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In China, we have brothers! In the West, we are slaves!

They are doing for their own profit first.

You'd be surprised. Taiwanese citizens even gave Filipinos $25 million after their Typhoon. The average Taiwanese person with regard to China is probably somewhat afraid but generally benign towards the people. If Taiwanese people invest in China solely for profit it's generally not any different than how they treat their workers at home. But a large number of Taiwanese people have relatives on the mainland and at the very least want to help them.

While the modern achievement in China, over 90% of the credits should go to CPC's leadership.

A lot of it is due to the hard work and intelligence of the people, of course.

To lift a per capita of a 23 million Taiwan is easy, while to lift the per capita of a 1.3 billion Mainland China is a completely different story.

It's not easy at all to lift the per capita GDP of 23 million people, but clearly the CCP has set a historical precedent.
I picked the ROC flag because that's the place I grew up. Chinese people anywhere that aren't traitors are my people, and that includes Tibetans, Miao, Zhuang etc. Anyone but the fucking Uyghur - maybe some of them are decent.

With China getting stronger and providing them the better living standard, most minorities are willing to stick with us.

No matter it is ROC or PRC, China always needs to be ruled by a strong authotarian goverment and cannot blindly copy the western capitalism.

In fact, the early KMT also preferred the authotarian type of centralized government, while the strategic industries being controlled by the government.

It was that Jap SOB Lee Teng-Hui broke the backbone of KMT by implementing the western democrazy in Taiwan and privatized all the major SOEs.
Lee Teng-hui is an embarrassment and a joke.

some said the reason that the terrorist choosing to attack Yunnan province. Is related to shadian.

Why would they do that though? The Uyghur have always hated the Hui and discriminated against them, and the perpetrators are definitely some kind of disgusting mongrel, not Hui.

Perhaps the CIA is trying to have Uyghur extremists spread their contagion to the Hui. Something to watch out for.
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You are pretty crazy!

Why should China annex them? No one in China ever have a think or desire to do so.
take it easy...Martian and shuttler are the best clowns here on the forum. :jester:

Annexation is the only counter-strategy to America's containment policy

As many of you know, I only drop by PDF once in a long while. The reason is I don't like wasting my time arguing with a bunch of empty-headed numbskulls.

The military issue is very simple. How can China respond to America's containment policy along its southern flank?

If China does nothing, it will be boxed in militarily and economically along its entire southern border. No strategist or general will sit there and do nothing while the enemy prepares for war (such as India building atomic nuclear weapons and nuclear submarines; Vietnam buying Russian Kilo submarines).

Rome's experience with Carthage proves that annexation is the only viable policy. Rome fought three Punic Wars with Carthage for over 100 years. Eventually, Rome realized the only solution is to smash the Carthaginians and annex their territory.

With the benefit of Roman experience, China will ultimately conclude that annexation of Vietnam, Myanmar, and India is the only viable solution.

China defeated India in 1962 (which is the Chinese version of the first Roman-Carthage Punic War). What happened afterwards? India is arming itself to the teeth with billions of dollars of new high-tech foreign weaponry. India is illegally pursuing thermonuclear weapons. Thus, the next Sino-Indian war must be the final one.

I have offered the idea of annexation to counter the three countries that are participants in America's containment strategy. I will continue to voice my opinion in the mainstream media. The counter-strategy of annexation is not going away.

My suggestion to annex Vietnam on Global Times.

Vietnam dancing between US alliance and Chinese brotherhood - Asian Review - Globaltimes.cn



My suggestion to annex Myanmar on BusinessWeek (from a month ago).

China's Oil Pipeline Through Myanmar Brings Energy—and Resentment - Businessweek



My declaration on the illegality of India's occupation of South Tibet/Arunachal Pradesh on BusinessWeek. I'll get around to proposing annexing India in future comments.

India Frontrunner Modi Slams China Expansion Amid Poll Gain (3) - Businessweek


very good plan. just a minor issue:
pls tell the current host country America where you live at present to abolish arms embargo on Vietnam.

Perhaps we are too nice to China. If Vietnam acts more hostile to China, the US will not only drop arms embargo but delivers sophisticated weapons to Vietnam. I think that is the precondition.
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New Champa will be the most independent :D They will go back to kicking you in your ambiguous private parts as they had for 100s of years :D
I don´t know where the Han came from, but you should know the Cham came from Indonesia about one thousand year ago, and they had been annihiated at the end of the day by the Viets.
I don´t know where the Han came from, but you should know the Cham came from Indonesia about one thousand year ago, and they had been annihiated at the end of the day by the Viets.

Nice racist extermination there - they weren't in your land. Many Cham still live in Hainan island, by the way.
Nice racist extermination there - they weren't in your land. Many Cham still live in Hainan island, by the way.
your previous post cheered them when they invaded Vietnam and killed our people. where is your sympathy for Vietnam?
yes, they faced extermination after converting to islamist terrorists.
your previous post cheered them when they invaded Vietnam and killed our people. where is your sympathy for Vietnam? yes, they faced extermination after converting to islamist terrorists.

I cheered them for repelling your attacks several times (along with the Khmer). Not for when they invaded and attacked Vietnamese people.
I cheered them for repelling your attacks several times (along with the Khmer). Not for when they invaded and attacked Vietnamese people.
they attacked us, we attacked them, so the nature of war.

In year 1371 the army troop under the Cham King Che Bong Nga even successfully conquered Hanoi. Che launched 10 invasions into Vietnam. Just bad for him: at the end of the day, he was killed at a decisive naval battle.
so Vietnam expanded to the South and West and still thinks its the victim? There was mutual war, but Vietnam has always been trying to expand in all directions just like its Southeast Asian neighbors.

And by the time Cham was finally extinguished they were well on the defensive following a few hundred years of tense peace. Vietnam was just being a bully as usual.
blahblahblah, American propaganda, blah blah blah. Sounds like Kim il-Sung and the Vietcong turned the invading whites into mincemeat.

That is some creative history, Austronesians lived all over the coasts in Indochina and have for a long time.

Mainland of South East Asian, Indo-China peninsula belong to Mon/Khmer language speaking people, included Vietnamese as part of the Mon–Khmer branch of the Austroasiatic language family There are some caves with Paleolithic remains typified dating back from 28,000 BC to 8,000 BC.

The people of Champa were descended from Malayo-Polynesian settlers who appear to have reached the Southeast Asian mainland from Borneo about the time of the Sa Huynh culture in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC. They came to Indo-China peninsula too late.

History of Champa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

we taken back our land,
In that case, shouldn't you be taking Assam and other parts of India too? Does Cambodia also belong to Vietnam? Just wondering.
take it easy...Martian and shuttler are the best clowns here on the forum. :jester:

very good plan. just a minor issue:
pls tell the current host country America where you live at present to abolish arms embargo on Vietnam.

Perhaps we are too nice to China. If Vietnam acts more hostile to China, the US will not only drop arms embargo but delivers sophisticated weapons to Vietnam. I think that is the precondition.

Because you cannot afford to become hostile towards China.

In that case, shouldn't you be taking Assam and other parts of India too? Does Cambodia also belong to Vietnam? Just wondering.

They even have the ambition to take the southern part of China, but it will always remain as a dream for these weak day dreamers.
so Vietnam expanded to the South and West and still thinks its the victim? There was mutual war, but Vietnam has always been trying to expand in all directions just like its Southeast Asian neighbors.

And by the time Cham was finally extinguished they were well on the defensive following a few hundred years of tense peace. Vietnam was just being a bully as usual.
we are not the bully. Learning more history would help you.
the Cham people were far from being peaceful. They not only attacked Vietnam but also the Angkor Kingdom.

in year 1470 the Chams had converted from Hinduism to Islam. Their radical belief not only threatened confucism/buddhism Vietnam but also the other buddhist countries in the region: Laos, Cambodia, Siam and Burma. Plus the Cham looked for a closer tie with the Ming in China. All of these let Vietnam no choice but eliminate them forever.

Imagine what happened if China had all neighbors with Muslim population?
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