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In China, we have brothers! In the West, we are slaves!

Taiwnese could considered themselves ans Chinese in ethnicity, but they could be separate citizens, like Englishman in USA, they are now American, USA citizens and not be UK citizens.

Only mad chinese can say that they could nuke Vietnam to stone age. Only such mad men chinese copied idea of US imperialists in time of Vietnam war. Chinese were enslaved by Imperialists and invaders in the past. Civilized Chinese don't say that.
don't worry,China government are rational,majority of silent Chinese people are rational.
taiwan reunification with mainland is China's core interest and would benefit both Taiwan and Mailand,and no any other party can stop it even America.
that doesn't mean mainland has been doing good enough to win theirs heart though.
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How are you going to project that power? The United States will just laugh. They love killing Viet children as you can see with Agent Orange. They even armed Pol Pot against Vietnam.

My Taiwanese partner told to me that the production chains in mainland coastal provinces is in hand of Taiwanese. Base on logic of Martianz, mainland chinese are slaves of Taiwanese.

It's good for us that you and your partner are all in day dream, keep dreaming. :D
Taiwanese are slaves of the West?
It's only a matter of time before unification. Whether that's under the communist regime or a western back Taiwan is up in the air.
How are you going to project that power? The United States will just laugh. They love killing Viet children as you can see with Agent Orange. They even armed Pol Pot against Vietnam.

US went home, they could laugh or cry when US soldiers were also effected.

Chinese backed Khmer Rouge and armed then to attack us. Chinese were dirty enemy, you did not dare not facing with US paper tiger, just opened big mouth blaa and blaa.
Taiwnese could considered themselves ans Chinese in ethnicity, but they could be separate citizens, like Englishman in USA, they are now American, USA citizens and not be UK citizens.

Only mad chinese can say that they could nuke Vietnam to stone age. Only such mad men chinese copied idea of US imperialists in time of Vietnam war. Chinese were enslaved by Imperialists and invaders in the past. Civilized Chinese don't say that.

You tell the truth.
Regarding "nuke", I think they were just kidding, don't take it seriously, this is internet you know.:D

No offence, but I have to say that there is no none-nuke country can push China into using nuke to protect herself, in other words, China can win any conventional war against any country , inculding US, Russia, not to mention Jap, India ....etc etc.

if you can do it, suicidal re attacks shall be done for revenges in all Nuke power plants in China.:p:

Hi kids, stop fighting and it's time for orange juice. :cheers:
In China, we have brothers! In the West, we are slaves!

In ten years, the issue of China-Taiwan reunification will become a serious topic. Firstly, the GDP per capita between China and Taiwan would have narrowed considerably. Secondly, China's economic and military might will be overwhelming. Reunification under the "One Country, Two Systems" becomes highly probable.

However, China-Taiwan reunification will need a good slogan. In ten years, most people would have forgotten about the pro-Russian Crimean protester. Now is a good time to give the guy credit, because I intend to borrow his slogan in the future.

Look at the big smile on his face. He knows he has the coolest political slogan ever.


Russian Forces Flood Crimea; Ukraine Warns of War - NBC News


Pro-Russian protesters with Russian flags take part in a rally in central Donetsk March 1, 2014. The banner reads, "In Russia, we have brothers, In Europe, we are slaves."
In China, we have brothers! In the West, we are slaves!

In ten years, the issue of China-Taiwan reunification will become a serious topic. Firstly, the GDP per capita between China and Taiwan would have narrowed considerably. Secondly, China's economic and military might will be overwhelming. Reunification under the "One Country, Two Systems" becomes highly probable.

However, China-Taiwan reunification will need a good slogan. In ten years, most people would have forgotten about the pro-Russian Crimean protester. Now is a good time to give the guy credit, because I intend to borrow his slogan in the future.

Look at the big smile on his face. He knows he has the coolest political slogan ever.


You are very naive to think that the freedom seeking masses of Pakistan would prefer a Communist governance system vs. a free enterprise, personal freedoms republican democracy style of government.

Pakistan has welcome I am sure business partnerships with mainland China, as well a with France, the US and other nations.

But the world standard for democracy remains the US, whether the President is named Bush or Obama.
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