand apology as Indonesian communist-purge film gets Oscar nod !

    As a civilized country and mature society,we should have courage to face dark side of history,no matter China or Indonisia,aknowlede the mistake and learn from it ,reconciliation
  10. M

    "Chinese" demand apology as Indonesian communist-purge film gets Oscar nod !

    Haha,as I know they killed child and raped tortured then killed women from age 5 to 80,are they a threat to the rest of Indonisian, How many are innocent,did the killers care?how about u,DO YUO CARE,,,,,,!!!??
  11. M

    "Chinese" demand apology as Indonesian communist-purge film gets Oscar nod !

    Now the movie has been viewed world wide,and brutal truth has been revealed,(thanks to those Indonisian film maker,you make me still believe that have hope and prospect further for Indonesia ),the question is ,if Indonisia government under pressure to bring the killer to justice,say this...
  12. M

    "Chinese" demand apology as Indonesian communist-purge film gets Oscar nod !

    Time has passed,Mao era is long gone. China government at present would protect our citizen,and would make people more and more proud being Chinese.
  13. M

    "Chinese" demand apology as Indonesian communist-purge film gets Oscar nod !

    It frightened me to think the whole Indonisia not doing anything to punish these killers,and what make them proud of killing, How they gonna prevent this happen again?Otherwise those Indonisia Chinese died for nothing. If chaos erupt again ,will Chinese fall into victim again,even they are...
  14. M

    "Chinese" demand apology as Indonesian communist-purge film gets Oscar nod !

    o r Just want to know why the killers not been brought to justice,did they commit murder under Indonisia law,from the movie,why they still not punished,and feel proud of killing
  15. M

    "Chinese" demand apology as Indonesian communist-purge film gets Oscar nod !

    well,Isarel win respect and people's heart of treating Jewish people in foreign contry, and the effort to hunt the Nazis.Is anything China can learn from them?
  16. M

    "Chinese" demand apology as Indonesian communist-purge film gets Oscar nod !

    sorry for poor English. For so many years visiting Pdf, I have to say i have enough for Chinnese 'high Iq'er , yes we are smart ,very inteligent ,just lack of wisdom, the way we talk,the logic, the' civilized maner',make thing worse,
  17. M

    "Chinese" demand apology as Indonesian communist-purge film gets Oscar nod !

    feel pain deeply for indonisia-chinese suffering ,just hope history not reapeat. some chinese poster make me shame . we should rather losing debate than humanity.
  18. M

    Is Singapore heading for a major melt down ?

    Your shouldn't give up your hope for Homeland,neither we Chinese ,
  19. M

    Is Singapore heading for a major melt down ?

    Hope Huawei,high speed train .etc,,,,, can change their opinion slowly.
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