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  1. S

    Hunger and Poverty in Pakistan Declined During Musharraf Years

    Musheraff was in power for 10 years, so doubling per capitia income in 10 years is not such a great achievement. Also the Oil Crises in 2009 burned pakistan, musheraff govt spend billions of rupees subsiding petrol, so when price of oil went up govt went bankrupt. Musheraff delayed important...
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    Hunger and Poverty in Pakistan Declined During Musharraf Years

    Im sick of Musheraff taking credit for the economic boom A) Sanctions removed - No credit to his diplomacy, credit to 9/11 B) American Aid provided a stimulus around 2% of GDP(aid stopped in 2008) - No credit his economic policies, credit war on terror Ayub Khan did the same trick...
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    Soap Operas and Schools Bring Turkish Culture to Pakistan

    We need to put quotas on foreign TV imports like China. Im not wahabi but TV should be family friendly till at least 10PM. Most of Pakistan Media is owned by people who dont live in pakistan and trying to fight a cultural war. Dramas that encourage extra marital affairs or women wearing little...
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    Zaid Hamid have a question for PTI

    First of all its a low blow to use religious quotes to suggest Imran Khan is doing something wrong and portray him as un islamic Secondly, MNA are not appointed Directors of the Civil Service or Government. The Role of the MNA is to represent the economic,political and security interests of the...
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    I grew up Hating India: Imran Khan

    Hatred of India is based on Indian Policy Pakistanis dont hate Indians as Individuals , but as a Society On your own your great people, but when you form a group your true colonial mindset is exposed. On Pakistani sites Indians make positive thats not the case on websites like Times of...
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    Republicans sharply criticize Pakistan in debate

    not really Policy Makers in Washington dont change with Party Same think thanks create advisors for both parties Unless Ron Paul or that John Huntsman is elected Foreign Policy with Pakistan, will be decided by the Military Industrial Complex ( Pentagon) Most americans have no idea about...
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    Australia says no plans to sell uranium to Pakistan

    AQ Khan obviously didnt do a good job..Iran and Libya still dont have nukes Morris Cohen on the other hand is a far bigger proliferator There is no such thing as reputation in Foreign Affairs, just how america paints you West is clearly trying to boost India. Pakistan shouldve...
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    Australia says no plans to sell uranium to Pakistan

    Pakistan should put pressure on Australia. Make it clear we will suspend all intel sharing and even threaten economic ties If Australia is forced to make a decision between India and Pakistan, my guess is they will decided to remain neutral a small country like UAE punished Canada a few years...
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    Imran Khan Supporting his younger Brother

    Think of its this way Imran Khan is building a pro pakistan lobby in the UK Jews hate Christian evangelicals , yet they still pretend to love them. Ofcourse this guy will not represent interest of muslims. he will represent interest of the people who voted for him thats how the election...
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    Zulfikar Ali Bhutto responsible for 1971 break-up of Pakistan: Musharraf

    Bhutto didnt change constitution, his party did. With full support of the public or some cases due to public pressure. Its normall to pass new laws. One of Bhutto's greatest achievements is a consensus constitution. He never beat up his own ministers,ego clashes are a part of Democracy. nawaz...
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    Zulfikar Ali Bhutto responsible for 1971 break-up of Pakistan: Musharraf

    Very Old thread I know, but someone mentioned this to me , so I thought to add my thoughts. J&K Operation failed because we as usual failed at grand strategy . Army Does one thing, Navy does one thing,SSG does one thing, ISI does one thing there is no coordination . In America the Army has its...
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    I grew up Hating India: Imran Khan

    Pakistanis grew up hating India for number of reasons from Kashmir,Jundagh to no sharing joint assets as well as a crippiling gaza style blockade. Pakistan luckily had borders with other countries otherwise no doubt Nehru thought he could stare and bankrupt Pakistani Industries into submission...
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    Why Pakistan Needs India Now

    There is no need to increase trade with India. India will just dump all its excess goods into pakistan creating problems for pakistani manufacturers ,also when dealing with such a larger country it will undermine pakistan sovereignty. Pakistan India trade may be 2 billion but some 80% of is...
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    Who Are the Real Hijackers of Islam?

    PetroIslam Islamic Extremist have no morals, so whenever someone come to power and they have no real support amongst the population and no real economic or social policy they use the islam card to get support of extremist parties.It also allows them to avoid the democracy by calling it...
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    Lawyers shower Pakistan governor's assassin with rose petals

    well now we are straying into religious discussions. You have to use your own intelligence to see who is fake. The best way to catch fake mullahs is when they are hypocrites or spend more time talking about violence than love for me that means they loose all credibility. Im not too sure if can...
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    Lawyers shower Pakistan governor's assassin with rose petals

    Innocent until proven guilty. Its not about personal affiliation its about rule of law. and none of them apart from Nawaz Shariff are actual tyrants.
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    Lawyers shower Pakistan governor's assassin with rose petals

    You have perfectly summed up the problem of pakistan. Pakistan Religious parties dont want to teach their followers about the essential messages of islam like being a better neighbor and paying taxes but are obsessed with women and minorities. Yes. The Prophet PBUH and anyone he directly...
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    Lawyers shower Pakistan governor's assassin with rose petals

    so what ? those pictures show nothing. The far right in Pakistan is as crazy as far right in America. She is 'half naked' or rather just wearing a swim suit. Which is a private pool not a public one.as for the man, its not with mens it one man, who could be her brother ?. husband anyone you...
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    What could have PAF done in Kargil war

    Kargil was a small border incident pakistan did not want to activate the full war machinery as it would have resulted in all out war, india on the other hand had gone to full war mode. and yes, pakistan activated its nukes, and forced india to cease fire
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    Mulana Sufi Muhammad Arrested

    this is good news, the traitor should be executed... he said he would 'wage jihad' against taliban if they broke the swat peace deal instead he joined in the trouble and went back to spreading his hate
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